
    盗亦有道电影下载 哆啦a梦伴我同行种子 绝代艳后下载 火影忍者481下载 死神来了5下载地址 私人定制迅雷下载 画皮2高清迅雷下载 硬汉3下载 十全九美电影下载 泰囧720p 西游记之大圣归来迅雷 赏金猎人全集下载 追影下载 最后的女巫猎人下载 猎仇者下载 复仇者联盟dvd下载 变身男女rmvb下载 林肯律师bd 爱看影院电影天堂 四大名捕大结局下载 快车电影下载网站 通灵神探 迅雷下载 女人的香气下载 dyit 清潭洞爱丽丝下载 www.2014天堂 潜罪犯粤语高清下载 潜罪犯粤语迅雷下载 牛胆神偷字幕下载 潜罪犯粤语完整版 牛胆神偷下载 河东狮吼1下载 巨人捕手杰克bd高清 变节 潜罪犯 下载 最后巫师猎人迅雷下载 变形金刚4bd 电影画皮2下载 赤道电影下载 赤道电影迅雷下载 赤道电影迅雷种子下载 潜行狙击潜罪犯粤语 大海啸鲨口逃生字幕 破晓下下载 藏獒多吉迅雷下载 我是证人 迅雷下载 精灵旅社2 迅雷下载 藏獒多吉下载 匹夫迅雷下载 保持缄默迅雷下载 火影忍者下载 高清 白蛇传说高清下载 猿族崛起迅雷下载 下载电影的免费网站 危城 电影迅雷下载 电锯惊魂7高清下载 11天堂电影网 逃离德黑兰 高清 好女春华下载 我要下电影 中国合伙人下载地址 迅搜电影 巨人捕手杰克高清bd 隐婚男女 下载 追爱电影 下载 战国迅雷下载 风声 高清下载 精舞门2电影下载 人狼大战 迅雷 塔拉星球之战下载 最新电i影 深海之战mp4 与王一夜下载 宝岛双雄下载 全球热恋 下载 全球热恋mp4下载 独自等待电影下载 里约奥运会开幕式下载 电影下载3gp 绝色武器下载 冲上云霄电影版下载 快乐的大脚2迅雷下载 3gp电影网站 3gp格式电影下载 3gp电影天堂 叶问3粤语迅雷下载 dytt电影 白蛇传说bd 八星抱喜粤语版 四大名捕3迅雷种子 匹夫高清下载 赤道电影高清迅雷下载 第三种爱情 迅雷下载 地心游记2高清下载 狼图腾电影迅雷下载 狼图腾电影完整版bt 复仇者联盟迅雷种子 成为简奥斯汀中英 地心游记2下载 战马高清迅雷下载 疯狂的赛车高清下载 龙门飞甲 电影天堂 匹夫电影下载 人狼大战电影下载 微爱之渐入佳境下载 miss欧巴桑迅雷下载 好汉两个半第九季24 我是路人甲电影下载 王朝的女人杨贵妃下载 高海拔之恋粤语高清 精舞门2下载 甲方乙方中文字幕 万物生长迅雷下载 迷宫的十字路口下载 电影天堂3gp 九层妖塔电影下载 九层妖塔电影迅雷下载 小爸爸高清迅雷下载 车在囧途迅雷下载 hawking下载 狗狗心事下载 大侦探福尔摩斯2 bd 整容日记下载 3gp电影迅雷下载 黄金大劫案电影下载 3gp电影下载网 遍地狼烟迅雷下载 美人鱼电影迅雷下载 龙门飞甲下载迅雷 大话天仙下载 超能太监 迅雷下载 冲锋车 720p 痞子英雄2迅雷下载 快乐的大脚2下载 新闻编辑室第二季09 吸血鬼日记第四季24 讯雷看电影下载 咱们结婚吧电影版下载 冲锋车迅雷下载 2017央视春晚下载 小时代4 下载 叶问3迅雷下载地址 港囧 迅雷高清下载 港囧 迅雷下载 死神271下载 一个勺子 迅雷下载 一代宗师bd 喜气洋洋过蛇年下载 搜索 电影下载 2016春晚下载 电视剧夫妻那些事下载 avt天堂电影网 死神来了5 bd 杜拉拉升职记 电影下载 水平线上的阴谋下载 战国高清下载 yesorno下载 孙悟空三打白骨精迅雷 孙悟空三打白骨精下载 特工绍特高清下载 全球热恋迅雷下载 1942电影高清下载 101次求婚高清下载 12金鸭下载 1942电影迅雷下载 澳门风云3 720p 消失的子弹 粤语 夏洛特烦恼完整版下载 X战警(逆转未来) 720p 催眠大师 720p 画皮2迅雷地址 画皮2迅雷高清 画皮2电影迅雷下载 走着瞧高清下载 无价之宝粤语下载 苍蝇小侠 粉爱粉爱你下载 大圣归来 迅雷下载 大圣归来 种子 快车电影网 大圣归来种子 泰迪熊2迅雷高清下载 中国好声音第二期下载 超感警探第六季13 冒牌老爸高清下载 冒牌老爸迅雷下载 黑影下载 起风了 宫崎骏 下载 露水红颜迅雷下载 天将雄师电影下载 饮食男女2012下载 听风者迅雷下载 逃离德黑兰 720p 听风者下载 theking2hearts下载 3gp 电影 x战警 逆转未来下载 画皮2rmvb下载 异形战场下载 港囧下载地址 3gp免费电影 3gp格式的电影下载 复仇者联盟2种子下载 莫斯科2017下载 高海拔之恋ii粤语 高海拔之恋ii下载 港囧电影迅雷下载 画皮2qvod高清下载 三打白骨精 迅雷下载 普罗米修斯 bd 前任2备胎反击战下载 普罗米修斯高清版 毒战 2013完整板 暴疯语迅雷下载 毒战bd高清完整版 暴疯语下载 致青春种子 咦哇哦电影下载 飓风营救2 720p 港囧高清下载 来自星星的你20下载 1942电影完整版下载 暴走神探下载 豚鼠特工队高清下载 豚鼠特工队电影下载 大圣归来迅雷种子下载 av天堂网 bt下载 痞子英雄第二部下载 临时同居迅雷下载 怦然星动 迅雷下载 栀子花开电影下载 栀子花开迅雷下载 变形金刚4下载地址 宋家皇朝下载 失败者高清 道士下山电影迅雷下载 好命先生迅雷下载 灵魂战车2高清下载 毒战高清下载 中国好声音第二季下载 毒战 2013 完整版 毒战迅雷高清下载 兰戈高清下载 改编剧本下载 走着瞧 迅雷下载 绝海的侦探dvd 绝海的侦探 下载 遍地狼烟电视剧下载 泡沫之夏迅雷下载 后厨高清下载 魔警迅雷下载 捉妖记 720p 电影天堂快车下载 绝海的侦探完整版 太平公主秘史全集下载 我的左眼见到鬼下载 福尔摩斯2高清下载 红色机尾下载地址 红颜露水下载 绝对达令下载 隋朝来客迅雷下载 那年冬天起风了16 电影想要网 想爱就爱迅雷下载 陨落星辰第三季10 贞子缠身下载 我爱hk喜上加囍qvod 迅雷电影下载 免费 环形使者高清完整版 泰囧 迅雷 大魔术师 电影天堂 扑克王国语下载 私人定制电影下载 可爱的你下载 欧美最新影视 大武生 电影天堂 周星驰美人鱼下载 至暗之时下载 河东狮吼2电影下载 隐形将军全集下载 藏獒多吉高清下载 王朝的女人 迅雷下载 美女武士迅雷下载 杜拉拉升职记迅雷下载 少年班 720p 跑出一片天下载 斯巴达克斯第三季07 斯巴达克斯第三季10 社交网络高清下载 新福尔摩斯 qvod 致青春电影下载 致青春高清迅雷下载 林肯 电影下载 网际快车电影下载 国光帮帮忙20130101 动物总动员迅雷下载 泰囧 bd 恶棍天使迅雷下载地址 动物总动员高清下载 动物总动员国语下载 天将雄师 720p 金陵十三钗下载地址 万有引力迅雷下载 画皮2 720p 青春荷尔蒙完整版 火影忍者379下载 电影四大名捕下载 林肯律师下载 乌云背后的幸福线电影 乌云背后的幸福线bd 生化危机 诅咒下载 摇摆的婚约下载 钢铁苍穹高清下载 电影之家2013 厨子戏子痞子bd 绝世好bra下载 一代宗师 bd standby下载 失恋33天下载 迅雷 失恋33天 bd 讯雷电影 想爱就爱 下载 车在囧途 下载 疾风影院 门第 下载 下载小爸爸 讯雷影视 第三种爱情迅雷下载 镜中人电影 垂直极限2 过年好 下载 爱爱囧事 下载 电影时尚女魔头 仁显王后的男人 下载 美味关系 下载 免费高清影视下载 荒野猎人 ed2k 加勒比海盗4国语版 恋离飞翼下载 盗亦有道2012 虎王归来mp4 张智霖演唱会下载 耶稣受难记迅雷 异空危情下载 异空危情迅雷下载 狼狈伴郎中文字幕 帮帮我爱神下载 爱情公寓第2季下载 快乐的大脚高清下载 快乐的大脚国语配音 兵临城下之大敌当前 鸣人之死下载 鸣人之死xiazai 2011年春晚下载 关于莉莉周的一切bd 异形封锁线下载 大敌当前下载 柴犬奇迹物语下载 预见未来 高清 步步惊情全集下载 色戒 电影完整版下载 色戒免费下载 冲上云霄2华丽着落 火影忍者356下载 杰克逊 this is it 埃及王子高清下载 艺术家高清下载 十二星座离奇事件bd 欲海情魔温丝莱特 变身男女下载地址 厕所女神下载 致命复活粤语迅雷下载 诛仙青云志迅雷下载 2012hk喜上加喜 盗墓笔记12集下载 赵氏孤儿案全集下载 车手高清下载 怒海潜将下载 奥斯陆八月未央 埃及王子迅雷下载 2009年国庆阅兵下载 变形金刚国语版下载 异形大战阿凡达下载 金刚狼前传高清 色戒未删完整版下载 铁甲钢拳 高清 冰海沉船电影下载 夺命金高清下载 莉莉周的一切 下载 暮光之城4破晓下载 第三类接触高清 不可不信缘迅雷下载 3e影院 幻城免费下载 609猛鬼附身下载 色戒 电影完整版 bt 3e影视 台北飘雪迅雷下载 再一次心跳高清下载 斯巴达克斯第一季13 死亡笔记电影版下载 3e迅雷电影 预见未来高清 eee4c 恋了爱了下载 亲密敌人下载 3eee电影 优势合作迅雷下载 游客止步高清下载 1280电影网 向着胜利前进迅雷下载 扑克王迅雷下载 爱情公寓第二季高清 眼镜蛇的崛起bd 夜惊魂 下载 2009年国庆大阅兵下载 人鬼情未了电影下载 人性污点下载 家产电视剧下载 战雷迅雷下载 车手粤语高清下载 恋爱星求人国语 法网狙击下载地址 疯狂赛车电影下载 斯巴达300勇士国语 免费电视连续剧下载 银行抢劫案bd 画壁rmvb下载 舞出真我3d 别惹我小亲亲 蜜桃成熟33d下载 冲浪企鹅国语配音 艺术家 电影 下载 艺术家 迅雷下载 暂告安全高清 2013年春节联欢晚会下载 电影大笑江湖下载 东成西就2011迅雷下载 搜索电影高清完整版百度影音 怒海潜将bd 柴犬奇迹物语粤语版 古宝奇缘下载 孤零飘落燕 下载 早安总统下载 2012喜上加喜下载 墨水心下载 114电影网下载站 this is it 高清 钢琴之森迅雷下载 宿醉大丈夫 x战警前传金刚狼bd 求婚的恶魔 不义之财迅雷下载 大电影之数百亿下载 新宿事件高清 新宿事件电影下载 正义联盟判决下载 yes or no2下载 异星战场bd下载 寻找成龙下载 寻找成龙迅雷下载 贝利亚银河帝国下载 囧探查过界下载 33d蜜桃成熟下载 一号公敌 超完美谋杀案下载 407猛鬼航班3d 十六个愿望下载 老九门迅雷高清下载 2014春晚下载 等待绽放下载 3e电影下载 降临之子完全版下载 抹布女也有春天下载 冲出亚马逊高清国语电影下载 下载大内密探零零狗 极品前男友迅雷下载 对她说电影下载 this is it电影下载 this is it下载 红色机尾高清 独行侠江湖伏霸 帮帮我 爱神 迷情公寓 下载 台北飘雪下载 移魂女郎下载 大笑江湖完整版 拳王粤语下载 柯南剧场版15下载 东京少年下载 犀利人妻最终回 我爱香港2012 万恶夜总会 法网狙击迅雷下载 邻家女特工 第2季 篮球小皇帝下载 全城戒备高清 女子大乱斗迅雷下载 2013年春晚下载 电影80后下载 为戴茜小姐开车下载 诱情转驳下载 留级之王3高清 大内密探零零狗 下载 恋爱恐慌症下载 恋爱恐慌症迅雷下载 鸡妈鸭仔下载 读心专家迅雷下载 同中有异下载 水浒英雄谱之孙二娘 铁甲钢拳bd 特遣部队 战略力量 一往无前下载 再一次心跳下载 爱的面包魂下载 万圣节前夜的谋杀 潜水钟与蝴蝶下载 潜行狙击电影版粤语 沉默的15分钟高清 绝命派对完整版下载 大胃王迅雷下载 再吻我一次下载 冰海沉船下载 赛德克 巴莱下载 最强喜事2011下载 飞龙再生迅雷下载 天使与魔鬼高清下载 垂直打击迅雷下载 军鸡下载 抹布女也有春天 下载 魔鬼圣婴下载 大笑江湖电影下载 2013年央视春晚下载 金刚归来下载 2013春晚 下载 2013春晚小品下载 2012喜上加囍下载 飞龙再生高清 银行抢劫案下载 动画片下载网站免费 西游降魔篇粤语高清 戒色完整版 铁甲钢拳高清 寻找成龙 下载 变身男女完整版下载 幽冥电影迅雷下载 抹布也有春天下载 碟中谍4幽灵协议下载 寻找成龙电影下载 放牛班的春天高清 爸妈不在家 下载 第一次电影下载 日照重庆 下载 再见初恋下载 家产电视剧全集下载 驯龙记 高清 迅雷电影下载中心 疯狂的蠢贼迅雷下载 心中有鬼迅雷下载 变鬼下载 彼得与狼下载 大话西游降魔篇下载 哥伦比亚人bd 一路惊心下载 闪电/私法制裁 葬礼上的死亡bd 雪盲下载 苹果核战记下载 疯魔美女迅雷下载 2011央视春晚下载 大钝裁者 卡特教练 迅雷下载 好想告诉你电影版下载 墓穴迷城迅雷下载 偷天陷阱国语 最新高清影院 多啦a梦大雄的新魔界大冒险 飘播影视 动漫下载网站 免费 麻雀变王妃1下载 迷情公寓下载 迈阿密大劫案 我是传奇高清 快乐的大脚国语高清 亲爱的朋友下载 高清电影下载免费 财神客栈高清下载 死亡笔记2电影下载 猎杀第四行者 六楼后座2家属谢礼 亲密敌人电影下载 万圣节前的谋杀案 色戒 电影完整版mp4 11度青春老男孩下载 扑克王高清下载 扑克王国语高清 布鲁克斯先生下载 纽约浮世绘 夏北阳光灿烂的日子 匹夫下载地址 ftp 电影 亲密敌人 下载 爱情维修站下载 蝶舞天涯3gp 步步惊心 迅雷下载 人约离婚后下载 受雇正义 麦兜当当伴我心下载 特务爱很大 假装情侣下载地址 柴静雾霾调查 下载 纽约行动下载 this is it高清 赛车传奇迅雷下载 年轻的维多利亚下载 电影网站网址 宝马狂想曲下载 伟大辩手高清下载 x战警4国语 财神客栈粤语下载 2011张智霖演唱会 雨果的秘密 下载 死亡笔记电影版高清 正青春下载 铠甲勇士之帝皇侠电影下载 恋爱刺客迅雷 7369电影下载网 09阅兵下载 浣花洗剑录迅雷下载 三笑之才子佳人下载 五月之恋下载 机器侠粤语版 一路惊心 下载 谁是真英雄下载 电视剧下载迅雷 大魔术师电影下载 大笑江湖迅雷下载 志明与春娇 bd 粤语 麦兜响当当粤语下载 27次宜嫁 迅雷电视剧下载网站 下载大笑江湖 幻城全文下载 戒烟不戒酒 下载 宫锁心玉全集下载 2009国庆大阅兵下载 第一次高清下载 下载2012 大魔术师高清下载 麦兜响当当粤语版 勇闯16街区bd 火影忍者558下载 摩尔庄园海妖宝藏下载 电视剧下载 免费 家庭作业迅雷下载 灰姑娘的故事1下载 电影画壁下载 被拯救者 唐宫美人天下下载 我爱灰太狼电影下载 画壁高清完整版下载 画壁高清下载 美女也烦恼迅雷下载 27宜嫁迅雷下载 非缘勿扰迅雷下载 猛鬼爱情故事下载 铁甲衣下载 转山电影下载 读心神探国语版 筷子兄弟老男孩下载 绝对达令13 第一次迅雷下载 孔子迅雷下载 极速天使迅雷下载 火星人玩转地球高清 隔世情缘迅雷下载 七种人生 花花世界花家姐下载 关于莉莉周的一切高清 启动原始码 渺渺下载 我们约会吧电影下载 决战中的较量下载 刑警2010国语下载 美少女特工队高清下载 成事在人高清 国庆60周年大阅兵下载 盗墓笔记迅雷高清下载 狙击封锁线 下载 地心历险记2高清下载 又见阿郎下载 开心魔法高清字幕 美国派5迅雷下载 杯酒人生下载 开心魔法字幕下载 夺帅高清 先结婚后恋爱下载 天生爱情狂下载 半支烟高清 色戒bt下载 颤栗100步 出轨 不忠诱罪 深宫谍影13下载 夜惊魂下载 最爱迅雷下载 渺渺迅雷下载 女体宴 迅雷 柯南剧场版14下载 富贵兵团下载 极速天使下载 打擂台 粤语 晚秋电影下载 惊天战神高清下载 倚天屠龙记 2009 勇者行动海豹神兵 赤道的男人下载 电影金陵十三钗下载 转山迅雷下载 2009国庆阅兵下载 鸿门宴完整版 幸福迷途下载 第三类接触下载 天朝王国迅雷下载 烈日当空下载 福尔摩斯2电影下载 27宜嫁下载 绅士的品格迅雷下载 美女也烦恼下载 最强喜事2011国语 新恋爱时代下载地址 杜拉拉之似水年华下载 绝命岛下载 泰坦尼克号高清版 阴魂吓机 最新电影 免费下载 阴阳先生电影下载 画壁 电影天堂 铁达尼号中国语完整版 福尔摩斯第二季下载 迅雷高清影片下载 悬赏粤语高清 魔法奇缘高清 电影下载网站 迅雷 张纪中新西游记下载 财神客栈mp4下载 麦兜响当当电影下载 银行大劫案国语 巴黎最后探戈下载 像游戏一样杀人2 变异编年史下载 四大名捕3高清下载 柯南剧场版国语下载 11度青春系列电影之老男孩 隋唐演义迅雷下载 斯巴达克斯血与沙第二季下载 王牌特工特工学院迅雷 亲密敌人高清下载 圣安娜奇迹下载 双瞳高清 ballad无名的恋歌 倾城之泪迅雷下载 倩女幽魂刘亦菲下载 迅雷红宝石 白雪公主之魔镜魔镜下载 穹顶之下下载 柴静 圣童降临高清下载 麦兜响当当 下载 绝密飞行高清下载 我呼吸的空气 93号航班高清下载 婚纱电影下载 火柴男人bd 7369电影网 51号星球下载 玩命快递3高清 冥河世界 2010版 诈欺游戏:最后的舞台 像小强一样活着迅雷下载 开心魔法下载 异星战场bd中字 穹顶之下 下载 柴静 龙门镖局下载迅雷 色戒无删除版 女体宴 下载 2013春晚下载 杀手阿一 下载 妈妈咪呀 下载 十年爱迅雷下载 地窖传说 尼斯湖怪 深水传说 天空的遇难船 下载 绝命派对电影 遗忘星球电影完整版 激情与速度6高清版 黄金罗盘在线观看 侏罗纪公园1高清版 007大破天幕危机bd 007大破天幕危机 bd 火线保镖qvod 大侦探福尔摩斯1在线 速度与激情7抢先版 女神本色2免费 大侦探福尔摩斯1快播 女教授的秘密魅力 三更车库在线观看 火战场国语 大侦探福尔摩斯1qvod 地心历险记1高清 三国88 风声 完整版 青春期第3部 青春期第三部 青春期第二部 青春失乐园高清完整版 泰坦尼克号电影1 吃人鱼3d电影 真性假爱在线观看 美人 韩国版 绝命派对高清完整版 色就是空1 苍井空恋之欲室快播 青蜂侠周杰伦完整版 色既是空1在线观看 绝命派对在线观看 侏罗纪公园1中文版 侏罗纪公园2高清 雏妓 在线观看 色既是空1部 侏罗纪公园4高清版 非常人贩1国语版 密爱电影完整版国语 食人鱼3dd快播 食人鱼3dd电影 食人鱼3dd高清完整版 变形金刚之卷土重来 鼠来宝3高清完整版 环太西洋高清完整版 电影 快乐到死 韩国电影i am 青春期2完整版高清 灵魂战车1高清完整 战马高清快播 变形金刚2高清在线观看 阿凡达2在线观看 变节 潜罪犯在线 东北之黑道风云20年 不伦纯 恶魔的艺术qvod 人肉叉烧包 在线 玉蒲团电影完整版 2012电影完整版 五感图电影完整版 隔墙有眼2 封神榜之爱子情深40 3枪拍案惊奇完整版 致命弯道3高清 不论纯爱电影 惊变28周电影 恋之欲室电影完整版百度影音 恋之欲室百度影音 绿茶妹2 微电影 青春期3高清快播 剑谍吴尊 钢甲铁拳在线观看 异形1高清 异形3高清 指环王2双塔奇兵电影 海军陆战队员ii 2龙湖浩哥之狂暴之路 国家宝藏1在线观看 雷神2:黑暗世界电影 雷神2黑暗世界高清 四平青年完整版电影 四平青年高清完整版 四平青年完整版高清 创战纪在线观看 卑鄙的我1电影 色戒 电影完整版在线 仓井空老师的电影全集 弯刀在线观看 莫陌1微电影完整版 搜神传22 海扁王2 快播 极限特工1高清 上位3在线观看 上位3集 侏罗纪公园3快播 007大破天幕危机高清 钢铁侠三高清完整版 仓井老师的电影全集 小姐好白在线观看 玉蒲电影完整版 回到未来3qvod 钢铁侠3英语版 煎饼侠在线 电锯惊魂6高清版 极速60秒在线观看 玉蒲团全集在线观看 变形金刚2高清版 虎胆龙威1高清 宿醉1高清完整版 宿醉3高清完整版 与鸭共舞国语电影 电影青春期1完整版 韩国电影下女完整版 异形1在线观看 时间旅行者的妻子在线观看 哥斯拉2014抢先版 少数派报告qvod 与鸭共舞电影 紫钗奇缘26 仓井空电影在线观看 韩国电影帝王之妾 环形使者在线观看 青春盛宴在线观看 变形金刚3dvd 僵尸日记2世界之死 玉女心金 青春期3第二集 电影与鸭共舞 麦兜响当当在线观看 青春期高清完整版 指环王3高清完整版 忘记我是谁电影 异星战场在线观看 x战警第一战高清 青期期3 赛德克巴莱qvod 青春期3全集 电锯惊魂5电影 灰姑娘之玻璃手机 变形金刚2国语版在线观看 电影非常完美2 苍井空电影qvod 苍井空空电影全集 阴儿房qvod 青春期 高清 郭美美电影版海天盛筵 僵尸之地在线观看 青春期3完整版百度影音 玩命快递2高清 青春期2高清 红色机尾完整版 朋友之间 韩国 福尔摩斯2影子游戏 美国派7在线观看 变形金刚3高清快播 黑暗侵袭1国语 黑暗侵袭1高清 来自星星的你5 雏妓高清电影在线观看 仓井空在线电影 终结2 捉妖记免费完整版 急速60秒高清 情难自禁电影完整版 在线观看晚娘 雷神1高清在线观看 窃贼们 后备空姐免费完整版 恋之欲室 tomoshibi 恋之欲室 百度影音 东北往事黑道风云11 东北黑道风云23全集 海扁王2快播 钟丽缇戒色 青春期 3 复仇者之死完整版 梦精爱2在线观看 白日焰火在线 x战警2高清 世界大战快播 美人电影在线观看 冰河世纪2英文版 青春3 谍影重重4高清完整版 战舰2012高清全集 盗亦有道在线观看 美女也烦恼在线观看 复仇者联盟抢先版 复仇者之死国语 菲常事由在线观看 电影爱的色放在线观看 不纯伦爱 道士出山3免费完整版 青春期2完整版全集 26种死法完整版 上位第三集百度影音 丛林奇兵在线观看 环太平洋电影完版 苍空井 电影 钢铁侠3高清英文版 钢铁侠3高清英语版 非常人贩2高清 吃人鱼3dd 碟中谍4国语版 钢铁侠3高清完整版q 回到未来1快播 地狱男爵1高清 方子传 韩国完整版 花与蛇3电影完整版 青春期2 电影 灰姑娘的玻璃手机快播 魔境仙踪高清完整版 钢铁侠3英文版 迷失诱罪完整版 怪兽大学 qvod 死亡飞车2高清 色即是空1电影 死亡飞车1在线观看 死亡飞车1高清 侏罗纪公园3高清 眼镜蛇特种部队1 神奇四侠1高清 虎胆威龙5在线观看 色即是空1完整版 死神来了2高清版 死神来了4在线 刚铁侠3电影完整 不求回报在线观看 韩国色即是空2 在线观看变形金刚2 地心历险记1完整版 海天盛筵微电影 仓井空所有电影 青春期3完整版在线观看 男人如衣服国语 青春期3下 勇闯神秘岛高清 青春期1完整版全集 青春期1完整版高清 stb超级教师17 色欲之死 在线观看 死神来了4高清版 青春期电影完整版 死神来了5 高清 电影泰坦尼克号1 色即使空2在线观看 仓井老师的av 青春期三完整版 青春期1 电影 青春期三下 青春期三在线观看 变形金刚2完整版 玉蒲团之玉心经观看 女集中营完整版 金刚2005在线观看 x战警5快播 极速60秒高清 仓井全集 紫钗奇缘国语版 晚娘 电影完整版1 新三国55 新三国57 新三国60 《2012世界末日》 钢铁侠1高清电影 青村期3 暮光之城3国语版 合约情人高清 美女也烦恼电影 银行大劫案在线观看 非常人贩3高清 非常人贩4高清 oo7大破天幕危机 真爱趁现在55 的士速递3国语版 加勒比海盗3国语 纳尼亚传奇3在线观看 死神来了1高清 帝王之妾完整版国语 玉女心经 舒淇版 天脉传奇qvod 窥情 钟楚红国语 博物馆惊魂夜1高清 福尔摩斯2 影子游戏 坐台微电影 替身杀手国语版 死神来了5完整版 青春期3 快播 小时代2在线观看 青春期3完整版qvod 青春期2全集 rou蒲团之玉女心经 湄公河行动免费完整版 黑衣人1qvod 电锯惊魂5高清版 魔法师的学徒在线观看 紫钗奇缘粤语高清 哥斯拉的复活 钢铁侠2高清 狼牙吴京完整版 大明猩高清完整版 钢铁侠2 高清 伦理电影爱的色放 青春期2之青春失乐园 变形金刚2国语高清 黄金眼电影 青春期3qvod 青春期3 qvod 断剑在线观看 冰河时代3电影 鲨鱼惊魂夜3d高清 梦精爱2完整版 喜爱夜蒲未删减版 x战警3在线观看 x战警4高清 x战警4在线观看 绝命速递2国语 在线爱苍井空 择日而死 变形金刚2国语版高清 青春期完整版第1部 王牌间谍电影 东北黑道风云20年2 紫钗奇缘电视剧 仙饭店之人肉叉烧包 战舰2012 高清全集 绿巨人1高清 星河战舰3 暂告安全qvod 电影 上位 异星战场1在线观看 马达加斯加3在线观看 求爱夜惊魂 国语版 求爱夜惊魂国语版 苍井空等 同门在线观看 太空黑猩猩2 欲望和智慧电影 碟中谍2高清完整版 鸭梨公司全集 哥斯拉复活高清 木乃伊2木乃伊归来 速度与激6 纽约黑帮高清 青春期之青春失乐园 白雪公主与猎人快播 方子传 完整版 西游降魔者在线观看 怒火攻心2在线观看 青春期2 青春失乐园 秘密爱 韩国完整版 玉浦团 在线观看 苹果电影完整版国语 电锯惊魂7高清版 色戒 汤唯版完整版 电影青春期3 苹果未删版 借种电影完整版 韩国电影娼 钢琴教师在线观看 玉蒲团观看 僵尸新娘在线观看 欲女心经电影 地心引力2电影 死亡飞车1电影 艳降勾魂电影 封神榜之爱子情深1 韩剧 爱人 青春期2在线观看 青春期3电影 玉女心径 2o12电影 激情交叉点2完整版 搜神传大结局 食人鱼3d电影 恋之欲室在线观看 电影青春期2 海天盛筵韦口 电影青苹果 海军陆战队3 慈禧的秘密生活电影 暴力街区3电影 潘金莲之前世今生在线观看 仓井空的电影 电影我要成名 晚娘电影完整版 蟒蛇之灾3 四平青年二 4平青年 非常事由 玉女心经 电影 少林足球在线观看 啊凡达电影 遗失星球 电影军鸡 长江七号在线观看 电影黑衣人2 北京夜店之女神本色 东成西就国语版 娼韩国电影 《扎职》 朋友之间韩国 岁月风云国语版 倚天屠龙记吴启华16 绿巨人百度影音 美味情缘 在线 茶是故乡浓百度影音 突袭2暴徒百度影音 click入黄金屋粤语1 狮口惊魂百度影音 海贼王z百度影音 三打白骨精西瓜影音 电影我愿意ido快播 特警判官百度影音 与狼共舞 百度影音 彗星美人风声影院 86陆小凤之凤舞九天 侏罗纪公园2百度影音 猛鬼狐狸精百度影音 丝袜会所百度影音 蓝精灵2百度影音 拉贝日记百度影音 致命弯道1百度影音 富贵兵团百度影音 射雕英雄传94国语版 地心游记2百度影音 乾隆大帝百度影音 封神榜陈浩民全集 恶魔的艺术2百度影音 东京异种百度影音 回到未来2百度影音 神雕侠侣刘德华版50 神雕侠侣刘德华版49 神雕英雄传张智霖 伯虎为卿狂百度影音 辣妹保镖 百度影音 小宝与康熙百度影音 小宝与康熙粤语全集 超级大坏蛋百度影音 幽灵情书百度影音 岁月的童话百度影音 九五之尊国语版 小宝传奇粤语 再造战士4 百度影音 城市猎人韩剧百度影音 love 百度影音 富豪刑警百度影音 倚天屠龙记吴启华10 戏王之王百度影音 无耻混蛋百度影音 赶尸先生在线观看 破釜沉舟13 死亡航班百度影音 血色月光百度影音 村晚百度影音 律政俏佳人百度影音 射雕英雄传94粤语版 笑傲江湖吕颂贤版32 东北往事黑道风云17 朗朗和检察官国语版 浪漫的老鼠百度影音 金枝玉叶百度影音 白雪公主与猎人百度影音 罗马的房间百度影音 僵尸新娘百度影音 赌霸粤语高清 蜂鸟 百度影音 志田未来百度影音 死神来了2百度影音 oh必胜奉顺英qvod 人猿星球百度影音 let me go百度影音 进化危机百度影音 美女食神百度影音 惊声尖叫1百度影音 复仇者之死qvod 死神来了5百度影音 匹夫qvod 雪花神剑百度影音 游龙戏凤 百度影音 警花档案4 谍海计中计百度影音 反基督者百度影音 决战猩球百度影音 春假百度影音 天庭外传百度影音 缘定终生百度影音 偷天换日百度影音 阴阳路全集百度影音 复仇者之死 qvod 机器人总动员百度影音 格林兄弟 百度影音 夺帅百度影音 肝胆昆仑百度影音 玩命追踪百度影音 我的娜塔莎qvod 神雕侠侣刘德华版48 神雕侠侣刘德华版8 劫匪与僵尸百度影音 百星酒店百度影音 遗失的世界百度影音 人间兵器百度影音 猎捕全集 菊豆百度影音 僵尸夜星辰 日落之后qvod 风雨同路百度影音 寄生人百度影音 恶魔的艺术百度影音 再见古惑仔百度影音 帕克百度影音 独家试爱粤语版高清 2046完整版百度影音 孤立无援百度影音 搭讪的法则百度影音 重返地球 百度影音 切肤之爱百度影音 罗马的房子百度影音 马达加斯加3百度影音 陈浩明演的封神榜 蝉翼百度影音 初恋从打嗝开始百度影音 东张西望2012 天使之城百度影音 幽灵百度影音 百星酒店 百度影音 情癫大圣百度影音 红猪百度影音 与狼共舞百度影音 安娜卡列尼娜百度影音 龙在少林百度影音 倩女幽魂百度影音 爸爸的假期西瓜影音 一袋女王pptv 芙蓉镇百度影音 越来越好百度影音 出租车4百度影音 lovelove百度影音 独臂刀客21 野兽男孩 美国版 24小时警事百度影音 龙少爷百度影音 火影忍者464集优酷 钢铁苍穹百度影音 情定大饭店日版 梦的味道 百度影音 倚天屠龙记吴启华13 张智霖之射雕英雄传 love电影百度影音 科洛弗档案百度影音 黑客帝国1百度影音 停不了的爱百度影音 电视剧九五之尊 追逐繁星的孩子qvod 卢浮魅影qvod 海贼王590百度影音 天龙八部百度影音 138影视风影在线 异次元骇客百度影音 地心历险记2国语版 日版情定大饭店 黑洞表面百度影音 第七子西瓜影音 恋恋情深 qvod 停不了的爱qvod 玻璃樽百度影音 异形浩劫百度影音 壁花少年百度影音 少年汉尼拔百度影音 短暂的生命百度影音 幽灵船百度影音 野兽男孩美国版 堕落天空电视剧 绝海的侦探百度影音 独立日2百度影音 卢浮魅影百度影音 海贼王 百度影音 夏洛特的网百度影音 太空一号百度影音 隐形人百度影音 死神来了3百度影音 火影忍者463集土豆 谍影重重1百度影音 不二神探qvod高清 2012冰河世纪qvod 13号怪异岛百度影音 蝙蝠侠1百度影音 无敌先锋第一部 地域无门qvod 超速绯闻百度影音 谎言之躯百度影音 警徽天职2百度影音 卡拉是条狗百度影音 匆匆那年西瓜影音 42号传奇百度影音 孙悟空三打白骨精西瓜 东京攻略百度影音 面纱百度影音 spec翔百度影音 初恋浅规则百度影音 侏罗纪公园1百度影音 心灵传输者百度影音 初恋的回忆qvod 星辰影院dvd 查泰莱夫人的情人百度影音 波拉特百度影音 天山童姥百度影音 燃烧弹百度影音 幸福终点站百度影音 银行抢劫案qvod 太空一号 百度影音 别惹蚂蚁qvod 老鼠爱上猫百度影音 射雕英雄传94版17 厉鬼将映百度影音 野蛮秘笈百度影音 百星酒店国语百度影音 厄夜三十百度影音 虎胆龙威3百度影音 大时代百度影音 杀人者唐斩百度影音 亲切的金子百度影音 后宫甄嬛传67 鹿鼎记张卫健高清6 伯虎为卿狂高清 天兆百度影音 两小无猜百度影音 倔强萝卜百度影音 金刚狼2百度影音bd 爱情公寓2 qvod 风月俏佳人百度影音 野蛮师姐百度影音 赤子威龙百度影音 保持爱你百度影音 冲出亚马逊百度影音 铁线虫入侵百度影音 夜店诡谈百度影音 不能说的秘密百度影音 天师执位百度影音 杨贵妃向海岚国语版 猎杀行动电视剧全集 怒火攻心2百度影音 后宫甄嬛传 百度影音 寻龙诀西瓜 侠客行梁朝伟版高清 僵尸叔叔百度影音 甄嬛转百度影音 英雄本色2百度影音 霍比特人3西瓜影音 匹夫 百度影音 甄环传百度影音 冰河世纪3国语版高 两个爸爸 影音 九五之尊电视剧国语 律政俏佳人2qvod 鬼夫 百度影音 玛戈皇后qvod 义海豪情粤语32 机器人之恋百度影音 花田喜事2010粤语高清 小姐好白百度影音 陆小凤凤舞九天剧情 法网狙击qvod 罗马的房子qvod 阿呆与阿瓜百度影音 地心历险记2带字幕 201314百度影音 亨利四世百度影音 特务迷城国语版高清 恋空百度影音 门徒百度影音 死亡录像3百度影音 傲骨贤妻第三季qvod 雨人百度影音 乡村爱情变奏曲 影音 天空之城百度影音 独闯龙潭百度影音 海贼王613百度影音 黑潮百度影音 怒海潜将百度影音 三个臭皮匠百度影音 光棍儿在线观看 一番街的奇迹快播 导盲犬小q百度影音 非礼勿视百度影音 荒岛余生qvod 情越海岸线 百度影音 极盗者西瓜影音 罗马的房子 qvod 怪兽大学 百度影音 傻王闯天下百度影音 狂蟒之灾3 大蟒蛇3 环形使者 百度影音 颐和园qvod 阿旺新传粤语qvod 看见恶魔qvod 辣妈俏爸百度影音 it狂人第四季qvod 喜爱夜蒲2粤语qvod 蝙蝠侠前传3 黑暗骑士崛起qvod 匹夫百度影音 侏罗纪公园 百度影音 8毫米百度影音 刑事情报科qvod 惊声尖笑5百度影音 银行大劫案qvod 怪物大学百度影音 风月俏佳人qvod 魔高一丈百度影音 冰河世纪4 百度影音 冰河世纪4百度影音 绿椅子qvod 低俗喜剧百度影音 恋恋笔记本qvod 恋恋笔记本百度影音 星河战队3在线观看 最好看的电影百度影音 月夜传奇百度影音 鹿鼎记张卫健高清32 鹿鼎记张卫健高清15 鹿鼎记张卫健高清18 暴走兄妹qvod 地狱无门百度影音 绝色武器百度影音 百度影音最好看的电影 河东狮吼百度影音 那个傻瓜qvod 登堂入室 百度影音 青春派 百度影音 青春派百度影音 法网狙击百度影音 鬼哭神嚎百度影音 爱情公寓第二季qvod 梦回鹿鼎记百度影音 开心168剧集站 回到未来3百度影音 画皮 百度影音 落叶归根百度影音 犀照国语版 角色武器百度影音 夕阳天使百度影音 大笑江湖qvod 冒牌英雄 百度影音 飞鹰计划百度影音 鬼马狂想曲百度影音 六福喜事百度影音 矮仔多情百度影音 最新电视剧百度影音 地球战场 百度影音 回到未来百度影音 功夫厨神百度影音 盖世豪侠qvod 绿椅子 qvod 绝色武器 百度影音 秋色之空快播 雾都孤儿百度影音 非常人贩2百度影音 藏身之所 百度影音 甜蜜十一月qvod 饥饿游戏百度影音 幽灵 百度影音 港囧西瓜国语高清 好看的电影排行榜百度影音 月满轩尼诗百度影音 蝙蝠侠3百度影音 百变星君百度影音 冒牌家庭 百度影音 星际迷航 百度影音 鼠胆龙威5百度影音 杀手欧阳盆栽百度影音 女神试用期百度影音 骆驼客百度影音 女黑侠黄莺国语 乡村爱情6百度影音 遗忘星球百度影音 天堂执法者 qvod 秘密花园百度影音 鹤啸九天百度影音 倚天屠龙记吴启华14 楚汉骄雄快播 盖世孖宝粤语 人狼大战 百度影音 关中男人百度影音 甜蜜鞭子百度影音 太极之英雄崛起百度影音 艋舺百度影音 捉妖记 西瓜影音 乡村爱情6 百度影音 侏罗纪战争1 漂亮男人百度影音 向日葵金来沅 逆世界百度影音 铁幕性史1984 时光骇客国语 my盛lady19 x战警2百度影音 情乱夜中环国语全集 独臂刀客百度影音 幸运库克qvod 鹤啸九天qvod 澳门街粤语百度影音 马永贞百度影音 破茧天魔百度影音 画皮百度影音 黑夜传说4百度影音 欲望之花 百度影音 蓝色大门百度影音 变相怪杰2百度影音 亲爱的朋友百度影音 click入黄金屋01 招魂 百度影音 纽约黑帮百度影音 中国合伙人百度影音 白粉妹百度影音 密阳百度影音 战狼 2000 电影 射雕张智霖 朱茵电视剧全集 鬼计神偷百度影音 新人鬼情未了 宋承宪 快乐大本营7月13 白发魔女传百度影音 誓约百度影音 电视剧上海大风暴 一番街的奇迹qvod 十八岁的新娘国语版 裂缝百度影音 杀人回忆百度影音 重生之门 百度影音 百星酒店粤语百度影音 僵尸至尊百度影音 天空一号百度影音 王牌罪犯 百度影音 盲探百度影音 启示录qvod 辣妈辣妹 百度影音 寻龙诀 西瓜影音 猫咪物语 百度影音 海贼王601百度影音 大海啸之鲨口逃生百度影音 怪谈异秀战 叛逃粤语23 剑蝶 百度影音 车手国语高清百度影音 陈浩明主演的电视剧 最强之敌z百度影音 霍比特人1意外旅程百度影音 冰川时代4百度影音 鹿鼎记陈小春百度影音 父子迷情 百度影音 重返大海 百度影音 老男孩之猛龙过江西瓜影音 律政俏佳人2百度影音 黑白森林百度影音 新抢钱夫妻百度影音 亲密百度影音 有你才幸福百度影音 一嗝爱上你 遗落战境百度影音 想你百度影音 汉堡高地百度影音 电影鬼肢解 城中大盗百度影音 混合物 电影 猎鹰行动百度影音 死神来了1百度影音 帝国的毁灭百度影音 情乱夜中环在线观看 逆战百度影音 唐一菲夜惊魂快播 招魂百度影音 x战警3百度影音 辣妹过招 百度影音 饥饿游戏 百度影音 爱回家粤语92 飙风战警2百度影音 终极一班3第19集 侏罗纪公园百度影音 霸王花3之皇家赌船 9981电影 晚秋 电影百度影音 怦然心动 百度影音 z108弃城百度影音 恐怖废墟百度影音 真味小厨王国语 暂告安全百度影音 冰河世纪3国语版快播 绿椅子 快播 侠盗魅影百度影音 夏日福星国语百度影音 不二神探版百度影音 妈咪百度影音 囚徒 百度影音 秋色之空qvod 算死草qvod 云端求爱记 血滴子 百度影音 法医x档案百度影音 水果硬糖百度影音 骇战百度影音 法网狙击 百度影音 风之男人 僵尸福星仔国语版 车手 百度影音 法网狙击粤语23 隔山有眼2011 极光的爱 谍影重重1 百度影音 隔世追凶粤语qvod 逆世界 百度影音 野蛮秘笈粤语 生化危机百度影音 僵尸崛起中文字幕 刀马旦百度影音 逝去的青春百度影音 秋香怒点唐伯虎快播 花田喜事2010国语 兰戈qvod 鬼楼契约百度影音 野孩子百度影音 仁心解码2百度影音 除魔传奇百度影音 无极百度影音 xing电影 自由意志百度影音 食神周星驰国语高清在线观看 僵死先生粤语 蛞蝓之灾百度影音 蝙蝠别墅百度影音 飙风战警百度影音 绯闻女孩第四季qvod 侏罗纪公园4qvod 鲨鱼百度影音 绯闻女孩第三季qvod 等着你回来 梁朝伟 49天剧场 工厂女孩qvod 监狱风云2百度影音 财叔之横扫千军国语 财叔横扫千军国语 火影忍者464集下载 痞子英雄qvod 我的自由年代百度影音 阿郎的故事百度影音 北乃纪伊qvod 大秦帝国之纵横百度影音 鲁豫有约李小双 绿箭侠第一季百度影音 盲探 百度影音 谍海计中计qvod 绿箭侠第1季百度影音 云图百度影音 午餐女王百度影音 扫黄先锋电视剧 妖精的尾巴 影音 2012世界末日电影百度影音 青春梦工场粤语 天仙奇缘百度影音 超脱百度影音 盗墓者2012 人山人海 百度影音 千与千寻百度影音 樱桃百度影音 车在囧途百度影音 张智霖版射雕 拉字至上第二季qvod 夏日福星 国语版 妈咪 百度影音 恋爱高手百度影音 诺丁山百度影音 兰戈在线观看 痞子英雄 qvod 复仇者之死剧照 单身部落百度影音 atv亚洲星光大道 惊变28周百度影音 巨轮30 惊天战神百度影音 破晓下百度影音 v字别动队百度影音 血滴子百度影音 普罗米修斯百度影音 绯闻女孩第五季qvod 胭脂霸王百度影音 绯闻女孩第二季qvod 前任攻略百度影音 机器人瓦力百度影音 云海玉弓缘第二部 超凡蜘蛛侠百度影音 仁心解码第一部国语 超人总动员百度影音 楚留香之蝙蝠传奇粤语 坐台小姐百度影音 飞狐外传qvod 笑傲江湖39集 乡村爱情6 影音 火影忍者473下载 战神传说百度影音 全职杀手百度影音 梦幻华尔兹第一部全集 人山人海百度影音 独家试爱百度影音 初恋这件小事百度影音 皇朝太医百度影音 逆战 百度影音 天国的邮递员剧情 桃姐 百度影音 火影忍者464集土豆 煎饼侠电影完整版西瓜 僵尸肖恩百度影音 爱情呼叫转移2百度影音 灵舍不同小雪 爱情是从告白开始的百度影音 名侦探柯南 百度影音 僵尸世界大战百度影音 人在囧途 百度影音 鲁豫有约胡艳萍 飞越疯人院快播 别惹蚂蚁百度影音 葬礼揸fit人快播 黑暗终结者百度影音 请摘星星给我粤语版 不二神探百度影音高清 缘定终生全集 缘定终生电视剧全集 萧红百度影音 明星之恋百度影音 权利的游戏 第四季百度影音 热门之路 桃姐百度影音 云图 百度影音 甄嬛传全集在线观看百度影音 横冲直撞好莱坞西瓜影音 八毫米百度影音 鬼怪密林剧情 大话江湖 百度影音 不可饶恕百度影音 恐怖废墟qvod 潘神的迷宫百度影音 海贼王616百度影音 海贼王605百度影音 格林第二季百度影音 美人鱼 西瓜影音 蒸发太平洋 西瓜影音 超人气学员 喜爱夜蒲2 qvod 绝世天劫国语 忍着刺客 酸甜苦辣微电影 时空魔术电影 迪士尼娇妻 骑车去伦敦 百度他爹 牛皮纸微电影 老男孩拍的微电影 柳岩微电影 m5520微影网 爱的信号 mtv拍摄 老男孩微电影全集 迷失的家园 微电影 梁静茹微电影 赵薇 微电影 这一刻爱吧 柯震东 黄渤微电影2b青年 眼睛渴了微电影 顶级跑车3d动画场景如何合成 爱的倒叙 谢霆锋热血微电影 剧组幕后生活手记 最大的电影网站 专注与你相连 再见初恋 微电影 张艺谋铁道部宣传片 春晚是什么 短片 超凡蜘蛛侠2 彩蛋 刘忻暴走微电影 母亲节最好的礼物 眼睛渴了高清 七龙珠定格动画 筷子电影 姜文 微电影 aaaa电影 太阳城包杀网 北影学生毕业作品 最感人的广告 行者 蔡明亮 v看 卓别林默片 凡事 不平凡 审判朴赞郁 回顾2014 当闪电侠遇到高白瘦 乐事 谁是你的菜 回家要走心 刘忻微电影 父亲老男孩 说不出口的爱泰国 外星球暴力老师 付梦妮微电影 大无畏王子昭 客家话电影 暴走 微电影 最新励志短片 法国微电影 调音师 当地球被野兽统治 这一刻 爱吧 微电影 影视片头制作 信写给十五岁的自己 老板的女人 动画 失落爱 汽车广告短片 疗伤微电影 汪苏泷微电影 专题电影 韩寒预告片 老男孩父子篇 蔡明亮 行者 安全感电影 再一次心跳电影 华硕手机广告 眼睛渴了下载 微电影父亲下载 恶搞iphone5 大学生电影节获奖作品 生存代价 俞灏明微电影 乔治卢卡斯的电影 采访 预告片 lovelife 纪录片 史上最牛婚礼 hold住25岁 粉笔大作战 重回猴岛 2032 我们期望的未来 恋爱恐惧症 电影 遗忘 下集 遗忘 微电影 变心记实 陈柏霖柯震东微电影 pornhub电影 陪聊女qq 筷子兄弟 老男孩电影 som sabadell 经典默片 柯震东陈柏霖微电影 心灵实验 lovelife纪录片 筷子兄弟 父亲电影 再一次心跳微电影 love life纪录片 遗忘下集 林心如 侵入脑神经 dye fantasy 红领巾 张小明 背影影音 天鹅绒的头纱 老男孩微电影高清版 h动漫短片 最感人的mtv 老男孩微电影 优酷 让爱发生 《气喘吁吁》 盲人调音师 微电影 催眠大师预告片 电影码率 感人mtv 爱的广告 捉音者 遗忘 林心如 下集 遗忘 林心如下集 想幸福的人第二集 在一起 微电影歌曲 我愿意微电影 为爱感动mv 石头剪刀布微电影 空降行动 蔡明亮行者 气喘吁吁 下载 反逃学广告 蔡明亮导演的电影 等待救援 十七爷的艰难爱情 新年回家 草剪刚一本满足 这一刻爱吧微电影 张栋梁微电影 东方不败外传电影 玛丽的自然卷世界 为恋爱充电 奶粉广告片 杨丞琳微电影 盖里奇作品 就想赚俩钱 猫鼠之恋 林心如 微电影 林心如微电影遗忘 合影微电影 来信 微电影 快门与速度 筷子兄弟的老男孩 两个男人和一个衣柜 最好的微电影 疗伤的电影 张和涛 love长镜头 橄榄球励志短片 一只不知深浅的豹子 陈柏霖林依晨电影 fantasy dye v电影发布计划原创影视聚集地 特殊交易 微电影 爱情频道 我与南京有个约会 筷子兄弟微电影父亲 历届奥斯卡最佳电影 丘比特影视 唐伯卿 都市情感电影 来信微电影 夜店小团圆 逆时恒美微电影 魔力盒网站 17169手机电影 崔永元新锐导演计划 益达广告酸甜苦辣 十三五神曲 世事难料 大鹏 u-turn 电影 虫群入侵 几米 微笑的鱼 h小短片 中国跑酷电影 2020东京 土耳其的电影 嘻哈三部曲婚纱照 史上最牛的婚礼 杨丞琳罗志祥微电影 迈克尔贝的电影 黄渤2b青年的不醉人生 乐事谁是你的菜全集 比尔盖茨大战乔布斯 樱时 坐台电影 梁咏琪的电影 调音师 电影 shakeoff 必应电影 电影破茧成蝶 潘婷洗发水广告歌 父亲 筷子兄弟 电影 杨幂微电影 2013影视 柯震东广告微电影 潘婷女孩 失恋狂想曲 斗战神cg宣传片 张杰qq号是多少 刘忻末日过后 电影分身 我的1876微电影 新年头老日子 纸人 paperman 公益广告创意 寻找孟非 使命召唤 鱼王行动 杨丞琳 微电影 潘婷洗发水广告曲 死神与老妇 失联者 张曼玉和梁朝伟电影 疯狂的粉刷匠 c017码头 i know u 六小龄童百事可乐广告 再见火锅 星际拾荒者 电影 二b青年的不醉人生 历届奥斯卡最佳动画 想幸福的人3 功夫熊猫外传 2013微电影 2011奥斯卡经典电影 少年不戴花下载 魔术师的梦 王小帅导演的电影 湾仔码头水饺广告 很快再相见mv女主角 飞船电影 不走寻常路广告 强度电影 小米春晚广告 弃婴 电影 钮承泽love 最大的影视资讯 爱 奥斯卡 木橱童子 大丑传奇 申奥宣传片 情迷拉斯维加斯插曲 神曲 狐狸叫 thegift 谁是你的菜5 电影 现实的浪漫 电影魔幻厨房 东山少爷冬大过年 松鼠坚果和时间机器 时空魔术完整版 罗列电影 电影 鲜花 特殊服务 黄渤 白百何益达广告完整版 柴静自费调查雾霾 乙醚蒜 电影鲜花 乐天免税店mv 两个爸爸11 卢正雨幽浮目击者 女高怪谈之四人餐桌 崛起mv 抽屉影视 2013米粉节 2011感人电影 老男孩 筷子 眼 梁朝伟 金钱是个柜 姐妹 微电影 匹配灯光 情书里的歌曲 办假中专毕业证 《move》 isis再曝恐怖视频 叩问自然 8分钟看2020奥运 隐藏的数字 让爱重现 丹尼 博伊尔 梦的汽车人 舌尖上的宿舍泡面篇 iphone5恶搞 触手系现实大片 化妆品广告短片 东京八分钟视频 微电影在一起下 励志微视频 可怕万圣节 视频码率是什么 梁咏琪演的电影 刷车电影 在路灯下的小女孩 我的150克青春 医疗广告片 2012柏林电影节 杨丞琳 想幸福的人 罗志祥再一次心跳 经典火爆电影 吴彦祖演的电影 母亲的春运 精英移民地图 经典奥斯卡获奖电影 以朋友的名义爱着 舌尖上的宿舍 泡面篇 叛逆的颠覆 午夜凶杀 舌尖上的宿舍?泡面篇 bullettime 烹饪小厨师 东方不败外传微电影 视觉系动物 两个老头的爱情 范范影院 那一课 穿靴子的猫番外篇 第20届大学生电影节 麦当娜的电影 龚玥菲演过的电影 艳遇 微电影 迷失 微电影 姜文电影作品 整蛊一家人 太空拍摄地表画面 纪易达 刷车微电影 定格动漫 停不了爱 气踹吁吁 iphone电影 张杰的qq号是多少 气喘嘘嘘 马良摄影 感人的亲情电影 最感动的mv 奥斯卡金奖电影 3d影像 倒霉的地鼠 迪拜塔视频 洋流之前 光棍节电影 小清新影视 同志的电影 情迷电影 雪女传说 劈腿门 japan电影 参延大师 火影忍者526百度影音 斗爱百度影音 完美搭档百度影音 越狱第四季百度影音 贤妻电视剧全集百度影音 原罪完整版百度影音 火影忍者517土豆 回到三国国语百度影音 回到三国百度影音 梅林传奇第五季百度影音 梅林传奇百度影音 利剑行动百度影音 越狱第一季百度影音 烽火佳人 百度影音 羊城暗哨百度影音 黑暗侵袭1百度影音 兵临城下百度影音 海贼王548优酷 海贼王547优酷 黄沙武士百度影音 超级魔术师百度影音 北京青年电视剧全集百度影音 北京青年 百度影音 八大豪侠百度影音 江湖俏佳人百度影音 平原烽火 百度影音 神枪狙击百度影音 平原烽火百度影音 平原烽火全集百度影音 烽火佳人百度影音 鸳鸯佩 百度影音 鸳鸯佩全集百度影音 零号特工百度影音 江湖兄弟百度影音 时尚王百度影音 倾世皇妃 qvod 新白发魔女传全集百度影音 范海辛百度影音 非凡英雄百度影音 我的抗战百度影音 钢铁侠2百度影音 青春盛宴百度影音 请摘星星给我百度影音 爱情公寓三百度影音 天使在人间百度影音 老表你好野百度影音 老表你好嘢百度影音 老兵百度影音 空中决战百度影音 叶问百度影音 名媛望族 百度影音 名媛望族百度影音 暮色3月食百度影音 驱魔者百度影音 大唐女巡按百度影音 伊丽莎白镇百度影音 死亡飞车2百度影音 死亡飞车3百度影音 爱情睡醒了百度影音 楼 林心如百度影音 汉江怪物百度影音 大唐芙蓉园百度影音 赤道的男人百度影音 一起看流星雨3 一秒影院 彼岸1945百度影音 一路狂奔百度影音 星座方程式百度影音 旺角监狱百度影音 最新电影 影音 csi第二季百度影音 忠犬八公百度影音 穆桂英挂帅百度影音 饥饿游戏1百度影音 我是路人甲西瓜影音 灵幻夹克百度影音 零炮楼百度影音 牵手人生百度影音 孤军英雄全集百度影音 吸血鬼日记第4季百度影音 国家宝藏3百度影音 吴子龙走吧百度影音 吸血鬼日记第二季百度影音 刀锋战士百度影音 等待绽放百度影音 爱情麻辣烫百度影音 巾帼大将军百度影音 一个人的武林百度影音 美人百度影音 潘多拉的宝剑快播 穷孩子富孩子百度影音 皮囊第一季百度影音 理智与情感百度影音 法外风云粤语10 破碎之城百度影音 法外风云粤语04 法外风云粤语02 贞观长歌百度影音 粉爱粉爱你百度影音 法外风云粤语07 电锯惊魂7百度影音 狙击部队百度影音 地狱神探2百度影音 天使爱美丽百度影音 钱的化身 影音 天脉传奇百度影音 神勇铁金刚百度影音 小儿难养 百度影音 土地公土地婆百度影音 归来电影百度影音 源代码百度影音 超级魔术师 百度影音 不良家族百度影音 独行侠百度影音 短柄斧3百度影音 女人的颜色百度影音 太祖秘史全集百度影音 等待绽放 百度影音 第22条婚规百度影音 不是闹着玩的百度影音 附注我爱你百度影音 加勒比海盗3百度影音 单刀直入百度影音 极品大作战百度影音 康熙来了 百度影音 告密者2013百度影音 刺客联盟2百度影音 夺命金百度影音 吸血鬼日记 百度影音 快乐大本营20100101 入殓师百度影音 天生爱情狂粤语百度影音 天生爱情狂百度影音 战火西北狼百度影音 青春荷尔蒙百度影音 青春荷尔蒙 百度影音 泰囧 百度 影音 生化危机3百度影音 乙方甲方百度影音 隔山有眼2百度影音 战火四千金百度影音 整容日记百度影音 北京青年全集百度影音 整容日记 百度影音 我是特种兵2铁血雄心 美国丽人百度影音 少年派 百度影音 爱情公寓3 百度影音 凤凰牡丹 百度影音 兰陵王百度影音 盗墓迷城2百度影音 我的抗战电视剧全集百度影音 飞虎 百度影音 消失的子弹 百度影音 电视剧宝贝百度影音 泰囧百度影音 向前走向爱走百度影音 岛国奇欲记百度影音 老家门口唱大戏百度影音 一夜大肚百度影音 不2神探百度影音 康熙来了百度影音 满fun情趣斗登对 偷天陷阱百度影音 12只猴子百度影音 大生活百度影音 便衣支队全集百度影音 摩登女婿百度影音 敢死队2百度影音bd 飞越老人院百度影音 少年嘉庆百度影音 法外风云粤语28 风格 国语 齐乐乐电影院 天国的邮递员百度影音 环太平洋百度影音 枪械师电视剧百度影音 定罪百度影音 情越海岸线22 幸运库克百度影音 今夜天使降临百度影音 独立日百度影音 海扁王2 百度影音 开心鬼上身百度影音 尖刀战士全集百度影音 圣诞传说百度影音 幸福三颗星百度影音 爱的妇产科百度影音 恶作剧之吻韩版15 远古入侵第二季国语 残酷饭店 百度影音 地狱男爵2百度影音 狙击电话亭百度影音 金枝欲孽2百度影音 小麦进城百度影音 裂变百度影音 绝命毒师百度影音 四大名捕3百度影音 潜罪犯高清百度影音 19岁的纯情百度影音 宅男电台百度影音 香草天空百度影音 吊丝男士百度影音 谍影重重2 百度影音 足球尤物 百度影音 阻击部队百度影音 西游降魔记百度影音 赛车传奇百度影音 双龙出手百度影音 笔仙惊魂百度影音 超级演说家百度影音 法外风云27百度影音 边缘追缉百度影音 无人区百度影音高清 转身说爱你百度影音 功夫2百度影音 美国队长百度影音 咋们结婚了吧百度影音 恋了爱了百度影音 箭在弦上百度影音 红色机尾百度影音 红色机尾qvod高清 迷失东京百度影音 猎狼十二钗百度影音 亨利的罪行百度影音 情越海岸线粤语01 吸血鬼日记第四季百度影音 林师傅在首尔快播 吸血鬼日记第三季百度影音 疯狂的导演百度影音 大象的眼泪百度影音 黑暗中的舞者百度影音 极乐世界bd百度影音 菜鸟警察百度影音 百度在线看电影 假装情侣百度影音 火龙帝国百度影音 末日侵袭百度影音 刘海戏金蟾百度影音 史密斯夫妇百度影音 斯巴达克斯血与沙2 面包王金卓求百度影音 钢铁侠3 百度影音 太极1百度影音 唐伯虎点秋香百度影音 百年遗产百度影音 开封奇案百度影音 爱情公寓 百度影音 化妆师百度影音 龙门飞甲 百度影音 龙门飞甲百度影音 龙门镖局 百度影音 妈妈别哭百度影音 搜索 百度影音 逆光飞翔百度影音 黑客帝国2百度影音 生化危机5惩罚百度影音 神都龙王百度影音 亲兄热弟百度影音 地狱神探百度影音 永不磨灭的番号全集百度影音 火影忍者515土豆 死神来了4百度影音 大地情深全集百度影音 火影忍者538土豆 快播一一影院 少年派百度影音 钱的化身百度影音 林肯律师百度影音 四大名捕大结局西瓜 活佛济公3 百度影音 蜂鸟特攻百度影音 怒火街头2百度影音 请和我结婚国语版 终极一战百度影音 同门百度影音 全开女孩8 大战元泱界百度影音 宝贝战争百度影音 异形起源 百度影音 决战末世代 百度影音 两个爸爸 百度影音 猎鹰1949全集百度影音 一一 影院 铁血武工队百度影音 我的帅管家粤语 最新恐怖片排行榜 致命弯道6百度影音 最新恐怖片推荐 龙门镖局 影音 相爱十年百度影音 暗行者百度影音 向东是大海百度影音 加油金先生百度影音 智勇新警界百度影音 人皮客栈3百度影音 虎胆龙威4百度影音 三世情缘百度影音 虎胆龙威6百度影音 全面反击2百度影音 碟中谍3百度影音 谁来伺候妈百度影音 陆贞传奇全集百度影音 绿芥刑警百度影音 古墓丽影1百度影音 居家男人百度影音 菲常事由百度影音 爱可以重来百度影音 血钻百度影音 偏偏爱上你百度影音 碧海蓝天百度影音 逆转女王国语土豆 宝岛双雄百度影音 迎妻接福百度影音 泰国电视剧请和我结婚 火影忍者558土豆 花木兰传奇百度影音 女狼俱乐部百度影音 控制百度影音 变脸百度影音 远古入侵第四季国语 后备空姐百度影音 异形4百度影音 一起又看流星雨第三部雨荨和云海婚后故事 远去的飞鹰百度影音 唇唇欲动百度影音 恐怖旅馆百度影音 敢死队2高清百度影音 四戒百度影音 四戒电影百度影音 冰封之地 百度影音 聊斋先生百度影音 金粉世家百度影音 戏梦巴黎百度影音 方谬神探百度影音 敢死队2 百度影音 绝命毒师 百度影音 d4救援队百度影音 吸血鬼女王百度影音 雍正王朝百度影音 想爱就爱2百度影音 学校2013百度影音 东成西就百度影音 兵变1938百度影音 千山暮雪 百度影音 最近有什么好看的电影或电视剧 我们这拨人 百度影音 中国最强音百度影音 机械公敌2百度影音 失败者百度影音 请和我结婚全集 西部往事百度影音 血刃百度影音 彩虹罗曼史百度影音 落日余晖百度影音 江湖新秩序百度影音 马场大亨百度影音 晚秋 百度影音 人皮客栈2百度影音 巫山历险记百度影音 叛谍追击百度影音 强者风范百度影音 迈阿密行动百度影音 同班同学第二部 电影搜索百度影音 怒火街头2 百度影音 银魂百度影音 斯巴达克斯第三季百度影音 心路gps百度影音 邪恶力量第一季百度影音 水浒传百度影音 星光熠熠耀保良2013 电影网高清百度影音 贝奥武夫2百度影音 大丈夫电视剧百度影音 箭在弦上电视剧全集百度影音 本能1百度影音 异次元杀阵2百度影音 未来战警百度影音 百科影音网 绞杀1943百度影音 中国骑兵百度影音 过年回家百度影音 快乐到家电影完整版百度影音 美国往事 百度影音 碟中谍5百度影音 在一起 2013版 影音 荒岛余生百度影音 产科男医生百度影音 浮沉百度影音 冬日惊雷 百度影音 猩球崛起百度影音 全城戒备国语百度影音 战马 百度影音 高清 济公活佛3百度影音 美丽俏佳人百度影音 逃离德黑兰 百度影音 步步追魂百度影音 iris百度影音 欧洲性旅行百度影音 大闹天宫 百度影音 冰冷热带鱼百度影音 夺命追踪百度影音 闺蜜勿扰百度影音 玫瑰炒肉丝 百度影音 英雄联盟百度影音 活佛济公3百度影音 疯狂的爱情52 霹雳mit百度影音 欧美电视片 谍战深海百度影音 女性瘾者百度影音 非诚勿扰 百度影音 哭笑不得 百度影音 法外风云百度影音 天地民心百度影音 被窃之物 百度影音 大男当婚全集百度影音 婚姻保卫战百度影音 火影忍者539土豆 非狐外传百度影音 火影忍者539优酷 爷们儿全集百度影音 变身超人百度影音 斯巴达克斯 影音 十二星座离奇事件百度影音 黑夜传说2百度影音 站雷电视剧百度影音 一一影院快播 在劫难逃百度影音 花非花雾非雾百度影音 我想和你好好的百度影音 不设房 百度影音 黑夜传说5百度影音 青春期3百度影音 城市游戏 百度影音 进击的巨人 百度影音 青春期3 百度影音 电视剧一一影院 变形金刚1真人版 死亡诗社百度影音 一路向西电影完整版百度影音 一路向西百度影音高清 真心话大冒险百度影音 先结婚后恋爱全集百度影音 好命先生百度影音 女人的秘密百度影音 胜女的代价百度影音 天台爱情 百度影音 斯巴达克斯第二季09 堕落花霹雳煞 惊天魔盗团百度影音 飞虎百度影音 变形金刚4 百度影音 小爸爸电视剧百度影音 太极1 百度影音 倾世皇妃 快播 掌门女婿百度影音 步步惊情百度影音 深宫谍影百度影音 飞虎出征百度影音 霍比特人2 去而复归 惊天巨啸百度影音 惊天魔盗团百度电影 火影忍者 528 警戒结束百度影音 热爱岛百度影音 教父1百度影音 斯巴达克斯百度影音 一起看流星雨第3部 一起看流星雨第三部 上将许世友百度影音 雷神 百度影音 大秧歌电视剧全集西瓜 雷锋侠勇战地沟油侠 天台爱情百度影音高清 钢铁侠百度影音 恶灵05百度影音 恶灵骑士2百度影音 四平青年百度影音 纯真的年代 百度影音 宝贝战争电视剧全集百度影音 大敌当前百度影音 赤脚的朋友们百度影音 回到三国粤语百度影音 飞天潜龙百度影音 少数派报告百度影音 第一滴血1百度影音 生人勿进百度影音 爱情公寓百度影音 防弹武僧百度影音 如意百度影音 反锁百度影音 大唐游侠传百度影音 爱在春天 百度影音 中国骑兵全集百度影音 盟军夺宝队 百度影音 独裁者 百度影音 超级奶爸百度影音 东京热播电影百度影音 火影忍者524土豆 青春期百度影音 小鬼当家1百度影音 天龙传奇国语版 先遣连百度影音 小爸爸全集百度影音 非亲父子百度影音 孙子从美国来百度影音 风影电视剧百度影音 七日重生百度影音 心影国语版百度影音 冲上云霄2 影音 守护boss百度影音 美丽的契约 百度影音 流星雨第三部全集 金刚归来百度影音 雷哥老范百度影音 虎口脱险百度影音 窃听风云3百度影音 枪花 百度影音 千面天王百度影音 打工姐妹花在线 童话二分之一百度影音 那些年一起追的女孩百度影音 逆转未来百度影音 飞虎国语版百度影音 异镇百度影音 扫毒 影音 武林外传百度影音 学警雄心百度影音 御前四宝百度影音 萤火虫之墓百度影音 11影视网 雅典娜女神百度影音 尖峰时刻4百度影音 想你韩剧百度影音 兰陵王 百度影音 狼烟北平百度影音 流泪的新娘百度影音 火线三兄弟qvod 无名高地 百度影音 无名天使3d百度影音 战雷神百度影音 特种部队 全面反击百度影音 hello小姐 国语版1 非常人贩4百度影音 宿醉百度影音 绝杀电视剧全集百度影音 我是特种兵铁血雄心 毕有财全集百度影音 独孤神剑百度影音 非你不可百度影音 宝贝百度影音全集 hello小姐 国语版6 k歌情人百度影音 闯关东百度影音 疯狂赛车百度影音 天天有喜百度影音 我家有喜全集百度影音 hi上班女郎百度影音 极速赛车手百度影音 非常幸运 百度影音 舞力对决2百度影音 第三类接触百度影音 我的特一营百度影音 财神有道全集百度影音 致命魔术百度影音 抬头见喜百度影音 铁拳2012百度影音 金钱帝国百度影音 历劫俏佳人百度影音 雷霆扫毒国语百度影音 嘻哈四重奏百度影音 101次求婚百度影音 boss2百度影音 刀剑神域百度影音 风声传奇百度影音 小菊的秋天百度影音 角斗士百度影音 她的神话百度影音 她的神话17百度影音 点金胜手粤语11 点金胜手粤语13 点金胜手粤语10 点金胜手粤语16 薛平贵与王宝钏百度影音 歌舞青春1百度影音 潜规则 百度影音 全民超人百度影音 千山暮雪百度影音 恋爱假期百度影音 国门英雄全集百度影音 北京青年百度影音 烽火平原百度影音 造王者国语百度影音 独立连百度影音 同谋电影百度影音 钢铁侠 百度影音 狄仁杰第三部百度影音 蜜蜂总动员百度影音 狄仁杰之神都龙王电影百度影音 幸福的面条百度影音 性爱大师百度影音 超时空救兵百度影音 便衣支队百度影音 爱上巧克力 百度影音 吕梁英雄传百度影音 风影百度影音 雷霆扫毒粤语百度影音 盗梦空间百度影音 猎鹰1949百度影音 复仇者联盟 百度影音 刺杀本拉登百度影音 永不妥协百度影音 好心作怪百度影音 宝贝 百度影音 儿女的战争百度影音 几宗罪百度影音 画壁百度影音 美味的想念百度影音 大上海 百度影音 当男人恋爱时百度影音 一吻定情2013 影音 薛平贵与王宝钏粤语 爆头百度影音 爱回家347 傲慢与偏见百度影音 刀影电视剧百度影音 笑功震武林百度影音 侠侣探案百度影音 孤军英雄百度影音 暮光之城百度影音 刺陵百度影音 大秦帝国百度影音 侠女闯天关百度影音 美人 百度影音 孤岛猎鹰百度影音 八毫米2百度影音 耀舞长安 国语版 假结婚百度影音 假结婚 百度影音 秘密天使百度影音 不忠百度影音 正者无敌 百度影音 人类清除计划百度影音 饥饿游戏2百度影音 开心魔法百度影音 狂奔蚂蚁百度影音 埃及王子 百度影音 最佳嫌疑人百度影音 最毒美人心2百度影音 色既是空1百度影音 碟中谍百度影音 四大名捕2百度影音 two weeks百度影音 滴血钻石百度影音 缉毒精英 百度影音 斯巴达300勇士百度影音 西游降魔篇 百度影音 西游 百度影音 戏梦巴黎 百度影音 叛逃百度影音 香瓜七兄弟百度影音 穿越时空的少女百度影音 尼斯湖水怪百度影音 西游记降魔篇百度影音 中国骑兵 百度影音 爱拼北京百度影音 泰囧 百度影音 神枪狙击 百度影音 神枪百度影音 始祖家族百度影音 4楼b座百度影音 薯童谣百度影音 南京南京百度影音 异形2百度影音 总是忐忑不安 惊变28天百度影音 疯狂的爱情49 尖刀战士百度影音 谁能百里挑一百度影音 疯狂的蠢贼qvod 疯狂的蠢贼百度影音 x战警前传金刚狼百度影音 x女特工百度影音 回到未来1百度影音 假扮女佣百度影音 超龙神大结局 神探伽利略2百度影音 皮五传奇 百度影音 间接伤害百度影音 谁家灶头无烟火国语 点金胜手17粤语 信义百度影音 信义 百度影音 喜爱夜蒲2粤语百度影音 真爱找麻烦百度影音 当幸福来敲门百度影音 恋夏38度c百度影音 不肯去观音百度影音 国王的演讲百度影音 宫锁连城百度影音 家有九凤百度影音 女人的武器 百度影音 绿箭侠第二季百度影音 倾世皇妃快播 雅典娜女神 百度影音 星光熠熠耀保良2012 飞虎出征粤语百度影音 突袭百度影音 新都市人百度影音 巨塔杀机百度影音 赵氏孤儿案 百度影音 新恋爱时代百度影音 国王的演讲 百度影音 威震八方百度影音 路边新娘25 猫狗大战 百度影音 城市猎人百度影音 校园卧底百度影音 医龙2百度影音 要钱不要命百度影音 一站到底百度影音 大闹天宫百度影音 大闹天宫甄子丹百度影音 钢琴课百度影音 真爱惹麻烦百度影音 侠骨丹心百度影音 蛋炒饭百度影音 中毒百度影音 啊朋友还钱百度影音 一一影剧院 陨落星辰百度影音 铁血玫瑰百度影音 最毒美人心2 百度影音 亚历山大大帝百度影音 2008翡翠歌星贺台庆 请回答1997百度影音 病毒禁区百度影音 绝对权力百度影音 青春期撞上更年期2百度影音 爪哇岛火线百度影音 就是要你爱上我37 耳朵大有福百度影音 普罗米修斯 百度影音 金枝欲孽2 百度影音 金枝欲孽ii百度影音 养女电视剧全集百度影音 霍比特人意外旅程百度影音 雷神2百度影音高清 雷神2百度影音bd 特种部队全面反击百度影音 贝奥武夫百度影音 彼岸1945 百度影音 保姆日记百度影音 金刚狼前传百度影音 闯关东前传百度影音 霍比特人bd百度影音 巨轮百度影音 星际迷航1百度影音 造王者百度影音 小爸爸23百度影音 幸福蒲公英百度影音 非缘勿扰 百度影音 阿娘使道传百度影音 华丽一族百度影音 青春如期百度影音 大地雄心百度影音 恶战百度影音 断臂山百度影音 魅妆百度影音 外遇的好日子百度影音 离婚潜规则百度影音 局内人百度影音 笃姬百度影音 我家有喜 百度影音 我租了一个情人百度影音 秦王李世民百度影音 甲方乙方百度影音 喋血边城百度影音 金陵十三钗百度影音 华丽的外出百度影音 少狼第三季百度影音 王的盛宴高清完整版百度影音 熟男有惑粤语13 尼基塔百度影音 私人定制百度影音高清 四大名捕 百度影音 超级战舰百度影音 蟒山英雄在线观看 冥界警局百度影音 冲上云霄2 百度影音 嗨嗨百度影音 第一滴血5百度影音 屌丝男士百度影音 囧蛋奇兵百度影音 黒狐在线观看 京城绯闻百度影音 囧人的幸福生活百度影音 近在咫尺的爱恋百度影音 屌丝男士2百度影音 王的盛宴 百度影音 四十七浪人百度影音 经商点子 点子库 点子通 创业点子论坛 中国创业点子网 it创业点子 国庆活动策划方案 市场营销网 红圈营销 网6营销 汽车营销分析 第六大道医院网络营销 it男辞职卖肉夹馍 it创业点子 创业点子论坛 创业网站有哪些 创业技术 美容创业项目 服装销售策略 基金销售考试 福克斯汽车改装 靓车会汽车美容加盟 房产税最新消息2014 邯郸二手房产 桐乡123房产网 家居o2o 义乌创意家居批发 长篇小说征稿 洛奇花园小说 好思维数码印花 创新创业 创业项目策划书范文 投资策划书 四川投资理财网 理财平台 p2p理财平台 财商网 财商俱乐部 儿童财商培训 胡立阳解码财商 最佳商业模式 人民银行系统维护 农村电商成功案例 教育网网址 教育网直通车 教育网首页 emba论文 复旦emba 金点子网 中国创业点子网 创业网址大全 u88商机网 160商机网 金点子网 中国商业地产策划网 品牌策划网 中国房地产策划网 市场营销网 兽药营销网 会议营销网 中国会议营销网 网络营销网 简单学习网校 简单学习网注册 江户日语学习网 福建教育网成绩查询 风水师预言成龙有难 剑灵武神塔八卦 八卦掌教学 在线计算机使用 paperpass论文检测系统 众筹系统 门卫登记系统 灵秀电脑收银系统 协同设计系统 海通网上交易系统 酒店 系统 网上商店系统 数据可视化 万达信息 休息日加班被解聘 一休和尚诗集 一休啦啦 一休哥动画片全集 单元式空调机 机械动画 模具冲压 园林景观设计教程 园林灌溉 建材租赁 绿色建材 建材厂家 五金模具设计教程 钢管舞世锦赛 钢管姐 钢管集团 钢管舞钢管 阀门密封件 上海工良阀门 蛮尊吧 万文网校 暖色阁 留城网 色郎网 优宜付 无疼蓝 搜菜网 吴儒书场 北宝堂官网 小辣猫官网 题同福 又名什邡站长网 逆杀屠神 永恒之塔福卡 钟祥金御华府 快乐大本营2012114 宇智波龙传 琪吾网 天生废物异世逍遥游 立免网是真的吗 打火机zichen 恋迹家族qq空间社区 华帝卡盟 末日幻兽师 杏璃之夏日物语 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失落之蓝破坏者 白领也流氓 彩虹岛766 娄底五中贴吧 清穿之天街小雨 医品贤良 程牧网 宋朝瑞 岩盐弹 明镇兽 齐鲁男天 月笼寒天水 天月卡盟 岛田留那 禁忌书屋rich98 紫血传说 杨希嫣 山艺网费查询 优扣帮 杨至诚火线供给 芦台五中贴吧 阴囊蛙 苏花猴 qq炫舞称号亲爱的你在哪里 孙静露 17岁高中生三年恋爱175次 优省网 阴虱立扫光 王常姑 月氏童话 星合光 欧阳莎莎果照 龙游天下之棺中产子 391g动漫网 五柳村加易中文网 全民最大党20091001 长城宽带百分百影院 约定的地方吉他谱 织愿天堂 我的爸爸是老a 卢广声 昌特网yii9 问道神幻魔图 雪客刷七钻工具 尼达维里尔 和盛gamsco 林闵觉 vcys男女 小鬼也摩登高清国语 海贼王之见证历史 咱家哪些事 人力资源和社会保障部10774号文件 循环冷却水处理亨祥宁 蔡默网xvt9 没有你我的手歌词 御龙在天鬼面首领坐标 娄底二中贴吧 遥久美 珠海视窗聊天室 锡钢吧 重生我爱我家19楼 莎拉萨伯特 异界之龙族财迷下载 讨债宝宝爹地你惨了 网游之妖游帝国 超龙神主题曲 民乐一中杀人案 孙天柏 阿德瓦斯人 良人夺心 我能歘原唱 吴贾李 非常了得20121114 怀化四中贴吧 魂武天穹 饕鬃 维梅作 莱芜凤凰茶馆 萱妃传奇 地牢清洁工好玩吗 郭炳颜的个人简历 卿卿玉足丝艺馆 我爱查美乐 色麒麟修真传 伊米隆的回响 虚无邪尊5200 玄毓txt下载 又名锦州站长网 峰王笔露中文网 龙潜花都5200 六叶糖 善行之铲 乔治劳伦斯普莱斯 西游囧记攻略 伏魔英雄传大补天石 一个古神的重生 色即使空3在线观看土豆 熟女倶楽部5009 又名宜兴站长网 虾q播吧 十二影城江湖新秩序 淘宝刷单平台聚发财网 鸠帝网 盘龙山庄我的家 掌跖角化症王根会 又名荆州站长网 茹庄网yqp9 租呀呀自驾 美人泪登意报 蔻柔尔 黄金渔场130501 奶霸卡盟 众狗网 古灵精探bicy 思巢坊 恶魔总裁的一夜禁爱 4001078003是哪的电话 又名娄底站长网 又名荥阳站长网 又名林州站长网 乌兰浩特后起之秀 歪兔购 网游之御女心经 西安雅庭快捷酒店 色即使空4在线观看 卫旺网 沐浩阁 泰舞狂飙 星际破坏神 无字拼图4 我的美少女宠物 生化危机之逐艳曲 冷少霸妻 三国yy之时空英杰 公牛通信 蔡德姮 199网民学院 宠物小精灵bw32 窝迷坊 dnfve修改器教程 黄金渔场121010 韩伦影伦 处子坊 苏劳音 散漫社 略夺爱寝盗女儿 倒瘾帮 格子间女人19楼 莉丽香图网 欢乐潜水艇sf 江阴青阳艳照门 大玩家小斋 琅琊驿站唐人游 港服巨商下载 山行键 空袭h3 女忍者无惨qvod 霉女的禁忌txt 团喜啦 苏妙铃 华特吧 铁窗诗话 美国黛兰迪尔 天下书盟神墓续本 天尊大人请留步 花宁斯影视 紫塞明珠聊天室 依你依我 再续大明时 兖矿网 吉林艾若厨卫电器 星神震天女主角 我让校花爱上我 赛尔号迷度空间在哪 我的嫂嫂19岁 空军指挥官布拉克 银利半岛卡 365康品惠 桑代衣 邪心爹地索爱小逃妻 高彬雨 国猪青花瓷 静海二中贴吧 校花攻略5200 渣婚之后19楼 0432团吉林市 梅徐网tsz4 搜惠兔 龙楼神冥 望京一霸金箍棒 快乐大本营2013525 门萨网 王坚良豆瓣第三帅 洛光烘焙网 强心脏110719 陷落繁华19楼 葫芦岛电信影院 麻嚓撸 沙尘之锁大奖章 今汇讯 徐厚才被调查 壹黄小宝 造梦西游3贺龙 分开不一定分手铃声 谷百双搜 冰城宝宝团购区 炫舞称号亲爱的你在哪里 夜情病栋快播 法官前夫滚 新僵尸物语 小姐威客助手 依拉病毒 marketiva互动星空 风火靛苑 psp虹吸战士黑镜 投掷羽毛球的学问 一帘幽梦之萍聚满江红 梁祝之蝴蝶单飞 何竝媚 雄霸蛮荒快眼看书 保罗太子龙 梅威瑟vs古雷罗 爱有你我感觉满足 甜性涩爱土豆网 重修之灭仙弑神续集 吞舌菜 十堰供求2000 霸道殿下请小心 秦时明月之挥剑问情 色老五 落落清欢19楼 刘情祥 百家乐投资财务明细表 恋迹家族 爱情占线插曲 林威成种子 罗绮曼 魔角侦探之大三角计划爱奇艺 偶买咖龙五爷团队 刘可颖全集快播 正月无初一打一字 wmo战斗日志统计 贾唐网acz0 骨灰成宝钻 撩君情狂 牡邦 孙陈奕铭 扑倒老公大人迪文 神灯使徒 天涯若比邻打一成语 现代江湖启示 普法栏目剧爱潮全集 太子要淡定 马尔贝尔德 美空榜 寿仇网bsx0 针灸院盗撮 钱长姐 色搜搜 破碎银河系私服 龙非世间物 饶洛溪 浪子成神 冯正冬 那海兰珠19楼 明天的太阳林紫绪 张述michael 雪梦冰紫蝶 卡丽莎莎隆 禾润坊创伤疤痕平复膏 夏洛之恋 叶子楣个人3鸡片 劢衄鬯龠 江陵肃爷爷是谁 风云之天下会花屏 炫富姐回来了 百草堂书社 ht8738声卡驱动 月云鬼 香港影院xxjjyy 冰鲁花 娃娃王爷无盐妃 mrp山寨乐园 恶斗极品丫鬟 百思慕 海霞树小说网 36uc智能双挂登陆器 喜洋洋和灰太狼之喜气洋洋过蛇年 洪荒之鸿莲圣人 林粮乩 抱泡网 情牵长思 藏地密码chm 闽南男科网mnnkw 北风蛙 皇家帝国花园新地址 彩鱼人rpg 圣西罗空调 望天番外 长江电力邮件系统 洛浦佳人 邪魔外道之超级教师 济南wzyoule 田纪云维基百科 北宝堂泡酒料 泪人痣 雨宫琴音少年爱 道血玄黄 徐浩瀚新浪微博 放学我当家之我的淘气爸爸 赵婷婷与肥肉说拜拜了 掌玩斗士网游 爱情保卫战海霞 亲前婚后19楼 欧链网otw6 阴题大王 爬书吧 斯科拉里揭秘弃卡卡小罗原因 镜中人曲小卿 张然丁 寻宝走进上杭 嫩模霜霜 虹光蓝色蟹壳 北方影院之我的野蛮格格 穿到清朝的清闲生活 星缘网赚 狂神卡盟 溥熙来最新消息 欺心恶夫 尹平良 viewones潮流 灵域22mt 总裁休想动我 五维空间文明 鲁妹网 涩青春神话 追回蓝姬 网游之创世颠峰 掌玩斗士游戏网站 闻优网 02kkk打不开 华安卡盟 不知火舞18p 笑晚歌 我的高中生帅老公 上海美罗城厕所快播 徐弓坊弓箭专卖 麒麟奇迹 僵尸秋水txt 廖狗蛋 索爱小逃妻 西德变装家园 珠海嫩模兰兰 芭奴卡 异界食尸藤 黑网后搜索到一个名为塞寥尔 觐见石母 惠蒙网qig6 随喜txt新浪 夜来妍女 约翰森纳 现世幻龙 滨州学院雅信达 杀人虾致命性攻击 校园女狼 海馨的咒语 赛尔号2夜明珠 河马家老总 李昊翰中国梦之声 双喜暗号 江胡之争 尧建云被谁废了 蓝宏l168 邪鳞领主 海青缘 白马探我是你的骑士 红色珊瑚的夏天 陆忠和刘万强 鸟啦网 诺基亚c603 替罪王妃 闵先艺扭腰 长官爱人19楼 方羽茔汹 逆问苍穹 爱叶渚 惊天秘典 任彩媛 细作一家亲 德阳三九人才网 红军版beatit 北影校草 建国40周年大阅兵 晁常伊兰 阿宾与学姐 qq飘飘 大明食货志 甘尼什 绿豆蛙打酱油 香港御妃宁 张明雅 王妃才九岁 忧忧网 骠骑将军追妻记 三上香里菜 洛子桐好骚 汽车维修通 狄易达街舞 拟厦鸟 人多势众歌词 腿模michiyo 文三街在线 杨紫璐新浪微博 终极任务全集土豆网 女医生张轩 产快网 tom星座 借我三千千万石 逆天修神录 浅色记 热吻总裁养个小新娘 唐风今何在 庞雨熙 剑灵被浊气污染的铸块 空中救兵 女子无殇新浪 申瓯客服唐明 施诺卡 调皮女生pk恶魔王子 维希度斯打不死 网王琼瑶涅盘 网游之药师行 四千金玩转樱雪学院 兽心沸腾txt免费下载 达濠三脚虎 均乐网 邪魅总裁霸占新妻 阴阳红娘馆 贾继海 齐天大圣闯都市txt 反叛的鲁路修之萨拉的降临 从善如流8166 恶魔占卜器 金庸群侠傲战古龙群侠 商会芳 杨文昊扮老人 妖戏院 辽宁石油化工大学顺华能源学院 000498最新消息 卡酷年的恐怖计划 酷狗弹弹堂官网 刘波很忙 柳李渔 漫画派对官网 迷糊娇妃斗龙塌 千金女佣第三部 秋元美由qvod 学苑追艳录 翟鸿枭 涿州网络公司天峰 帝星风月 攀枝花招办 培训学校如何招生 笨笨女的血族王子 崛起在汉武帝国 网游之极品人妖txt 0773桂林交友网 国民教育本科 国民教育是什么意思 穿越之美女保镖 吹眼睛铃声 黄悦迪 恋之狂 羴井林 商雪琳 众望玥坊 杜卡基部落的奥德石 范式守约 莆田王子龙 光荣日第二季 何年希最后和谁在一起 rstar的雪雪 风影3000 伯爵的蜜桃女孩 焦点访谈20140518 谈古论今zoning 鱼峰山麦当劳女经理 河佑善三级 护花奇缘主题曲 招生方案 雷区里的工具 告白是从爱情开始的 简述葛朗台的发家史 沈航宁 网王之月歌临夏 见证双虹怎么做 大盗宝藏计算器 柠檬天使计划国语版 程真的直播间 第四千金 火影之波风紫炎 又名东营站长网 009电梯迷情小游戏 芭比的疯狂派对2 天筑网 哇酷网络视频 嘉楠梓 赖上无良痞公主 古温大河网 哈吉克的包裹 金闪闪送水 蜀门三星仙珠 俞夏被谁带走 在家千日好的下一句 马闻好 黑丝恋梦 鲍新建 克拉斯特学院好看吗 男儿当自强歌词谐音 首席甜妻万万岁 星布里官网 弃后的诱惑 武月梦立方 转世为人之魔幻大陆 范世琪居来提 谁先淘 阿真央 爱情兵法书系列 暴行白书女 姜心比心 龙龙卡盟平台 平安保险温公子 三娅 网游之王者世界 杨吉昌 掌玩斗士首页 赵天韶 招生老师 花花公主驾美男 异界变身之不老传说 所向披靡的铁人军 初恋五十次qvod 临朐宣传网 闽南理工7号楼 斗气王妃15岁 香港奇案之女星何价 斑竹初成三妃庙 魅力研习社破冰取蛋 头戴绿帽走江湖 中医e百网 可爱的女同学使用春药 鹏城艳 黄雅玄 新华信企业档案在线 邪少猎妻娘子别耍酷 网页游戏选22ck 高阶祭司的一票 爱唯侦察fr 明眸紫瞳 联合早报胡薄之争 谭志玲 砍手豪 彼得林奇的传奇一生 丑汉霸两美妻 加兹奥达 冲浪泡美人 大杨树一中贴吧 甘蔗网造梦西游4无敌版 海贼王之血狼风流 何处金屋可藏娇19楼 红金龙望星空 滑县一中招生办 流氓王爷好邪恶 破灭魔人布利兹布洛兹 朴有天狐狸雨 普绪客小说 希拜xebye 萧璠网 朱雷文音 张以江 酷花网 兰尼德的奶酪 两天一夜120826 魔法奇幻秀qvod 切赫头套 少校妞来了 后来我们都哭了txt新浪 91国外网游第一位 史莫克将军的银戒有什么用 心神不宁的二小姐 换偶网 爱穿越国界 圆桌姬士 假面超人电王全集 超魔人主题曲 海的誓言主题曲 黄海袭胡事件 剑道独尊落秋 刘笑吟邵磊 鲁音屋 通钢吧 闲情逸致宠妻记 与小仙女混居的日子 长沙seo薛峰 折纸网 纸艺网 30文明国家 凤凰社dj 韩鑫予 呼兰五中贴吧 陆小凤之狂刀琴师 王亚飞尹姝贻 我的野蛮奶奶第二部 坏蛋内传全集 极品公子混在校园 维尼夫妇20110702 雨林木风系统diy_y16 陆梦馨qq 陈诗敏 无所不能黑眼圈粉粉 那一年俞家村所发生的事情 中国文摘网 汶上党建网 嗜血王爷的弃妾 成都招生网 鞍钢网 闭月堂 卡布西游宿命之约 太阳的女儿主题曲 我爱你爱到死心踏地 喜多嶋诗织 祥安阁双羊保岁 有脚不怕山高水长 张三丰异世游 权路纵情 虐杀原型追踪谢菲尔博士 挑宝网 镇江卫校刘莉 耳鼻喉专家徐明栓 我的野蛮老师国语版 田中瞳作品 凉音沙雪 麻生芽衣 热炒吧促销活动 欧锦赛655365点com 黄人喜 东北人与新疆人火拼 欧格兰果蔬奶茶 邴敏 超级交警最新章节 化鬼骗 会发光的电磁跷跷板 李颖芝君子门图片 恋恋超姻速黄渤 世界十大文豪之一的中国文学家 唐国峻博客 韦莲儿 潇湘雨林sp 邢雅晨新浪微博 寻宝走进临安 寻仙东山岛破阵 兽人之墨菊 灵界精华 卡布西游佛念珠 两天一夜111218 钱琳储 我为内衣狂txt下载 心理访谈妈妈我恨你 一桶鱼一箱肉 重生之古魔修罗 星斗姬种子 芮学永 爱你十分泪七分伴奏 穿越神墓之何为逆天 火瀑吧 家有小尾巴狼 剌陵 莽荒纪落秋 溥熙来近况 热血小飞龙免费版 误惹相府四千金 李春城与赵红霞 女处长的厕奴 天津财经大学珠江学院外网 齐b小裙敢玩 绝心虐恋 欢乐拼购街 天然系列不是所有美女都那么变态 兽交系列 高玄贞 拉托恩的狡诈之剑 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总裁的33日索情涮书网 艾文雅 我是歌手(更新至20150102期) 徐永钦很牛叉2 综琼瑶之祖孙斗 北店嘉园邮编 洪荒神巫 灰烬审判军军需官 基德撞杯门 聚百淘 平凡的清穿日子19楼 袁高亮 赵榕佑 巴尔古挖掘场 北美索额图 蔡诗萍前女友 肥后压扁皇上 古巴比伦驭王记 金振彪事件 酷酷郎君我来也 流氓鉴定师 孟翰辞 千脑炫舞记忆助手 调皮王妃好难缠 又名石首站长网 又名盐城站长网 陈徽茵 混迹香都 鸟眼快读 荃加福绿寿 众宝汇登陆 众宝汇返还网 延津一中杀人案 贱妇吴敏 限制级恋足 释迦佛公子 spanking资源交流站 娼门女侯19楼 超级梦幻现实 非常时期非常爱txt 海螺网 吉付通消费分红网 摩尔勇士章界王 怒龙战记3职业 日耳曼角斗士 施坦威空气净化器好 蚁贼5200 战斗司书好看吗 代理招生 抬头扬眉气轩昂 敢喷网 草榴榴 宋平之子宋林 中山招生网 珠海招生网 濡湿女王 采莲诗赠友看朱成碧 阴城五主 七个小矮人猎艳记 黄忠坤 额外的小丑 搜泡泡有毒吗 江应星 狠狠撸有毒吗 魔力宝贝因果报应 豆皮网 奥菲尔之罪歌曲 风云魔域 两天一夜090920 马桂木 儿女传奇宅门娘子 儿女传奇之宅门娘子 崎屋社 鹤唳华亭19楼 联合早报网胡薄之争 情断上海滩张国荣 五十岚隼士男扮女装 西镇大喜哥 cs15爆头作弊器 傲视五胡 不举总裁的盗种妻 东阳顶顶团 斗战神微笑的鸡蛋 疯狂猜成语山河手表 量子启示录好看吗 马托墨西拿德纳罗 帅总裁的坏爱情 四角凹槽碎片怎么用 无赖皇上之就要拐你来爱朕 先锋记录格斗之夜 邪恶boss的替身情人 杨修雯 爷爷给我打月饼歌词 榆次五中贴吧 造梦西游无敌版甘蔗网 阻止能量传导 bm跨国企业人力资源共享 mickymin吧 qq西游无字天书 阿曼尼经典店歌 博兴二中贴吧 范海辛的性感历险记 国王击退掘金 怀尔德瓦迪水上乐园 桓曲牛人 惊风的港湾 灵魂钓客莫达克 怒龙战记3大地精灵 赛尔号临字真言 师士传说5200 田园牌草编工艺品 铁血新共和 网内有仙 银幕十大失忆硬汉 有志者监理师人才库 重生之吴应熊传奇 hp服务器中科广荣 windos延缓写入失败 成城红茶馆之事情 康梁网 人体艺术爱如潮水 征婚总裁的幼齿新娘 至尊天神奖章 娇艳大帝 星球大战ol国服 炫舞称号别不信我是真的喜欢你 艳倾天下爱妃朕来也 九阴真经红粉白株 里番二区吧 莎莉劳伦 水岛骏介 特工太后狠狂野 qq仙灵好人卡 非诚勿扰张闻 海版仙流 明明知道相思苦简谱 萨菲罗斯之无限传说 死神小傻后 网游之天下有贼 协助托尔托拉 血噬九州 永远伴随你一生简谱 苍井空白内涵图 第一次亲密接触豆瓣 九天玄侠 卡卡西vs鼬是第几集 狂侠天骄魔女主题曲 十幅穿帮图刘亦菲 同好糗事 我老婆是妖 雅虎通摄像头驱动 翟兆钧 中华第四帝国5200 猪木桑 wevs韩国队 dota老杨2打5的神话 d绅士之塔 rcbcn_热炒吧 锦州五中贴吧 九月吃一物排出全身毒 酒鬼回家技巧 异都风流txt下载 百罗 ghost兵工厂 石川铃华bt 杜云社 恋上黑道美眉 郴拼音 比思永久域名 芭娜娜飘曲 碓冰拓海bg 街头篮球葡萄登陆器 龙女的封印 龙仕旭 拍卖总裁老公 情断上海滩主题曲 温侯传 喜上眉梢虫碧 鱿鱼公主翻身记 圆圆快乐之旅 凡人修仙传22mt 西峡一高吧 一箱战歌之斧 恩施招生考试网 七咲枫花恶心图片 里新番 霸主的冷酷宝贝 红姐图库利彩利民高手坛 魔兽世界不着痕迹 沁阳那些事全集 爱宠有情人 霸道爹地亲一个 白莉灵子 程品然 方惜扶槛露华浓 菲尔沃克 饥鼠有礼阅读答案 姜斯宪被贬 耒耜用在哪个行业 冷总裁诱上不纯女佣 蜜雪薇琪解散了吗 娜可露露背景音乐 欧鼎pu线条十大品牌 商丘一高贴吧 视灵药剂 堂堂网市场看板 婖婷 一梦如是歌词 越战绝杀 校园篮球风云录 洋葱卡盟 贵阳招生网 爸爸我们去哪儿e21 哥期待你的爱 兰兰醉人 李白逍遥记 山东冠县在家加工活 讯呈ug网 友田彩也香silk014 中复电讯网上商城 秦嬉 gtv嘎嘎平台 北京化妆学校排名 大盘鸡是哪里的菜 50cent老婆 爱无胆 暴风刑警演员表 大话腐女插曲 古代魔古钥匙 摩诃那三界传 妻妾无敌txt 钱丽雅 梦立方游戏下载 试管婴儿论坛tjjjjk 阵琳 4399拼图宝藏屋 守护女神天行记结局 无忧技术组yy69007 仙缘梦如刃 有妖气寒舞本人照片 时风吧 山田幸子 dasege导航 异世擎天录 flashmx2004序列号 seo唐勇 不是你的错伴奏 财星高照主题曲 毒妇从良记19楼 恶魔总裁的御用情人 零式国度 三嫁囚宠妃 少龙都市风流行 仙果福缘 萧峰修仙传 许瓈元 妖精的尾巴吉拉拉 异世大圣者 夜帝的失宠前妻 在梅边铃声 幽灵鬼屋中文版 迟丽桐 劲足网最新足球比赛在线观看 sky浪翻云博客 北方影院地狱来电 滁州狂野之城 幻影特攻队 脚哈哈商城 康帅卡盟 灵动嘻哈传 玫子甜品菜单 怕输网 神医圣手xs921 胜驴记牌器 四方宇官网 随心风流txt下载 网游之流氓至尊 网游之天下无双sodu 未央歌凤阙 徐州云龙湖水怪 宇宙之神厉游记 重生之中国战神 仓井利亚 火线战将三部曲 娘子嫁错狼 调教笨娇妻 南通招生网 unaico最新消息 内蒙新闻网 天天向上0309 青州市公安局孙玲玲 匈奴王的侍妾 四级照门 金盛福饺子 芹泽由衣 皇家传奇之王者归来 又名邳州站长网 人人校花校草 骑虎成人网 上海招考网 花郁吧 舌战法庭竹叶青 供求2000 黄褐斑王根会教授 艾欧纳克斯刷新时间 霸道冷少的专属恋人 好心好报搞笑版歌词 侯马青网 九尾狐家族国语 龙发空包 喜羊羊与灰太狼之快乐方程式 流年盛世之桃夭传 imba380命令 柴米油盐酱醋茶伴奏 第一休闲会所sis001 健美操竞技网 怕打针的小胖子 漂亮的高中同班女班长居然嫁给了我老爸 沈阳百济营 兔友美图 香港高校模特小雨 2828咔咔就是发 3q踏古殇 果味赛尔最新版 海运门全套图片大赠送 曼雅美颜彩妆 沃顿助考 蜈蚣恋爱体 遮瑕膏的选购小窍门 知花梅莎qvod 爱神奔驰主题曲 白井仪人 枫泾中学贴吧 前任爹地妈咪好新鲜 国模阿红 慈禧秘史qvod 秦晓鹰的父亲 三界与地狱魔族正式版30 妃嫁豪门缠不休 阜平县吧 九阴真经银矿刷新时间 绝对丽奴快播 美神极乐大作战之人形师 魔主老公的冒牌妃 杀人如麻快播 时风网上办公系统 王一手黄药膏 兔兔飞小说网 訋z 斗书阁 疯狂猜成语甲字成山 古镇奇谭空怨 哈辉的前任丈夫 石狮金才人才网站 四季养生瑜伽春季篇 夜月的镇魂歌 牡丹江农业信息网 亳州李井泉 天命悍匪 马晓盼 保定乔升集团 大肚子茶聚纤良品团购正品 东经热快播 恶女当家人间晚晴 歌声里的puma 鲸鱼夫妇120818 我的爸爸是太监 我是山主 休问梁园旧宾客下一句 石峰惜影 王凯杰bt种子 爱滕网 网球宝贝新手卡 张无艳 边见须惠子 山海情缘东方神韵 爱情游戏水玲珑 黑道王子的99号天使 基加美修的召唤石 刻痕漫迹 神话放送e28 忧日忘叹 终于轮到我上马了 thumbsup是什么意思 国世平本人新浪博客 李逍遥在异界 卢嘉丽抓到了吗 罗纳尔多怒赞k神 清河开明中学口语训练平台 食补不如爱补 寿光仓圣公园聊天室 王洪祥第35场比赛 云上的宝石大结局 陈红又被前婆婆告了 虎宝宝旅游网 进入古尔丹的牢笼 栗林莉丽 唐璐私房菜 无名搜 小度陪你报志愿 永春一中校园网 运安钢格板厂 贼快网电视剧 恶魔总裁的挚爱恋人 浣肠潮喷大爆走 彭紫烊整容前后 死神之邪气一护 无锡阿福台交通违章查询 小葵花杯作文大赛 心跳阴灵女子学院 异界之疯狂建筑师 意外重生小心混混女 中山99吧 宝路华19路 劫机哥 兰格利萨战纪官网 氯化钙是多用途的干燥剂和建筑防冻剂 景凌网zwb9 昆山建行杀人案 网游之创世纪 仙鸿路5200 旭虎大仓库 株洲昨天下午5点38分发生怪事 山水郎中红鼻消 大唐武修 酷派d508刷机 青涩小小妻 365超市订货网 查滨州tv事官网 海龙膏多少钱 济公新传第二部 揭晓兮 林西县吧 圣魔传奇 天河传说天行棋 天涯追击令 徐才厚死亡内幕 至尊少年王向右看 作嗳怎样进去图片 封神啸天官网 幻梦唯心三部曲 由爱可奈快播 美女公敌完整版 冥夜狂龙 佻褐朱澧 4001058003是什么电话 4001078003什么电话 4008839258是什么电话 99包邮清仓兔 高松惠理qvod 很纯很暧昧前传百科 堪培拉的风88 龙龙卡盟网址 梦幻群侠传三修改器 求魔sodu 死神魂之狂欢2攻略 小青车论坛 重生之衙内5200 肇庆招生办 谭阎网vfw8 中国西德变装家园 吉尔克尼斯 台湾宅男女神米亚 我们真的爱过吗国语 矿大信电学院 剑网情丝 不完整的旋律吉他谱 如何易水上下句 微雨燕双飞菊子 守护甜心之蓝羽紫蝶 王爷爱上青楼里的我 金品轩希望之星 刘惠璞的老婆 宜昌国贸吴莉莉 青岛黑社会乔伟光 陪游神仙道 商侃巴拉拉小魔仙 焰须巡逻营 网游之废物传说2 安徽外国语学院校花 按此进入性情中人 文登燕衔泥 乌钢带扣 nba最前线20130530 北方影院之双凤奇缘 大碗岛资源下载 福五鼠之战国烽烟全集 江伊涵弹跳f奶 聚缘诛仙 柯尔普萨之森 冷情王爷御八夫txt 买丝绣作平原君下一句 山东卫视儿女传奇 神焰帝王 天堂2魔晶石 围城不危txt 沃源集团王吉财前妻 西女鲍鱼 星期八音乐论坛 云醉月微眠txt新浪 张梓琳不穿低胸装不罢休 美神维纳斯的圣杯 avav123改成什么了 t121312吉他谱 大主宰淘书楼 费孝通自选集 父母心事有谁知 将来的歌伴奏 玫瑰之夜太极峡谷 梦幻篮球之邪枫传说 全城热恋20140511 一天到晚游泳的鱼伴奏 易轩外文 余乐宝 织春乐园 杜蒙二中贴吧 清穿之相如以默 飒漫画月华玫瑰杀 神箭传说txt下载 桃园带甲加点 心动时刻简简单单的享受 17zz网页游戏私服 ava伊娃补丁 娥眉山月歌 火影之伪鸣人5200 精武世界单机版 女神逸闻录 深渊领主的毁灭战锤 命运轮回之夜 维尼夫妇20110820 艳飘记 湖南米仓门 天福铃声网 小泽木有风 lt3c守卫城堡 大成前收基金 戴京耀 国产大巫异界行 建行鱼龙变 江南京华梦片尾曲 军团战争千变万化 蓝天之约简谱 冷漠贵公主 杀手奶爸的宝贝蛋 网拍十三姬 吸血鬼之吻漫画 雪洗天下笔趣阁 摇垚石寺 博时快e通 曹妃甸创业网 丰南一中校园网 泰国美女打一成语是什么 泰来三中贴吧 网游之无极之旅 郑海潮是谁 爱的春天电视剧全集 报关员的黑色记忆 顶尚包包网 红糖哥事件主人公曝光 哇靠哇靠去你麻痹 五行麒麟系列 薄情总裁手放开 齐沃兰度假村 静夜寂歌之祭 ppady高清电影 阔耳狐多少钱 祥园刻章 dnf旧日的终结 赤血龙骑笔趣阁 绯色男公关 孤儿寡母生存记 李涵辰易学论坛 奶茶mm被高帅富破了 网金匕首 型色男女演员表 原谅我一次伴奏 重生之逍遥风流 春花木 本溪铁通第五空间 昏嫁19楼 易被策反群体 欲魔性奴 52088快速电影网 印度恒河水葬 家有仙土 中西里菜姐妹共演 佛山招生网 帝尊浪荡子小说 冷魅王爷逃跑妃 林西县人事局 平煤网 弃妇也逍遥19楼 诱春怀 御龙在天乱武斗场 crossgene高家宁 mop珠宝专用宝石 viewones官网 爱跑帮地摊货批发网 超级搜鬼仪5200 斗战神流花蜜露 红盟风云录 凯普吧 科比历险记下载 莱州宏企商讯 恋足踩 涩玉吧 上海壹周电子版 小么哥结婚照 血战中原第三部 一休传奇论坛 中国环保设备网hb114 朱丽千 金瓜钺斧朝天蹬 仙境幻想法师精灵 快乐大本营20080614 巫峡巫山杨柳多下一句 游戏无法运行80020148 做次有钱人百度影音 广州招生网 最终的阿玛格顿 dnf贝伦博内哥在哪 eva补完计划全纪录 凤艳阁 覆雨翻云之戏梦传 麻豆宿舍第一季 弃妇翻身19楼 神奇宝贝bw95 盛明网 盛世安稳19楼 逍遥记李白 月弯弯好喜欢 艳妇孔菲 倚天屠龙躲艳记 诱奸友妻 echoxp怎么调 xxxholic笼op 北暮苍山兰舟四 冰火魔厨5200 博希来近况 捕风的汉子吉他谱 大宋妖异谭 绝色狐狸老公 梦幻西游炼丹炉bug 男花匠与女经理全集 牛梦羽 温州女商人阿秋 武林高手异界游 侠物语cdkey 新浦区团委书记周静 热浪球爱战演员表 肉蒲兵团 三枪拍案惊奇qvod 高俪霏 揭竿而起的主人公 龙王的女婿5200 三国小镇蛇年大礼包 刀客老赵 玲珑玄机 陶虹薄纱裙秀身材 宇航员尖叫九分钟 黄金梦佩鲁斯的荣誉哪里爆 家好月圆庆团圆 林雨翎 怪谈20131109 lol此负场不做记录 反宫马的别称 江阴车震门 吕程的修真秘籍 庞晓戈近况 商都社区疯狂贴图 淘雅客 天使之恋ol主题曲 甜心前妻回来吧 杨幂露乳头明道 川岛令美 开封招生信息网 爱情大魔咒演员表 单挑高傲王子txt 恶魔的专属恋人 郭燕陆 嗨水晶糖果 婚后试爱老公别太坏 炼宝专家无弹窗 热血无赖一分钟密码 鼠猫不如归去 晚托网 闻立瘦芳香瘦身卡 虚无邪尊无弹窗 郑家榆人体艺术 筑神网 足球之夜20130616 魔法战士甜心骑士 混沌雷修笔趣阁 疏影在天苍 保加力通道 陈滢巧 浣熊帮帮忙19楼 摩尔勇士弓箭手加点 秦时明月之星雪琉璃 拳皇之我是冒牌大蛇 神气宝贝贪财妈 盛世官场 一球成名副本战术 重庆石柱周小燕 晨光搁浅19楼 格格dy6 郏县贴吧 零度资源网 盛世仁杰好看吗 水晶虾养殖zadull 网游之血狐杀戮下载 艳射90黑脚丝女 5026小说网 不灭圣医 黑暗使者凤仪赛罗 机锋市场pad 菅谷梨沙子种子 劲舞团魔法花园 李忠瑞继母完整照片 青春爱人事件txt 雾影地之竹龟三 星球掌控者 曲阳田庄古墓 督军佐尔玛兹 内蒙古最新新闻 郑智斥8辆宝马谣言 宾至如归妇女之宝 一本道美丽小护士 小鬼遇上兵 刘立母 穿越之毁人不倦 国民教育科 国民教育序列大学本科 成栋学院教务部 二桃杀三士文言文 宫妃殇之君虐倾城 华原朋美种子 甲子湖吧 接档醋娘子 解密请求交易串失败 聂小倩的梦岛 人力资源外包找达帮网 天天喜事网 章丘人才网志伯 撞上天敌二次方漫画 乐亭一中吧 阿木古尚历史网 合肥古汤池国际会所 七年很痒插曲 青春草莓蛋国语 吴倩莲的缝和欲 夏禹的淘宝店 大检察官法尔班克斯 军武狂人梦第二论坛 脉动时空彩游游戏 蜜桃成熟时钟真 普法栏目剧冻桐花 人类的条件2pm 钟宝爱 加拿大辣椒城 辰洋吧 怀念不如相见叶夭夭 悠奇爱 青海方言憨豆先生 拉大剧对不起我爱你 恋战千年 冰恋聊天室 九阴真经怀中抱月 蛮横大老爷 徐州云龙湖食人鱼 印尼62岁男子四次生蛋 尤物诊所里的诱惑 薄习之争 3054男生小游戏 90kk漫画 dnf灵介质 八味百痔灵 天书奇谈刀枪不入 可游漫画 都市狂龙爱无边 武汉招生网 暗黑法师传 永州伯乐英才网 卯月麻衣全集 黄金渔场20120905 观月雏乃快播 plu宝宝素颜照片 东经热qvod 火过冰壶化 京城大开发商王泽宇 京都航城 千秋书库 袁宝璟和苗圩 长安妖娆 薄情总裁的妖娆情人 高干子弟逗娇妻 何亚萌聚美优品 刘亦菲死了吗 我家不打烊插曲 一贯道善歌 北京人持刀抗强拆 恶魔王子爱上天使 鸿蒙真祖 女儿丸 拼合熊猫人神器 又名溧阳站长网 镇江人一起打牌 铸剑魔法师 安贞焕身世 白城优视网 超能力魔法学院 寸芒5200 的士之色遇 公猫端母猫 神奇宝贝xy43 希拜商城 重生之香途乐文 鹿眼的诱惑 梦幻魔域 吞噬星空最新章节列表星云搜盟 徐才厚死亡之谜 易问医诊后随访 wow秘密接头详情 爱情木瓜原唱 半江琵琶半江红 杜宥仪新浪微博 国防生第二部海魂曲 魔兵传奇之大魔王 十滴水打一字 文心阁文章列表 重生小保姆txt新浪 妖尾之六道十尾 su二进制文件过旧 安顺五中贴吧 伏魔战记38v 国家安全部2014招聘 黑白羽翼之嗜血公主 建熙是谁 江西电信施工调度系统 冷少的见习爱神 泡芙小姐的百叶窗 乾坤兽王 圣斗士之小潘守护人 我在垦丁天气晴吻戏 无赖的海滩货物 想爱都难片尾曲 新飞飞霸天虎 徐才后出事天津 勇敢的幸福伴奏 谮环传 张起灵不朽简谱 2255k新地址是什么 ejr众创平台 暴君有种娶我 冰心是什么派诗人 非常完美杜少甫 海霞姐是男是女 红叶卡盟 绝域求生之病毒 你是不是我最疼爱的人原唱 涅茧利bg 七夜女佣暴总裁 又名新沂站长网 左手仙缘2 an80影城 彩票聚合资讯门户 祛痘我只信赖芝妮雅 天下足球20140505 许雅涵的牙齿 知足者外贸社 邓朴方携巨款潜逃 古镇奇谭七夜 海豚病 雷米斯特里奥 我心依旧原唱 又名华蓥站长网 网游之异世王者下载 dnf海洋的追随者 李天熙吸毒 栗原玛雅 两天一夜100124 史明婧 妖仙流零 又名大庆站长网 八艺舞 伯莱釈铽 穿到汉朝做公主 飞行者商旅网 疯狂猜图马 韩菱纱桌面守护天使 狠狠哭伴奏 黄龙封神传 济南画室联考250分 神的女儿不说谎 血齿狂鱼 樱井琉华 与佛论禅网址 众宝汇官网 总裁太坏谁的错 田昭赋 22世纪金融网 嚞凤湖 4001058003是什么号码 爱股吧 魑魅人间道 古代育儿宝典2 海林口罩帮 开门大吉20130421 快乐米音乐网 千里魔法一剑牵 三洞真诠txt 天才小捣蛋中文版 夏虫qvod 血魅传奇 营漳瑶 勇闯虾掰大陆 掌上书苑春暖 中华一八九九 寒假招生 石梅线末班车 daisy韩燕 野烟叶 矫矫剑神txt 平常心1217 热血无赖键盘失灵嘟嘟声 苑冉后援会 重庆校花 孟楠问 平安圣夜的祭礼 汤灿事件始末 春穿绿衣秋黄袍 簧瑟图片恶心图片大全 骨肉相连的热量 隔三差五戏曲网 网贷东方导航 本溪时空 濮阳李平安 牛屁屁书院 2ne1我很忙 帮助拉葛雷克摆脱束缚 缠恋前妻 妃主流我给王爷找小三 奉子相夫19楼 网王同人之络仪 总裁的七夜欢寻 hp之艾波尔格林德沃 ie核心动态库被劫持 变形计勇敢的心4 不爱你走歌词 康巴斯中巴 康熙来了20090623 美国优裤 七色之旅第三部 涩撸玉 圣元国际办公平台 宗旭之简介 挂哥传奇加速器 徐招网owy5 dnf格林赛罗斯战场怎么进 阿紫在白驼山 爱新觉罗绵亿 暗黑圣魔导txt下载 从游戏到修真 第一会所6722092 海量激情文学 劲足网nba最新赛事 童心撞地球之巴拉拉小魔仙 惟妙惟肖空城旧梦 我的老婆是太妹 西格尔硬汉秀 消失零度深雪 寻找奈尔萨拉库 张梓琳双开叉秀玉腿 丢了幸福的猪伴奏 蓝染爱吧 南宫燕电视剧全集 女同志骑术学校 入地无门的前一句 91国外网游论坛 疯狂猜成语形景 王柔柔被谁牵走了 星罗戒 以武冲霄txt下载 云南会考吧 mc水观音擦皮鞋歌词 佛本是道chm 公主保护计划快播 魔兽显血器 性虎书库 长江大学社团文化网 重生之女装正太txt 爱斯达令谷 我们约会吧张海龙 陈中源宇宙 官眷这差事 皇后进宫主题曲 僵尸宅急便修改器 金鳞岂非池中物有声 卡布西游车迟斗法 莱芜信息港聊天室 李璐珂 说和做的熟语 甜酸爷爷粤语 我听过你的歌简谱 dnf范弗拉丁的自白书怎么得 opcns海贼王论坛 陈艺允儿微博 金允慧整容 你敢有听着咱唱歌 御龙在天18星套图片 总裁的火辣媚妻 绀野理莉 恋爱啪啪啪txt下载 谈心专家电视剧 中国梦之声李方丁 黄鸟影jul 可娃衣吧 乙井荠 natalie0127是谁 周小雅 爸爸我们去哪儿20130519 桂雪玉事件 剑纯超级宏 碣石华强车行 康师傅经典奶茶兑奖 来自未来的科技帝国 三多语音帝国 十五岁半粤语 魏斯婷 轩辕传奇马贼信使在哪 游戏马工作室 重创燃烧军团 万秀猪王20130223 炫日数卡 wwe巴蒂斯塔vshhh 爱海滔滔原唱 大鹿湖坑溪谷 火影之流芒油女 鉴碟区 康熙来了20120321 汝南加油站闹鬼 小骆驼放屁 治疗早泄幸好看了圔夥08677 致命邂逅19楼 中国铁匠在异界txt 江西红途新闻 处钕膜被捅烂m图片 一站到底20120724 聚情网 虐乳小说 田中瞳撑爆护士服 佛山市招生考试网 封神太子2黄天化配招 新恋爱时代程惠 中国健美操竞技网 安福搜铺 磁链库 古加奥特曼全集 合成氨之父 噤若寒蝉的读音 九天禁书 快译通牛津3688 蓝色小矛骑兵 邻屋艳妇 孟雪胸 摩尔庄园rk吻么么 七龙珠之乐平新传 守护者联盟qvod 威刚光疗裤 烟禩隐清 毕福剑从央视网失踪 初恋夫妇131012 斗牛要不要吻戏 郭依伦雅 黑帮鬼才 乐拍乐高官网 麦托克劳 魔都拳侠传 女方第一次见男方家长书 沛县中学贴吧 奇谈怪集 傻王你有福了 实拍各路美女摔倒瞬间 世界树结果果 是美男啊国语版全集 逝水流年by薄裘 腾飞卡盟 天上没有乌云盖孙俪 天师鬼禄txt下载 陀枪堂主 西安交通大学刘卓琳 西部荒野的黑骑士 新西兰活捉一只恐龙 许仙新志 异界逍遥公txt下载 紫宅剧情介绍 青岛滨海学院正方教务管理系统 林立雯老公 黑棒佳丽 chen人电影7k47 窝巢网 我叫布里茨5200 zahiadehar纪录片 风流才子纪晓岚插曲 郭书谣 和平与爱吉他谱 洛克王国独角仙踪在哪 欧尚卡盟 潘继雄 青岛开发区十中 清宫降糖秘方 神话放送130407 网游之风流骑士续集 又圆恋吧 召唤美女军团5200 谷鸿鑫中将 人微言轻理当自尔 征途多开启动器 好啦tv 华中科大武昌分校 cd44444火灵儿 pps勇者归来 艾格的拽王子 薜仁贵传奇全集 带种来爱我 富山春居图影评 哈租网 鹿城黄网 梦立方武月 涩狼网 谁说你是我的保护者 天使之城吉他谱 小刘欢欢乐集结号 羽西茶 掌炉者镫恒 cf斗牛镇bug 碧桃花开txt 零点idc论坛 旗鱼的莉莉娅 舟山冷冻船爆炸 堕落之后书包网 峘曲牛人 绝色神俞 晴空物语力士加点 天丫女人坊 夜深人静给个网站 岳西会计网 神父下海记 美年达三等奖 说说电视记者这行吧 蔡昮佑 宅斗庶女无敌 疯狂猜成语小丑和木头 海玉吧 凯特桑尼 铿锵玫瑰之风行天下 杨欣cindy 宇智波鼬异界之旅 御龙在天快马加鞭 穿越到澡盆 妈妈为我嫁片尾曲 有线怪谈20131109 7766火线魔盒 迪士奇乐园 梦三国演播厅 骚彤彤第五季 银青色的荆棘路 莪渄迪汋 梅尔斯综合症 爱新觉罗弘旺 唱吧孙玲 穿越恋上女魔头 毒侠孟雪歌 警花出更漫画 书吧试贴 乌丫传说主题曲 现代逍遥战神 异界之九龙传说 星野梨绪 经鳟薯童毛钱 乖乖千金vs黑道王子 暴君本宫来自现代 成都月嫂公司乐贝美家 蒙面歌王野子 北桥春天业主论坛 城市英雄传 宠爱精灵 川维吧 醋狗 扶余征婚 抚宁贴吧 九把刀之天绝地变态版 康熙来了101018 神兵特战队电视剧 搜仙传 瓦哈拉斯 我想要说吉他谱 校园暴力军团 旖旎乱天下 异界之冥帝重生 异世之魔帝邪尊下载 赵强征婚歌 演员吴健微博 超限第一战 大生活mp4下载 第一滴泪伴奏 横行修真界txt下载 黄石九中贴吧 冷情美男vs古代公主 摩尔庄园云朵之翼 心跳恋爱社txt下载 追逐彩虹女神的微笑 单人房双人床吉他谱 南天竹子 南京招生网 南阳招生网 薄熈来案件审判结果 孙永健 孔融网 当兵的人歌谱 李桢航王思妮 安哥拉航班迫降 陈锡连 上原kaera作品 易维工单系统 精工源质长剑 老彩通 7153游戏交易平台 陈尊尼 东方朱丽叶演员表 懂小组 我们结婚了20121013 张翰郑爽周日我最大 郑州牧专教务管理 奶霜柠檬 借命下 布雷丹尼尔斯 德龙钢铁吧 法国名妓zahiadehar 废牌根绝改革 恒诺小说网 黄安在河南演出捞金 健康之路20131107 美的日电集团协同商务平台 泼水节打一字 夙瑶是个同人女 随身秘籍之江别鹤 网游之玩转宇宙txt 翁红3极电影片 香港雅虎美国十次啦 兰陵王首映礼完整版 百莲凯egf祛皱产品 贵州卫视养生博客 郭思语凸点 江山多少年漫画 刘一帆结婚了吗 清河吧张二庄车祸 全职高手e品 花心总裁的小妖精 关中男人主题曲 长春佟聊缘男子会所 阿克萨烈士旅 考杜斯岛在哪 某科学的变速齿轮 吴愤奋个人资料 花吃了那女孩qvod 狼友必上的网站 失恋排行榜歌词 总裁偷吃不擦嘴 秦囧在线观看 北京seo邢云涛 爱莉思的情书 穿越网游之梦幻西游 魅力研习社167 郑豪泳 欧蝶细胞幼嫩冰膜 hp梅洛普冈特将军 m117舞曲库 变身辣妹qvod 冰鳞蓝鱼 火龙骑士动画片 酷我梦幻修仙 来力杯台球宝贝选拔 母亲的眼睛简谱 赛尔号异能原石 王琳娜老公 一不小心爱上你吻戏 重生之我是李逍遥 穿越爱上十三岁的你 雪弗莱lova 夜鹰海盗盟 春光乍现右耳 康熙来了100803 可乐吧水果大战 切腹功 无助55求帮助 校园寻美记 新蜀山剑侠传修改器 中国药科大学润骨素 暗夜无间 男生女生go游戏盒子 我的欲望发动机txt 邪妃斗魔王 血荨麻 叶珊宜 埃及王子的宠妃txt 冯仰妍16分钟完整版快播 绝地武士的传人 狼少爷的虎天使 两天一夜110515 涡流型座天使高达一型 西安爱知中学贴吧 9919310元充值 prisoner宫野真守 傲视天下之特工王妃 宸宫txt新浪 触不到的恋人gl 道德观察被抛弃的三胞胎 派森尼克 四个盲人一起走路 天天亦铭网 网游之虚拟王朝 隐儿工作奇遇记 飞跃次世代 酷宝影 洛克王国西西外f挂网 梦幻华尔兹吻戏 娜可露官网 俏皮剑客小红帽 赛安舒 王津元的前夫 网游之独孤求败 我在春天等你铃声 新世界的海盗攻略 爱上了霸道王子 皇上我不怕 空城魅影 满城尽带黄金甲简谱 名声大震的意思 青稚腿断了 维尔戈为什么有罗的心脏 无限打猎2011攻略 御龙在天虎牢关单刷 牛东文qq 边走边看的词语 红楼之女配角的穿越人生 雷迪嘎嘎最好听的歌 力米特点读笔 王功权的傻儿子 新伯网 周yong康政变 0度终极幻想书包 贩个日本妞儿 高健钦 幻刃仙缘好看吗 会呼吸的痛杨宗纬 请你恰恰英文版 我爷爷是李科生 小潘潘孙鹏 道蒙官网 柏林危机空难电影 二十世纪新史 过站不停歌词 就业时报3d天天彩 慕君依依 漆小林 莎邦尼雅 时诗整容前后 释永信年僧众祭祖 天下娱乐联盟视频 足彩八方预测 4849地铁迷情 dnf领悟绝杀技 可乐魔域 恋上坏坏皇太子 柳海龙见义勇为 濮阳闿 艋胛耀辉主题曲 草原春来早片尾曲 如果还可以灰原穷 醉回七九当农民txt 白丁鱼 奔跑吧鲭鱼好看吗 丑陋的美国人txt 春闺记事19楼 丛林奇兵快播 达旦打卡普 邓友琪 都市携美行 家里蹲的朱教授 浪花游戏盒 卖油翁独占花魁 梅安德森 孟聂嘉 潘恩帝 清宫性旅行 热书库 王欣谣 仙尸风流争霸记 心语何以奇 熊建平去向 玄魂变 养花大亨魔法花 易元秋 钟晨乐 紫川传 赵馨姬 任彦斌新浪博客 黑金帝国梁家辉 皇媛世家嫩白修复液 王晗旭 魔刹石有什么用 律虎网 一世保镖 孙小宝二人转黑吃黑 阳澄湖出现大水蛇 张韵艺和老公图片 金道铭背景 大血藤别名 你的我的在线漫画网 破冰取蛋 高政宠妻 迁安市中医院 卡布西游奇怪的逆流 八戒吧 晋城这五个人 最强大脑主题公园 给我豹豹txt 宦海沉香 冷酷老婆啵一个 磨刀歌 圣域2圣诞岛 原来我不帅女主角 周秉德丈夫沈人骅 1虎1席谈 godisagirl伴奏 冲田杏梨维基百科 国家领导人的子女们现任职位 卡普奇诺清除砖块 密传二转答案 千魂夜恸 窃明chm 人来人往的反义词 天狼星小包子 乌龙泥盐沼 夏空彼方汉化补丁 孝感学院新技术学院教务系统 夜王懒妃 永远的花样年华伴奏 张伟是混蛋小游戏 双双化成彩蝶的是 张木本 360安全浏览器代言人 北方影院绅士大盗 常州金店营业时间 从混混到舞王txt 抚远一中吧 康熙来了20100818 兰陵王历史真实画像 冷艳超模长发遮美乳 神幻之恋13b 宋茜glitter中字 太仓职中周雅倩 王永庆传 小村春光徐大 英雄王座答题器 218型巡逻艇 白首穷经的寓意 陈锡联强奸侄女 莉萨倪恩雅 名典卡盟 牛顿物理仿真 奇才公主闯天下 清朝的快乐时光 天降麟儿之天假奇缘 网游之巅峰刺客 湘东中学贴吧 孝义六中贴吧 王朝霸域大乔 爱是个大麻烦 风云之霸王枪 庚子风云片尾曲 郭冠樱下载 前夫勿烦我 圣石奇兵小游戏 太康人口网 找回迷失的自己拯救伪快乐的人生 b7722刷机 东汉书院校歌 非凡淘气包第二季 光棍好苦吉他谱 孪生姐妹夺夫之战 体无完肤歌词 现代娇娇女的红楼生涯 校园之风流霸主 古文名句汇典 sky浪翻云新浪博客 姑娘大声唱简谱 江湖浮生记 乳女吧 1518好运网 201351放假安排 dnfnb加点模拟器 安定亚叶家妤 冰冻魔法师txt 阁幼制香 花与剑伴奏 吉利大学疯狂行骗 捡到菊太郎 莲妖倾城 梦幻西游委托令 皮口吧 情剑神龙 三国群侠传龙蛇老人 嫂子抱紧我结局 社区游戏伴侣 安博士插件保护伞 诚悦论文网 大男人小女孩吉他谱 吉味居加盟 罗灵戒 太古证道 叶伟民和叶伟信 幼香阁最新网址 最好的我们网剧 最好的一站 最好的增高药 叫我第一名高清 qq勇者之塔 升级晋档 升级完成2 揭啥都敢做的卫校女生 影院包间一幕让人惊呆 影院包间一幕让人惊呆 探索发现武则天墓 幼子路人悲 牧民射杀不明生物 牧民射杀巨型不明生物 中国星跳跃闹鬼 狗狗发情欲与女主人交 刑讯女俘虏 探索发现之古墓 探索发现武则天 韩国女星潜规则全集 中印边境ufo 杜月笙情人孟小冬 张国荣跳楼现场 反强暴短裤 恐怖 图片 扯奶嫩模羽庭 金华狗肉节 北师大g奶校花 韩国女明星潜规图片 最新奇 成人影星世界杯 大韩女兵尴尬着装 蔡依林日本旅行被炮轰 爆料门 爆料门 爆料门 延安女城管 相册破解 女明星毛都漏了图片 探索发现 诡异古墓 锅烫扬子鳄视频疯传 裸背美景照走红 裸背美景照走红 最新娱乐八卦 车祸体操女 超恐怖灵异事件2010 张国荣自杀现场图片 傅熙悦 夜总会女郎内部培训照 原配当街暴打羞辱小三 范冰冰酒店激情被偷拍 日本女大学生夜店之路 g奶嫩模羽庭 选美比赛惊现人妖 延安女城管遭人肉 延安女城管相册 延安女城管郑媛媛艳照 女子艳照不慎流出 特警性侵9女生 赤水发现汉朝鸡蛋 看图说事 义母爱子 最新车祸现场图片 小三惹的祸 被儿子性侵的母亲 灭门车祸 40岁妈妈和16岁儿子 明星八卦论坛 伴娘被性侵全图 走光漏底毛 人在囧途之秦囧 经典恐怖故事 奇趣宿舍 30g扯奶嫩模羽庭 明星花边新闻 最新娱乐明星八卦 男子携精液试剂出境 车祸现场尸体 车祸现场女尸图 车祸现场女尸照片 探索发现楼兰美女 张国荣死亡照片 女友出差感觉哪里不对 超级大蟒蛇 三叶草社区 剑灵韩服客户端 剑灵御龙林毒液 游侠加点 菜刀论坛 房屋系统 竹林卫的印章 c9外形变更 剑灵怎么安装 怪物猎人ol答题 艾尔之光什么职业刷图厉害 艾尔之光好玩不 冒险岛776 要求配置最高的游戏 艾尔之光技能栏 森林啊充满希望 剑灵白鸟之翼 沙漠怪兽 时装分解 剑灵极智封测 udk导入模型 信仰之地 艾尔之光复仇女神加点 剑灵答题活动 黑龙衣服 弱者为王 男法师觉醒 迪达拉自爆是哪集 迪达拉自爆是第几集 cf温情 黑色魔力的产物 斗笠武士2 常美丽 男法师在哪学技能 男魔法师技能 剑灵雪花 is失边境据点 is失边境据点 有你在的森林 逍遥任务 小孩看了根本把持不住 狼人怎么变身 武器战装备 沙漠中打开魔瓶 封印之戒 通行之语 恶女武器 小孩子把持不住 剑灵咒术师捏脸 剑灵咒术师捏脸数据 dnf垫子怎么用 奇迹2激活码 qq万能登录 恶魔双子星 等我胖了再揍你 内心摇摆 剑灵藏宝库 沙漠领主称号 神秘商人坐标 独身一人怎么做 剑灵截图保存在哪 召唤觉醒任务 农场小偷 艾尔之光模拟器 马之于马厩 结云之木 迅速防御 艾尔之光笔记 艾尔之光6x 艾尔之光法师加点 圣诞老人发放礼物 pk场进不去 cs起源躲猫猫服务器 剑灵彗星武器 希望之光论坛 逍遥任务攻略 美图区 玛娅丽娅 冒险岛强强 板儿带 武神pk视频 剑灵 御龙林毒液 剑灵配置要求高吗 剑灵南天国激活码 韩服剑灵收费模式 男魔法师觉醒 剑灵玩家论坛 希望ol法师加点 剑灵苏玲珑 武器战士装备 马大婶 最后的力量任务怎么做 洛奇跑商 武器兑换券 极限恶女 小孩子根本把持不住 盗贼赚钱 大剑27 剑灵下载地址 剑灵野外boss 剑灵雪花怎么用 剑灵韩服安装 艾尔之光唤雷师 剑灵 雪花 剑灵国服官网 妖魔灵剑 唐黎月 黄金宝箱能开出什么 平潭渔船遇险 剑灵汉化补丁 夏柯希尔的梦魇 夏柯希尔的梦魇 夏柯希尔的梦魇 台服补丁 冒险者的日志 剑仙好玩吗 剑灵代码 最后的血脉 黑色游侠 艾尔之光技能笔记 艾尔之光港服语音包 艾尔之光港服语音包 艾尔之光港服语音包 艾尔之光韩服下载 艾尔之光技能 剑灵冲角团印章 剑灵台服公测时间 500w是什么 qq宠物社区合成 希望ol猎人技能 剑灵千魂灵妖大转盘 藏宝图任务 女忍者魔宝传02 css躲猫猫 ol化妆 路径抠图 化妆作品 摄影技巧学习 摄影教育 90后婚纱 5d3评测 最简单的韩式盘发 赫本新娘头 适合入门的单反相机 赫本新娘发型 fx组合新专辑 千年白狐国语版 锋上婚纱摄影工作室 北京iphone培训 佳能5dmarkii 男士彩妆教程 韩国烟熏妆 精灵化妆 简单盘发方法 学习造型 淡妆化妆技巧 淡妆化妆的基本步骤 偏振镜的使用 2012时尚彩妆图片 艺术照美姿 人气新娘 40年代时尚 简单韩式盘发图解 简单韩式盘发 最新流行短发型 canoneos5dmarkii 2012最新韩式盘发 单眼皮眼部化妆技巧 眼睑下垂怎么画眼妆 2012流行彩妆妆面 眼部彩妆步骤 2012春夏流行 简单的韩式盘发 室外婚纱摄影 化妆培训课程 最新中短发发型扎法 2011最新婚纱照发型 化妆学校时尚新锋 2012韩式新娘发型 个性90 快门与速度 魅力春天 2013群星演唱会 2012新发型 时尚奢华主题摄影 芬妮杰奥 数码相机与dv 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相拥一吻爱会燃烧 北京人妖ts美模雅琦 郑冲原型 郑冲原型 极品白领后记 秒杀王妃不准逃 为忍师表 黄蓉肛虐记 网王同人之络仪 瘦腿的最快方法力简 性欲工房 网游之风神之子 鼎城网 辛欣近况 黄安瑜个人资料 新水浒q传yy熊卡 审讯莫诺洛克 误娶倾城赌妃 王凯蒂微博 我才不是小三狐狸精 全美达人秀第六季 黄土高坡谁唱的好听 韩紫英 咒法解禁 色男巡恋温泉2 五号特工之偷天换日 网游之梦幻战国 吐风羽毛球 徐敏静整容 徐敏静整容 百里挑一李玉婵 股鑫网 星欲之美女天下 红色珊瑚的夏天 花城影库 国乐琴舍 桓仁东山中学 无主2失落的宝藏 无主2失落的宝藏 诸葛神签许愿站 校园侠医 校园侠医txt 韩国禁播螃蟹舞 湖南卫视在线直播3ft 红音大潮喷 小眯自述 红红的狗茎 写轮眼异界逍遥小说 谢谢爱吉他谱 幸福额度片尾曲 爱八岳影视 十亿纸婚 张清苏 奥林匹斯十二神歌词 奥林匹斯十二神歌词 乌鲁奇奥拉头像 化咒签 化咒签 安徽淮南胡光夫妻 重庆石柱周小燕 5.8 335577 350400 886520 022天津交友网 022天津同城交友 022天津同城交友网 022天津同城网 029招聘网 0453招聘网 0543滨州团购网 0543团购 0543团购网 05款蒙迪欧 0756是哪里的区号 08款爱丽舍 08款凯越 08威驰 10086客服招聘 1010兼职网杭州 1010兼职网深圳 101外卖网 1069图片 10万以下国产车 10万元创业项目 111se 1234pp 123外卖网 127二手车交易网 12万左右的车排行榜 15万左右的suv车 1775二手车网 188企业名录网 19cc 1日游 2012吉普指南者 206cc 20万以下的车排行榜 2133龙城 21号 21世纪假日花园 21世纪现代城 24小时送餐 288同城 288同城网 2手车过户 2手车交易 2手车交易市场 2手车交易网 2手车摩托 2手车网 2手电脑 2手房出售 2手房交易 2手摩托车 2手摩托车交易市场 2手帕萨特 2手汽车 2手越野摩托车 2元店货源 30万左右的越野车 30万左右越野车 34中 38度泸州老窖价格表 3d木门招聘 3室2厅 3万元左右的汽车 3万左右的车 4399彩虹城 4s店招聘信息 500强企业招聘 50万左右越野车 517不动产 518房源通 51同城交友 51同城招聘 5230过山车游戏 5555aa 56健康网 56同城 56同城网 58 搬家 58 北京 58 上海 58.com同城 586兼职网 58sese 58vip网邻通 58xs 58北京 58成都 58创业 58登陆 58登录 58电影院 58房产网 58分类 58分类网 58哈尔滨 58合肥 58加盟 58加盟网 58交友 58看 58看看 58联盟 58南京 58拼车网 58企业 58企业网 58企业信息网 58人才 58人才网 58商宝网 58商机网 58上海同城 58深圳 58深圳同城 58沈阳 58同城 北京 58同城 成都 58同城 广州 58同城 杭州 58同城 南京 58同城 上海 58同城 深圳 58同城 苏州 58同城 天津 58同城 武汉 58同城 重庆 58同城保定 58同城成都 58同城成都租房 58同城宠物猫 58同城出租房屋 58同城大连 58同城大连二手房 58同城大庆 58同城登陆 58同城二手房买卖 58同城二手摩托车 58同城二手手机 58同城二手自行车 58同城发布招聘信息 58同城分类 58同城福州 58同城广告 58同城广州 58同城哈尔滨 58同城杭州 58同城济南 58同城兼职网 58同城兼职招聘 58同城交易 58同城交友网 58同城交友约炮 58同城交友怎么样 58同城昆明 58同城联系电话 58同城洛阳 58同城南京 58同城南宁 58同城宁波 58同城秦皇岛 58同城青岛 58同城求职 58同城求职简历 58同城厦门 58同城上海租房 58同城深圳 58同城深圳租房 58同城石家庄 58同城苏州 58同城太原 58同城天津 58同城团购 58同城团购网 58同城网 北京 58同城网 上海 58同城网搬家 58同城网二手车 58同城网二手房 58同城网个人租房 58同城网兼职招聘 58同城网求职 58同城网求职简历 58同城网上海 58同城网上兼职招聘 58同城网站 58同城网招聘北京 58同城网招聘成都 58同城网招聘广州 58同城网招聘哈尔滨 58同城网招聘兼职 58同城网招聘上海 58同城网招聘深圳 58同城网招聘暑假工 58同城网招聘武汉 58同城网招聘信息 58同城网招聘长沙 58同城网招聘郑州 58同城网找工作 58同城网租房青岛 58同城网租房重庆 58同城温州 58同城无锡 58同城武汉 58同城西安 58同城徐州 58同城烟台 58同城长春 58同城长沙 58同城招聘兼职 58同城招聘网站 58同城找工作怎么样 58同城郑州 58同城郑州招聘 58同城重庆 58同程网 58团购网 58网邻通 58影视 58影院 58长沙 58招聘信息 58郑州 58赚钱网 597德化人才网 597长泰人才网 5d2套机 5yt 5万家庭轿车排行榜 5万以下的车 5万以下的车排行榜 5万元创业项目 5万元左右的车 5万元左右家用轿车 5万左右的三厢车 65kkk 6万以下的车排行榜 6万元左右的汽车 6万左右的车排行榜 725所 777招聘网 7万元左右最好的车 7万元左右最好的车排行榜 7万左右的车排行榜 8510农场 85街区 8号街 8万 8万以下的车排行榜 8万左右的车排行榜 9.9元加盟店 91赣州人才网 92合租 97cc 98同城网 99人才网 abs丝印油墨 ag100 anqiu anshan asdadasd banjia baoding bibidu bigoo binzhou ca3454 ca4251 ca4252 cangzhou cbd二手房 cbd二手房出售 cbd二手房网 cbd写字楼出售 cbr22 ccclub cces快递 cd交友 changchun chaochao che168 chengjisihan cjsh ck代工厂 coco奶茶加盟店 ct队员 cuiweiju cz3029航班 daijia daqing dayshow官网 dezhou dfdfd dfgdfg dhl代理 dhl快递费用查询 dj培训班 dj培训学校 dongguanyinhang dqq dq冰淇淋价格 dq冰雪皇后价格 dq价格 dq价格表 dvd导航 dv租赁 eap培训 ems 电话 esm电话 fangchan fengchao-canyin。com fj酷路泽二手车 fushun fuzhou f阳光城 g14高德导航软件 gaotang getway笔记本 ghtt goodfarmer g点按摩棒 haerbin handan hashiqi hhht hion hongqi houchu hp cq511 hp电脑售后电话 hp电脑维修 hp客服电话 htc s510e htcs510e huaian hualongxiang huanghua huangye huhehaote hushi hy化妆学校 ibm e40 ibm服务器维修 ICP代办 in北京 iphone3代 iphone4 32g iphone4港版 isp许可证代办 itouch 4 javascript培训 java程序员招聘 java工程师招聘 java软件工程师招聘 jeep 2700 jeep2500二手车 jeep2700 jeep自由客二手 jeep自由客二手车 jialefu jianshen jiaoyou jiaxing jili jilin jingjiang jining jinzhou jr箱包 js培训 js培训班 justyle女装 kaifeng kfc外送费 ko58 koda音箱 ktv转让 kudou kunming l526 l537 langfang lanzhou led点光源厂家 led维修 led洗墙灯价格 led显示屏租赁 leye晾衣架 lg p990 lgdisplay liaocheng linyi longfeng luoyang luwint lyg mac彩妆招聘 mdj mg tf mic男团演唱会 miluo mm6666 n97多少钱 nanchang nanning nanyang nokia e61 oppo a100 oppo a115 oppo a201 oppo a520 oppo u525 oppo u529 oppoa100 oppoa115 php程序员招聘 php开发工程师 pingse polo多少钱 polo进取 polo劲取 polo衫工厂 po朝霆招聘 psgo psp3000 完美破解 psp3000完美破解 qinhuangdao qiqihaer qq公寓 qq同城交友 qq同城交友聊天室 qufu123 r40e s510e s9797 sara美容spa店 scanfil seo见到效果再付费 shangqiu shenyang shijiazhuang shishou shuangcai sifuchuanqi sjz soho房价 soho俊园 sohu现代城 spa护理 spa异性按摩 sr国际新城 suv二手车 taian taianshi taishanyixueyuan taiyuan tangshan tata木门招聘 tcl电视维修点 tengzhou tianshangrenjian tk俱乐部 tnt查询 tnt快递电话 tobaowang touzi tsrcw ucc国际洗衣加盟 uloveit ups代理 ups快递电话 ups快递价格 v18 venza vip58同城 weif weifang weihai weixiu wenzhou wlmq wt18i wuhu wulumuqi wuxi wuyuehua x1价格 xc90报价 xiaoshou xiayi xiling xinxi xushui xuzhou x甸 yancheng yanggu yankuang yanshandaxue yantai yanzhou yinshua yishui Yiwu yongle yueyang yy房产网 yy格斗俱乐部 z110 zhuhai zibo zq88 zufang 阿城二手房 阿城二手房出售 阿城二手房网 阿城租房 阿尔卡地亚 阿飞80后 阿富汗猎犬价格 阿拉伯语翻译招聘 阿勒泰二手房 阿婆网 阿斯兰小镇 艾蒂妲 爱车客 爱房网杭州 爱蜂潮家装e站 爱合租 爱普生打印机维修 爱情海岸 爱森公寓 爱商丘在线52 爱上海同城 爱赚网 安彩 安辰传奇一条龙 安达租房 安定门二手房 安防培训 安国二手房 安国招聘 安怀村 安徽二手车 安徽人才市场招聘会 安徽省芜湖市 安徽寿县房价 安徽芜湖房价 安吉二手车 安吉二手房 安吉二手房网 安吉二手房信息 安吉房产信息 安吉房产信息网 安吉房屋出租 安康二手房 安康家园 安粮兰桂公寓 安南丽苑 安宁市招聘 安平二手房 安琪酵母招聘 安桥音响 安庆金鼎房产 安丘二手车 安丘二手房 安丘房屋出租 安丘人才网 安丘信息网 安丘招聘 安丘招聘网 安丘招聘信息 安丘租房 安丘租房网 安顺二手房 安顺房屋出租 安亭租房 安溪茶叶批发市场 安溪二手房出售 安溪旅游景点大全 安溪桫椤谷 安溪特产 安溪租房 安溪租房网 安县二手房 安心奶妈网 安新二手房 安新租房 安馨园 安阳 招聘 安阳2手车 安阳58同城网 安阳seo 安阳搬家公司 安阳北辰家园 安阳出租房 安阳贷款 安阳电影院 安阳二手房信息 安阳二手网 安阳房地产 安阳房地产信息网 安阳房屋出租 安阳皓月花园 安阳华城国际 安阳家居 安阳交通驾校 安阳交通网 安阳教育网 安阳锦江城市花园 安阳酒店 安阳楼盘 安阳旅游网 安阳人才 安阳人才招聘网 安阳人事 安阳人事人才 安阳人事网 安阳榕树湾 安阳上城公馆 安阳师院 安阳市人民大道小学 安阳水木清华 安阳物流 安阳县公务员小区 安阳县政府网 安阳香格里拉 安阳香洲名郡 安阳小区 安阳协和医院 安阳在线 安佑德 安镇二手房 安镇租房 鞍山车祸 鞍山电影院 鞍山二手房出售 鞍山二手房买卖 鞍山翻译公司 鞍山房产 鞍山辅导 鞍山个人二手房网 鞍山家讯房产网 鞍山家讯网 鞍山家装 鞍山交警 鞍山联通宽带 鞍山轮胎 鞍山轮胎厂 鞍山旅行社报价 鞍山旅游景点大全 鞍山美食 鞍山哪家装修公司好 鞍山农业银行 鞍山人事人才网 鞍山人事网 鞍山日报 鞍山市第二中学 鞍山市工商局 鞍山特产 鞍山团购 鞍山网 鞍山网络 鞍山物流 鞍山小区 鞍山新东方 鞍山信息 鞍山信息港 鞍山信息网 鞍山兴隆大家庭 鞍山岫岩 鞍山阳光旅行社 鞍山一中官网 鞍山招聘会 鞍山住宿 鞍山装饰 鞍山装修 鞍山租车 鞍山租房网 按摩上门 按摩师招聘 按摩鞋垫 黯月之翼 鳌江房产网 鳌江人才网 傲来峰 奥迪q5多少 奥迪s4报价及图片 奥迪车友会 奥尔诺 奥克斯盛世经典 奥兰多小镇 奥林巴斯维修点 奥林春天 奥铃tx 奥龙湾 奥斯电动车 澳柯玛热水器维修 澳门回归纪念公园 澳门酒店招聘 澳门租车 澳头租房 八卦洲二手房 八角二手房 八角亭 八里小区二手房 八里小区二手房出售 八里庄二手房 八面通到牡丹江 八面通信息网 八匹马 八千里 八三 八十八医院 八万左右的车 八仙居 八一路租房 八一路租房网 八一农大 巴城二手房 巴吉度多少钱 巴吉度猎犬 巴西木价格 跋鱼圈 鲅鱼圈二手房 鲅鱼圈二手房网 鲅鱼圈房产 鲅鱼圈房产网 鲅鱼圈房价 鲅鱼圈供求世界 鲅鱼圈观澜天下 鲅鱼圈海鲜 鲅鱼圈海鲜自助 鲅鱼圈好玩吗 鲅鱼圈驾校 鲅鱼圈交通违章查询 鲅鱼圈金泰城 鲅鱼圈酒店 鲅鱼圈旅馆 鲅鱼圈人才网 鲅鱼圈人才信息网 鲅鱼圈温泉 鲅鱼圈招聘 鲅鱼圈招聘网 鲅鱼圈自驾游 鲅鱼圈租房 鲅鱼圈租房网 霸州二手房 霸州二手房网 霸州人才网 霸州贴吧 霸州租房 霸州租房信息 灞桥租房 白城租房 白沟房产网 白鹤租房 白湖亭租房 白金酒价格 白马郡 白沙路租房 白沙洲租房 白沙租房 白沙租房网 白山二手房信息 白市驿二手房 白市驿租房 白塔岭 白铁工程 白下二手房 白洋淀水天旅行社 白银租赁 白玉山二手房 白云房屋出租 白云花园 白云石井 百步亭租房 百度交友 百度推广托管 百分百企业名录网 百合山庄二手房 百合山庄租房 百合园 百家村 百家湖二手房 百捷中央领地 百捷中央墅府 百乐门悦府 百龙 百隆东方城 百年牛栏山价格表 百商·托斯卡纳小城 百盛健身 百事可乐招聘 百通馨苑三区 百通馨苑一区 百威月饼 柏景湾 柏莱雅招聘 柏林爱乐业主论坛 柏树价格 柏悦澜庭 拜天公 斑竹园 坂田二手房 坂田二手房出售 坂田英语培训 坂田招聘 板房沟 板芙 板芙二手房 板芙镇租房网 板芙租房 板桥租房 钣金工招聘 办公家具拆装 办公家具修理 办公家具租赁 办公设备维修 办公用品回收 办公自动化培训 半岛明珠 半山二手房 邦博尔 邦维丝染发梳 包河租房 包头永盛成 包装袋印刷厂 薄若莱新酒 宝安窗帘 宝安二手房 宝安二手房出售 宝安二手房网 宝安房屋出租 宝安旅游租车 宝安璞园 宝安天悦龙庭 宝安中心区二手房 宝坻二手房 宝坻二手房网 宝坻房产网 宝坻人才网 宝坻找工作 宝坻租房 宝坻租房信息 宝丰二手房 宝丰租房 宝丰租房信息 宝岗租房 宝华现代城二手房 宝家康 宝嘉江枫美岸 宝骏630报价 宝利捷二手车 宝利金 宝马745报价及图片 宝润花园 宝山二手房网 宝山二手房信息 宝山海德花园 宝珊花园 宝石御景园 宝硕 宝塔租房 宝应二手房 宝应二手房出售 宝应二手房网 宝应房产 宝应房价走势 宝应租房 宝应租房网 保定 房价 保定 招聘 保定58同城网 保定58同城网招聘 保定八中 保定白洋淀旅游 保定搬家 保定保洁 保定北国先天下 保定导航 保定二手车百姓网 保定二手车交易网 保定二手电脑 保定二手货车 保定二手摩托车 保定二手市场 保定二手网 保定房产信息网 保定房产中介 保定房屋出租 保定冀英学校 保定家教 保定驾校 保定教育网 保定金迪 保定康辉旅行社 保定蓝山整形医院 保定丽景蓝湾 保定旅行社报价 保定旅游团 保定美景东方 保定苗木 保定民生房产 保定配货网 保定配货站 保定七中 保定期货 保定企业名录 保定汽车 保定清苑县 保定热线房产 保定人才 保定人才市场 保定人才网招聘信息 保定人才网最新招聘信息 保定人才招聘 保定人才招聘网 保定人事网 保定日租 保定三中分校 保定十七中 保定市二手车 保定市房产 保定市南市区 保定市人才网 保定搜才网 保定唐县 保定外墙清洗 保定万和城 保定网 保定网络营销 保定物流 保定物流公司 保定小区 保定写字楼 保定信息港 保定信息网 保定一对一家教 保定医院招聘 保定艺术学校 保定银行招聘 保定娱乐 保定月嫂 保定长城 保定长城汽车 保定长城招聘 保定招聘司机 保定招聘网 保定招聘网站大全 保定招聘信息 保定招商银行 保定周边旅游景点 保定周边自驾游 保定装饰 保定最新招聘信息 保集半岛 保集蓝郡 保健品代理商信息 保健品批发 保健品批发市场 保洁清洗 保利国宾上院 保利国际高尔夫花园 保利华都 保利江上明珠馨园 保利阆峰云墅 保利麓谷林语二手房 保利茉莉公馆二手房 保利清华颐园 保利上林湾二期 保利十二橡树 保利十二橡树庄园 保龙仓 保龙仓超市 保姆伴 保姆服务 保姆网 保姆招聘信息 保姆中介 保暖裤批发 保师附小在线校园 保时捷卡宴二手车 保税区二手房网 保税区房屋出租 保税区企业 保税区招聘 保税区租房 保税区租房网 保险人才网 保险箱维修 保亿丽景英郡 堡镇二手房 鲍鱼批发 北岸 北碚房产 北碚房价 北碚人力资源 北碚招聘 北碚租房网 北滨路二手房 北冰洋汽水官网 北部湾人才网 北部湾在线 北蔡二手房 北辰财富中心 北辰二手房信息 北辰人才网 北辰租房 北城枫景园 北城一品 北川二手房 北川县安昌镇 北川租房 北大街二手房 北戴河宾馆 北戴河婚纱摄影 北戴河老七宾馆 北戴河旅馆 北干二手房 北干租房 北岗桥租房 北关二手房 北关房屋出租 北国之春采菊苑 北海新区 北行 北湖印象 北角映画 北京 保定 北京 宠物市场 北京 美甲 北京 潍坊 北京2手车 北京2手车交易市场 北京2手车市场 北京4s店招聘 北京58同城网 北京58同城网招聘 北京58同城网租房 北京58同城招聘网 北京dj培训 北京ktv大全 北京spa会所 北京vi设计公司 北京安装卫星天线 北京八角游乐园门票 北京办公家具回收 北京办公装修 北京包车 北京包车服务 北京包车旅游 北京包装设计 北京包装设计公司 北京保安 北京保洁 北京保姆公司 北京编辑招聘 北京宾馆转让 北京冰箱维修 北京裁缝店 北京采摘 北京餐厅转让 北京餐饮加盟 北京厂房租赁 北京超市招聘 北京超市转让 北京朝阳区租房 北京车辆过户 北京宠物空运 北京宠物领养 北京宠物收养 北京出租车司机 北京催乳师 北京打印机维修 北京大兴租房 北京代办健康证 北京导游 北京德国牧羊犬 北京的装饰公司 北京电工招聘 北京电脑上门维修 北京电脑维修 北京店面出租 北京店铺出租转让 北京店铺招租 北京吊车司机招聘 北京订餐 北京东方建都医院 北京东路二手房 北京东路租房 北京对外汉语教师招聘 北京二手 北京二手办公家具 北京二手宝来 北京二手奔驰 北京二手笔记本 北京二手冰箱 北京二手车58 北京二手车过户费用 北京二手车价格 北京二手车交易网 北京二手车市 北京二手大客车 北京二手大切诺基 北京二手电脑回收 北京二手房58同城 北京二手房产网 北京二手房公司 北京二手捷达 北京二手空调 北京二手空调回收 北京二手轮胎 北京二手迈腾 北京二手摩托车 北京二手帕萨特 北京二手跑车 北京二手汽车 北京二手切诺基 北京二手锐志 北京二手思域 北京二手速腾 北京二手途胜 北京二手网 北京二手显卡 北京二手显示器 北京发型师招聘 北京饭店转让 北京房山搬家 北京房山招聘 北京房屋出售 北京房屋出租信息 北京房屋合租 北京废旧金属回收 北京分类信息网 北京丰台区租房 北京辅导班 北京富士康招聘信息 北京干果批发市场 北京钢琴家教 北京高尔夫球场招聘 北京个人出售二手车 北京个人艺术照 北京个人找保姆 北京个人租车 北京个人租房 北京工厂招聘 北京工作餐 北京公司转让 北京公寓转让 北京公装公司 北京国际快递公司 北京国企招聘 北京海淀租房 北京合租 北京护士长招聘 北京护士招聘 北京护士招聘信息 北京花鸟鱼虫 北京花乡二手车网站 北京花园 北京画室招聘 北京怀柔二手房 北京回收 北京会计培训 北京会计培训班 北京会议租车 北京婚礼跟拍 北京婚庆公司 北京婚庆公司哪家好 北京婚庆加盟 北京婚纱租赁 北京火车票转让 北京吉普2023 北京吉普报价 北京技能交换 北京家电维修 北京家具定做 北京家具回收 北京家庭公寓 北京家政服务 北京家政服务公司 北京兼职会计 北京减肥 北京健身俱乐部 北京健身卡 北京健身卡转让 北京交朋友 北京交友 北京交友女找男 北京交友网 北京街二手房出售 北京旧货 北京军都医院 北京开荒保洁 北京柯基犬 北京客服招聘 北京空调安装 北京空调拆装 北京空调回收 北京空调加氟 北京空调维修 北京空调移机 北京空运货代 北京口译培训 北京快递公司电话 北京快递公司招聘 北京快递员招聘 北京快递招聘 北京拉布拉多 北京廊坊 北京礼仪培训 北京丽水嘉园 北京楼风 北京旅行社报价 北京马桶维修 北京慢摇吧 北京美发店转让 北京名片印刷 北京哪家月嫂公司好 北京霓虹灯维修 北京女士交友 北京女找男 北京跑腿公司 北京配钥匙 北京喷绘 北京拼车 北京拼车网 北京平谷二手房 北京企业黄页 北京企业名录 北京汽车保养 北京汽车过户 北京汽车内饰改装 北京清洗公司 北京清洗沙发 北京求租 北京求租房 北京求租房屋 北京犬多少钱一只 北京热水器维修 北京人才市场招聘会 北京人才招聘网 北京仁德医院 北京日语翻译 北京日语招聘 北京日租 北京三洋洗衣机维修 北京商铺出售 北京商铺出租转让 北京商铺招租 北京商铺转让 北京商务会馆招聘 北京商务租车 北京上下班拼车 北京市保洁公司 北京市二手车 北京水生植物 北京水站转让 北京顺风车 北京顺义招聘 北京私人贷款 北京送餐 北京送水公司 北京淘宝 北京跳蚤市场 北京通州二手房 北京通州招聘 北京同城 北京同城活动 北京同城交友 北京同城交友网 北京同城网 北京投影仪租赁 北京托运 北京外墙清洗 北京外墙清洗公司 北京外语培训 北京旺铺转让 北京望京租房 北京维修电脑 北京物流公司招聘 北京下水道 北京销售 北京销售招聘 北京心理咨询师招聘 北京新城国际 北京信用卡代办公司 北京性信息 北京宣武区租房 北京学历教育 北京宴会外卖 北京洋房 北京药店转让 北京亦庄租房 北京音响租赁 北京英语翻译招聘 北京英语家教 北京游乐园门票价格 北京游戏培训 北京幼儿园转让 北京育儿嫂价格 北京御园 北京元洲装饰招聘 北京月嫂工资 北京月嫂公司排名 北京月嫂培训中心 北京孕妇瑜伽 北京早餐车加盟 北京招聘带车司机 北京招聘服务员 北京招聘护士 北京找保姆 北京找工作网站 北京振远护卫 北京职业培训 北京钟点工 北京转让 北京装修队 北京租房58 北京最好的夜总会 北岭租房 北仑二手房网 北仑房产 北仑房产网 北仑房屋出租 北仑人才 北仑世茂世界湾 北山超市 北山二手房 北山门 北市区租房 北塔租房 北塘出海 北王 北新家园 北新家园租房 北新泾租房 北苑二手房 北苑二手房出售 北苑家园二手房 北苑家园租房 北苑租房 北苑租房信息 北宅二手房 北宅租房 北站租房 北镇教育网 北镇网 北镇招聘网 贝森二手房出售 被套批发 蓓丽莲娜 奔驰4s店招聘 奔驰c320 奔驰s级二手车 奔龙 奔腾b30报价 奔腾b50多少钱 奔腾d925 本板 本田cbr23 本田crx 本田小龟王 本田幼兽50 本因坊 泵车出租网 比华利豪园 比亚迪 招聘 比亚迪f0二手车 比亚迪f0分期付款 比亚迪f6报价及图片 比亚迪s8二手车 比亚迪招聘信息 笔记本电脑出租 笔记本收购 笔记本硬件维修 毕加索花园 碧海方舟 碧湖生态园 碧华庭居二手房 碧林湾 碧山临海 碧水豪园 碧水华庭 碧水琴湾 碧水青园 碧玉华府 碧玉苑 壁挂炉维修 壁纸招商 璧山二手房 璧山二手房网 璧山房产 璧山楼盘 璧山在线 璧山找工作 璧山租房 汴京饭店 便利贴印刷 标山路二手房 标致107报价 标致107价格 标致207报价 表演公司 别墅租赁 别样幸福城 宾水南里 宾西 宾县二手房 宾县租房 宾阳二手房 宾阳租房 彬县租房 滨房网 滨海100 滨海都市花园 滨海二手房 滨海二手房出售 滨海教育 滨海人才 滨海人才市场 滨海新区人才网 滨海招聘网 滨海租房 滨河果岭 滨河御景 滨湖教育 滨湖新区租房 滨湖租房 滨江东租房 滨江二手房 滨江二手房出售 滨江二手房网 滨江俊园 滨州二手车交易网 滨州房产 滨州活塞厂 滨州景点 滨州酒店 滨州旅行社 滨州美食 滨州汽车 滨州人才 滨州人才市场 滨州人事考试网 滨州人事网 滨州人事信息网 滨州上市公司 滨州手机台 滨州网站建设 滨州物流 滨州信息港 滨州信息网 滨州在线 滨州租房网 缤纷南郡 殡葬一条龙服务 殡葬用品批发 冰柜的价格 冰柜维修 冰棍批发 冰窖口胡同8号院 冰淇淋加盟店排行榜 冰淇淋加盟排行 兵团二中吧 兵团一中 丙酮回收 病人陪护 波箱维修 玻璃门地弹簧维修 玻璃幕墙清洗公司 伯爵山庄 伯爵夜总会 伯希来 泊爱蓝湾 泊富广场 泊头吧房屋信息专区 泊头二手房 泊头二手房出售 泊头二手房网 泊头房产 泊头房屋出租 泊头市医院 泊头贴吧 泊头网 泊头网站建设 泊头招聘 泊头租房 泊头租房网 铂金花园 铂金名筑 铂金时代 铂领公寓 博爱二手房 博爱路租房 博爱租房 博大海蓝湾 博皇家具 博罗二手房 博罗二手房网 博罗龙溪 博罗旅游景点大全 博罗县园洲镇 博罗怡情谷温泉 博罗租房 博美堂 博山二手房 博山二手房网 博山二手房信息 博山饭店 博山教体网 博山教育信息网 博山人才网 博山租房 博山租房信息 博士后公馆 博士后家园 博世热水器维修 博泰魏玛峰尚 博兴二手房 博兴二手房出售 博兴二手房网 博兴房产 博兴房产网 博兴房屋出租 博兴人才 博兴人才网 博兴人事考试信息网 博兴人事人才网 博兴在线招聘 博兴租房 博兴租房网 博学苑 博雅家教 博雅苑 博野二手房 博野租房 博悦世家 渤大附中 补课班 不锈钢批发 不要中介租房网 布吉二手房 布吉二手房出售 布吉二手房信息 布吉街 布吉装修公司 布吉租房 布兰妮最新演唱会 布料价格 布料批发 布匹批发 布心二手房 步步高 i6 步步高i6 步步高点读机t800 步行街租房 步阳江南甲第 才子佳苑 财多多 财富港 财富广场二手房 财富广场二手房出售 财富中心写字楼出租 采购员招聘 采荷二手房 采荷二手房出售 采菊苑 彩超机价格 彩电报价 彩虹城小区 彩虹城游泳馆 彩虹花园 彩虹新城 彩虹新城二手房 彩票加盟 彩霞鱼 彩云郡 彩妆造型 蔡甸二手房 蔡甸二手房出售 蔡甸二手房网 蔡甸房屋出租 蔡甸招聘 蔡甸租房 蔡屋围租房 蔡雨轩 餐馆转让 餐厅服务员招聘 餐厅转让 蚕丝批发 灿邦国际 灿坤实业有限公司 仓基新村 仓库出租信息 仓库管理员招聘 仓前二手房 仓前租房 仓山租房 仓鼠价格 仓鼠领养 苍南二手房 苍南灵溪房产 苍南租房 苍南租房网 苍山二手房 苍山教育 苍梧二手房 沧口公园二手房网 沧浪二手房 沧县二手房 沧县医院 沧县政府网 沧州4s店 沧州58同城网 沧州seo 沧州阿尔卡迪亚 沧州百度推广 沧州百姓网二手车 沧州办公家具 沧州办证 沧州保洁 沧州贷款 沧州电脑 沧州电信 沧州电影院 沧州东方世纪城 沧州冬枣 沧州二手车58 沧州二手车百姓网 沧州二手房58同城 沧州二手房出售 沧州二手网 沧州房产 沧州房产网 沧州火锅鸡的做法 沧州驾校 沧州教育 沧州景点 沧州酒店 沧州空调移机 沧州论坛 沧州旅行社 沧州旅游景点 沧州旅游景点大全 沧州旅游网 沧州美食 沧州配货网 沧州汽车 沧州汽车网 沧州人才 沧州人才网最新招聘信息 沧州人力资源网 沧州人事人才网 沧州塞纳左岸 沧州商城 沧州师范学院地址 沧州市第十四中学 沧州市十四中 沧州市迎宾路小学 沧州搜狐焦点网 沧州网络推广 沧州武术 沧州物流 沧州物流网 沧州小区 沧州信息 沧州信息港 沧州信息网 沧州修电脑 沧州学校 沧州颐和大酒店 沧州颐和文园 沧州颐和庄园 沧州月嫂 沧州在线 沧州招聘网 沧州整形 沧州之窗 沧州住宿 沧州租房网 藏獒转让 操作工招聘 曹妃甸二手房 曹妃甸房价 曹妃甸人才 曹妃甸人才网 曹妃甸信息网 曹妃甸招聘 曹妃甸招聘信息 曹妃甸租房 曹妃甸租房信息 曹家渡二手房 曹家巷 曹杨二手房 曹张新村二手房 曹张新村租房 草场街二手房 草莓采摘园 草莓的英文单词 草铺租房 草埔二手房 草市街二手房出售 草原大笨狗 厕奴图片 曾志超 叉车驾驶员 茶杯狗价钱 茶杯犬 价格 茶杯犬价钱 茶会租房 茶具批发 茶具批发市场 茶南二手房 茶山二手房 茶山房屋出租 茶山租房 茶歇外卖 茶园二手房 茶园二手房出售 茶园租房 岔路 岔路河 岔路街 岔路街租房 岔路口二手房 柴村二手房 柴桥二手房 柴桥租房 柴油发电机租赁 产品摄影工作室 昌岗二手房出售 昌岗房屋出租 昌岗租房 昌吉二手房 昌吉二手房出售 昌吉二手房网 昌乐二手房 昌乐二手房网 昌乐房屋出租 昌乐人才网 昌乐信息港房产网 昌乐租房 昌黎别墅 昌黎的黄金海岸 昌黎二手房 昌黎二手房网 昌黎黄金海岸农家院 昌黎贴吧 昌黎租房 昌茂 昌平采摘园 昌平二手房信息 昌平房屋出租 昌平工商注册 昌平县城二手房网 昌平租房网 昌平租房信息 昌盛街 昌泰清华园 昌图二手房 昌邑二手车 昌邑二手房 昌邑二手房网 昌邑房产 昌邑房产网 昌邑人才网 昌邑人事人才网 昌邑市人事人才网 昌邑信息港 昌邑租房 昌邑租房网 肠粉加盟 常发豪庭 常发豪庭国际 常发香城湾 常发香城湾业主论坛 常府街二手房 常平ktv 常平二手房 常平二手房网 常平房屋出租 常平万科城 常平招聘 常平租房 常平租房网 常青弹簧厂 常青花园二手房 常青花园租房 常青租房 常熟叉车 常熟炒地皮 常熟二手房出售 常熟二手房网 常熟二手房信息 常熟房屋出租 常熟服装厂 常熟老街 常熟物流公司 常熟招聘网 常州seo 常州白金汉宫 常州办公家具 常州宝龙城市广场 常州北郊中学 常州宾馆 常州采购 常州大学城 常州代理记账 常州典雅花园 常州二手房出售 常州房地产网 常州妇科医院哪家好 常州高成天鹅湖 常州工商代理 常州广告公司 常州国旅旅行社 常州豪爵铃木摩托车有限公司 常州和平医院 常州红房子医院 常州花园 常州华丰苑 常州婚纱摄影工作室 常州监控 常州兼职 常州兼职网 常州金店招聘 常州酒店预订 常州考试培训网 常州联通宽带 常州路桥 常州路桥市场 常州旅行社 常州旅游团 常州麻吉公社 常州男科 常州男科医院 常州牛津国际公学 常州企业名录 常州汽车贷款 常州汽车网 常州青年旅行社 常州人才 常州人才市场 常州人才网招聘信息 常州人才网最新招聘信息 常州人事 常州人事网 常州上书房 常州市人才市场 常州万达广场 常州武进人才网 常州舞蹈培训 常州物流 常州物流公司 常州新北区人才市场 常州新城金郡 常州信息网 常州信用卡 常州一夜情 常州医院 常州艺术培训 常州娱乐 常州招考信息网 常州招聘信息网 常州整形 常州租车 常州租房信息网 厂房拆除 厂房装潢 畅春园租房 抄底价 超低价 超市招商 超越健身 超越健身房 巢湖路二手房 巢湖中庙碧桂园 巢蓝郡 朝晖二区 朝天宫二手房 朝阳二手房 朝阳二手房出售 朝阳路二手房 朝阳小区 朝阳租房网 潮白河孔雀英国宫 潮白家园 潮白人家 潮白人家二手房 潮白人家房价 潮白人家户型图 潮鸣租房 潮南人才网 潮南之窗 潮南租房 潮阳二手房 潮阳二手房出售 潮阳教育信息 潮阳棉城 潮阳人才网 潮阳招聘网 潮阳租房网 潮州交友 潮妆学院 炒股软件代理 炒货批发 车陂二手房 车陂租房 车陂租房网 车臣仕 车工招聘 车间主任招聘 车市场 车险理赔招聘 车友租车 车站广告 车站南路 陈家桥二手房 陈家桥租房 陈嘉怡 陈江租房 陈江租房网 陈琳琳 陈婷图片 陈婷照片 陈小丽 陈雅倩 陈莹莹 陈雨欣 晨光文具招聘 晨鸿信息 成都 二手房 成都 兼职 成都 招聘 成都 租房 成都2手车 成都2手房 成都58同城二手房 成都58同城网 成都58同城招聘网 成都58同城租房 成都58同城租房网 成都ios培训 成都java软件工程师 成都ktv 成都pvc卡制作 成都ups 成都安定医院 成都安防监控 成都白酒批发 成都白酒批发市场 成都搬家公司收费标准 成都保龄球 成都笔记本电脑维修 成都笔记本维修 成都博大医院 成都厂房网 成都超市 成都车市 成都车险 成都成人用品 成都城市理想 成都宠物论坛 成都宠物网 成都出国留学 成都出租房 成都大学生兼职 成都大学生兼职网 成都导游 成都到巴厘岛旅游 成都肚皮舞培训 成都短租 成都短租一个月 成都对讲机 成都二手suv 成都二手电脑 成都二手家电 成都二手家电市场 成都二手摩托车 成都二手网 成都房屋出售 成都房屋出租 成都翡翠城四期 成都风尚国际 成都服务器托管 成都服装 成都富士康招聘网 成都钢管舞 成都钢管舞培训 成都个人搬家 成都个人二手房 成都个人二手房网 成都个人房屋出租 成都个人房源 成都各大旅行社 成都工厂招聘 成都工程机械租赁 成都工作室 成都公寓式酒店 成都广告公司 成都广告摄影 成都国庆兼职 成都果壳里的城 成都哈士奇价格 成都海悦花园大酒店 成都焊工招聘 成都荷花池女装批发 成都荷里活 成都桁架租赁 成都红酒 成都花木网 成都会计 成都会计培训 成都婚庆公司招聘 成都婚纱礼服 成都活动策划 成都活动策划公司 成都活动公司 成都吉他培训 成都吉他培训班 成都计算机培训学校 成都计算机招聘 成都加菲猫 成都加盟店 成都家电 成都家庭旅馆 成都家政 成都兼职招聘网 成都减肥 成都交友 成都交友网 成都洁具市场 成都金地花园 成都金科廊桥水乡 成都金科一城 成都酒店式公寓 成都酒店招聘 成都旧货市场 成都开业庆典公司 成都空调维修 成都库房出租 成都快递 成都快递公司 成都快递员招聘 成都朗基龙堂 成都礼品 成都礼品回收 成都礼仪庆典 成都礼仪庆典公司 成都理财规划师培训 成都丽景华庭 成都龙城1号 成都旅行社报价 成都旅行社招聘 成都马桶疏通 成都卖房 成都美发 成都美发店 成都美甲 成都美术培训 成都美洲花园 成都苗木网 成都名流花园 成都南湖国际社区 成都农家乐 成都女鞋批发 成都培训公司 成都拼车网 成都平面设计培训 成都铺面 成都铺面出租 成都铺面转让 成都企业名录 成都汽车改装 成都汽车配件 成都汽车配件市场 成都浅水半岛 成都清洁公司 成都求职 成都求职公寓 成都热水器维修 成都人才网招聘 成都人才网招聘信息 成都人才网最新招聘信息 成都人才招聘 成都人才招聘会 成都人力资源管理师培训 成都软件开发培训 成都软件培训 成都沙发厂 成都商铺出租网 成都商铺网 成都商铺信息网 成都商铺转让 成都上东阳光 成都神仙树大院 成都食品批发 成都食堂承包 成都市高新区人才网 成都市人才市场 成都市招聘 成都室内空气净化 成都首创爱这城 成都水疗会所 成都水泥 成都送水 成都送水公司 成都特价机票查询 成都同城交友 成都桶装水 成都投资公司 成都拓展 成都万科双水岸 成都万科物业招聘 成都网络广告 成都网上订花 成都屋顶花园 成都西城家园 成都硒鼓加粉 成都洗碗工 成都鲜花店 成都箱包 成都小吃加盟 成都小区 成都小型搬家 成都小型搬家公司 成都写字楼 成都写字楼出售 成都写字楼出租 成都写字楼租售 成都心之旅 成都新津房价 成都新津人才网 成都鑫苑名家 成都鑫苑名家租房 成都修电脑 成都学吉他 成都学生搬家 成都验房公司 成都夜总会 成都医院招聘 成都医院招聘信息 成都游戏公司招聘 成都游戏学院 成都幼儿园 成都娱乐会所 成都月饼团购 成都长虹电视维修 成都招牌制作 成都招聘58 成都招聘会信息 成都招聘司机 成都招聘协警 成都招聘信息网 成都找房子 成都找工作58同城 成都征婚 成都中介 成都钟点工 成都住房出租 成都租房 58同城 成都租房信息 成都租房信息网 成都租房子 成都租越野车 成都最新招聘信息 成功男士 成功招聘网 成华二手房网 成吉思 成杰思汗 成考英语 成人 英文 成人电子琴培训 成人高考辅导班 成人交友网 成人交友网站 成人拉丁舞培训 成人声乐培训 成人声乐培训班 成人信息 成人英文 呈贡大方居 呈贡二手房网 呈贡租房 呈贡租房网 呈信铂晶湾 承德十中 承接效果图 城北二手房 城北租房 城东二手房 城东房屋出租 城东租房 城关租房 城建北尚 城开国际 城开家园 城开汤山公馆 城开御园 城里中学 城南二手房 城南新村 城南租房 城南租房信息 城区租房 城市3米6 城市达人 城市风情 城市广场二手房 城市广场租房 城市绿洲 城市山林 城市溪地 城西二手房 城西房产 城厢二手房 城厢租房 城阳搬家公司 城阳大润发 城阳房产网 城阳房屋出租 城阳人才市场 城阳修电脑 城阳招聘 城阳招聘网 城阳招聘信息 城阳租房 城阳租房网 城阳租房信息 城之恋 城中城 城中二手房 城中租房 程序员招聘 澄海二手房 澄海二手房网 澄海房产 澄海房价 澄海教育网 澄海中介 澄江租房网 骋望骊都 茌平二手房 茌平人才网 茌平信息港 茌平租房 茌平租房网 赤城二手房 赤峰同城网 赤岗租房 充话费代理 充气娃娃货到付款 充值软件代理 崇川 崇川区人力资源网 崇礼网 崇礼县 崇礼租房 崇明二手房 崇明二手房出售 崇明房屋出租 崇明租房 崇明租房网 崇明租房信息 崇文租房 崇贤租房 崇义教育网 崇州二手房网 崇州二手房信息 崇州房产 崇州房产网 崇州招聘网 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大连计算机培训 大连加盟 大连家电维修 大连家教网 大连家具 大连家庭公寓 大连家庭式公寓 大连家政 大连家装 大连兼职 大连兼职招聘网 大连建材 大连建筑 大连脚手架 大连脚手架租赁 大连金海国际花园 大连金州二手房 大连金州招聘 大连金州租房 大连近郊游 大连酒店式公寓 大连开发区房源 大连开发区招聘 大连开锁 大连空调 大连空调维修 大连快递 大连快递公司 大连乐活源 大连礼品 大连礼品店 大连莲花小区 大连轮胎 大连旅顺房价 大连绿化 大连美发 大连免费发布信息网 大连男科医院 大连南关岭 大连农家乐 大连跑步机 大连跑腿 大连拼车 大连拼车网 大连平面设计 大连企业 大连汽车改装 大连汽车租赁 大连求职 大连人才网招聘信息 大连人才网最新招聘信息 大连人才招聘 大连日本留学 大连日本留学中介 大连日语培训班 大连日租 大连日租房 58同城 大连桑拿 大连山居笔记 大连商铺 大连商铺网 大连设计 大连设计公司 大连盛辉公司 大连市二手房 大连水产网 大连送花 大连搜房 大连太阳能 大连太阳能热水器 大连铁通 大连土地 大连拓展 大连外语培训 大连外语培训学校 大连湾租房 大连万达招聘 大连万科城市花园 大连万科假日风景 大连万科魅力之城 大连万科溪之谷别墅 大连网络营销 大连网络营销公司 大连网页制作 大连温州城 大连文化衫 大连文具店 大连物流 大连物流公司 大连西山林语 大连洗浴中心 大连鲜花 大连鲜花店 大连小平岛 大连小区 大连写字楼 大连信息网 大连星海湾壹号 大连性用品 大连学校 大连学英语 大连演出 大连验资 大连养老院 大连一兆韦德 大连艺术培训学校 大连音响 大连印刷 大连英语老师 大连英语培训 大连英语培训机构 大连英语培训学校 大连英语外教 大连英语学校 大连瑜伽 大连远洋风景 大连月嫂培训班 大连在线人才网 大连展台搭建 大连长兴岛招聘 大连招聘网站 大连招聘信息网 大连找工作网站 大连装饰公司 大连装饰装修公司 大连装修报价 大连租房信息 大连租房信息网 大连租房子网 大连租赁 大连最新招聘信息 大岭山招聘 大岭山租房 大名二手房 大名二手房出售 大名信息港 大坪二手房 大坪租房 大埔征婚 大庆4s店 大庆58同城网 大庆百货大楼 大庆出租车 大庆创业城 大庆贷款 大庆二手车58同城 大庆二手房信息 大庆二手网 大庆房产 大庆房产网 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代办装修资质 代办租赁合同 代驾宝 代驾价格 代驾网 代驾租车 代课教师招聘 代理做帐 代练招聘 岱山二手房 岱山二手房出售 岱岳 岱岳区政府网 带车司机找工作 带车招聘 贷款担保公司 贷款信息 戴尔电脑维修 戴河庭院 戴河新城 丹枫国际 丹凤二手房 丹凤租房 丹桂公寓 丹桂轩招聘 丹江口农夫山泉招聘 单口相声演员 单色凌的图片 单色凌照片 单县二手房 儋州市人才网 儋州招聘 淡水二手房 淡水二手房出售 淡水二手房网 淡水河谷招聘 淡水桑拿按摩 淡水五星级酒店 淡水租房 弹子石二手房 弹子石二手房出售 弹子石国际社区 弹子石租房 蛋糕店连锁 蛋糕快递 蛋糕速递 当代国际 当代国际花园二手房 当代曙光嘉园 当代天境 当阳二手房 当阳二手房网 当阳房产 当阳教育网 当阳旅游 当阳市教育局 当阳招聘 当阳租房 档口转让 砀山梨价格 导购员招聘 导游招聘 导游证培训 岛岛 倒萨倒萨 道里二手房 道里房屋出租 道里租房 道路救援拖车价格 道奇汽车报价 道位企业 道义租房 得瑟网 德安里 德城二手房 德城租房 德方斯 德福龙 德宏征婚 德化二手房 德化二手房网 德化房产网 德化房屋出租 德化憨鼠网 德化旅游景点大全 德化人才 德化人才招聘网 德化人事网 德化招聘网 德化租房 德化租房网 德惠二手房 德惠租房 德基紫金南苑 德记楼 德棉医院 德尚世家 德胜二手房 德信早城 德信中外公寓 德兴二手房 德兴二手房出售 德兴二手房网 德意居 德州百姓 德州搬家公司 德州采购 德州东 德州二手 德州二手房信息 德州华晨驾校 德州会计信息网 德州家政 德州空调维修 德州旅游景点大全 德州麻将 德州美食 德州汽车 德州人才 德州人才信息网 德州市人才网 德州网站推广 德州网站优化 德州物流 德州小区 德州新楼盘 德州信息网 德州月亮湾 德州招聘网 德州整形 德州住宿 德州租车网 德州租房网 登封招聘网 登封招聘信息 登封租房 登封租房网 登封租房信息 邓州驰骋驾校 邓州二手房 邓州房产网 邓州人才网 邓州市房产信息网 邓州市房价 邓州信息港 邓州租房 低塘二手房 堤口路房屋出租 堤口路租房 迪庆二手房出售 地板打蜡公司 地板师傅 地板团购 地大橡树园 地垫批发 地方门户网站建设 地瓜坊加盟 地球之旅 地热清洗 地摊货架 地毯回收 地铁家园 地图鱼价格 地下室出租 地下室转让 帝景天成 帝陶卫浴 第九街区 第九频道 第六街区 第七街区二手房 第五大道二手房 第五大道花园 第五俱乐部 缔景名苑 滇池路 典雅花园 典雅森林花园 点钞机维修 点点投 点卡代理 电动车转让 电动吊篮出租 电动门维修 电动手术台 电话销售招聘 电火花招聘 电路板回收 电脑城u盘 电脑城招聘 电脑出租 电脑打字员 电脑配件回收 电脑销售 电热水龙头厂家 电视回收 电视台招聘 电讯盈科招聘 电子厂加盟 电子黄页 电子琴培训 电子元件回收 店面房出租 店面招租 店面转让信息 店面租赁 店铺出售 店铺买卖 店铺招商 店铺招租 店员招聘 垫江二手房 垫江二手房出售 垫江二手房网 垫江房屋出租 垫江租房 垫江租房信息 殿前二手房 雕塑培训 吊车司机求职 吊车司机招聘 吊篮租赁 钓鱼台7号 钓鱼台七号 钓鱼太阳伞 窵禠 叠翠别墅 叠石桥人才市场 丁桥二手房 丁桥房价 丁桥兰苑 丁桥招聘 丁桥租房 丁然 丁蜀镇二手房出售 丁蜀镇租房 丁先生 叮当鸡 顶峰公寓 顶峰国际公寓 鼎城2008 鼎城二手房 鼎城国翠 鼎立国际城 鼎新花园 鼎新人才网 订做蛋糕 定南二手房 定南二手房网 定南人才网 定南租房 定兴二手房 定兴二手房出售 定兴房产网 定兴房价 定兴招聘 定兴租房 定兴租房网 定远房屋出租 定州二手房网 定州配货站 定州市房产网 定州招聘 定州租房 定州租房网 定州租房信息 定做沙发 东阿阿胶养生馆加盟 东阿二手房 东阿二手房出售 东阿二手房网 东阿房产网 东阿房产信息网 东阿县教育信息网 东阿信息港 东阿租房 东安二手房 东安公寓 东安路 东安叁城 东安租房 东岸 东岸房价 东岸嘉园 东岸尚景 东坝二手房出售 东邦城市广场 东北二手车网 东北路小学 东部翠海轩 东部人才网 东城二手房 东城二手房出售 东城房屋出租 东城汇 东城领秀 东城领袖 东城区二手房 东城水岸 东城艺墅 东城租房 东川二手房 东翠公寓 东大街租房 东都国际 东渡二手房 东渡二手房出售 东方爱婴招聘 东方巴黎城 东方百盛 东方城 东方城市公寓 东方电子商务园 东方电子招聘 东方广场公寓 东方海德堡 东方海悦花园 东方花园二期 东方嘉禾 东方嘉苑 东方金桂园 东方经典 东方莱茵 东方龙城 东方罗马花园 东方罗马洗浴 东方名苑 东方明珠花园 东方世纪城 东方太阳城二手房 东方通信招聘 东方希望天祥广场 东方熙龙山院 东方夏威夷南岸 东方新地 东方信息苑 东方星座 东方雅园 东方银座公馆 东方银座中心城 东方御景二手房 东风房屋出租 东风公司招聘 东风轿跑车多少钱 东风西路二手房 东凤租房 东福金座 东港二村 东港二手房 东港二手房网 东港房屋出租 东港花苑 东港租房网 东港租房信息 东关二手房 东莞 桑拿 东莞58同城网 东莞58同城网招聘 东莞ktv 东莞安防监控 东莞按摩 东莞搬厂 东莞办公室装修 东莞采购 东莞常平桑拿 东莞常平万科城 东莞厂房出租 东莞厂房网 东莞厂房装修 东莞车网 东莞成人用品 东莞宠物 东莞出租房 东莞打折 东莞大朗碧桂园 东莞大岭山招聘 东莞大运城邦 东莞代理注册公司 东莞贷款 东莞贷款公司 东莞地产 东莞地王广场 东莞第一国际 东莞电商 东莞电子厂招聘 东莞店铺转让 东莞东城桑拿 东莞东城招聘 东莞对讲机 东莞二手 东莞二手车网 东莞二手电脑 东莞二手发电机 东莞二手房交易费用 东莞发电机出租 东莞发电机租赁 东莞房地产信息网 东莞房屋出售 东莞房屋出租 东莞房源 东莞废电池回收 东莞废料回收 东莞废铝回收 东莞废品回收 东莞废品回收公司 东莞废品回收站 东莞废铁回收 东莞废铜回收 东莞分类信息 东莞服装批发 东莞格林小城 东莞工商注册 东莞公司注册代理 东莞公寓 东莞广告公司 东莞锅炉工 东莞锅炉工招聘 东莞恒大雅苑 东莞厚街桑拿 东莞花店 东莞花园新村 东莞画册印刷 东莞环球经贸中心 东莞黄页 东莞回收公司 东莞会计培训 东莞婚庆 东莞婚庆公司 东莞活动策划 东莞活动策划公司 东莞货运公司 东莞加盟 东莞家教网 东莞家乐福 东莞监控安装 东莞监控系统 东莞兼职网 东莞教师招聘网 东莞金地博登湖 东莞金地格林小城 东莞金湖花园 东莞酒店招聘 东莞酒店装修 东莞空调维修 东莞快餐 东莞快递 东莞快递公司 东莞礼品 东莞理财 东莞联邦快递 东莞楼价 东莞旅游景点 东莞美容 东莞民办学校招聘 东莞南城第一国际 东莞南城西平 东莞南城招聘 东莞南城租房 东莞南华妇科医院 东莞票务 东莞拼车 东莞企业名录 东莞企业排名 东莞企业邮箱 东莞汽车 东莞汽车用品 东莞清洁 东莞庆典公司 东莞求职 东莞人才 东莞人才市场 东莞人才网招聘网 东莞人才招聘 东莞人才招聘网 东莞人事网 东莞桑拿按摩 东莞室内装修 东莞手工活外发加工 东莞蔬菜配送公司 东莞数据恢复 东莞塘厦酒店 东莞万科金域华府 东莞万科金域蓝湾 东莞网 东莞网络 东莞网站 东莞鲜花 东莞香港公司注册 东莞小区 东莞写字楼装修 东莞新世纪星城 东莞信息 东莞信息网 东莞信用卡 东莞信用卡代办 东莞休闲 东莞学车 东莞阳光海岸 东莞夜总会 东莞一般纳税人 东莞医院招聘 东莞印刷 东莞印刷厂 东莞英语 东莞英语培训 东莞幼儿园 东莞长安人才网 东莞长安桑拿 东莞长安印刷厂 东莞长安招聘 东莞招聘会 东莞装饰 东莞装饰公司 东莞装修 东莞装修公司排名 东莞自考网 东莞租房信息 东莞租赁 东光二手房 东光集团 东光小区 东光租房 东海岸二手房 东海二手房 东海房屋出租 东海花园二手房 东海晶海洋 东海人才网 东海手机维修 东海湾 东海维修论坛 东海县二手房 东海县人才网 东海租房 东海租房网 东海租房信息 东湖东亭二手房出售 东湖二手房 东湖教体网 东湖景园 东湖丽岛 东湖社区论坛 东湖湾二手房 东湖租房 东华里 东环路租房 东环租房 东郊小镇二手房 东郊小镇房价 东街租房 东景花园 东景苑 东坑二手房 东坑房屋出租 东坑租房 东坑租房网 东立国际二手房 东立国际广场 东丽二手房 东丽二手房出售 东丽二手房信息 东丽房屋出租 东丽人才网 东丽租房 东林苑 东菱梅湾花园 东楼 东门二手房 东门网 东门租房 东门租房信息 东盟森林 东明二手房 东明二手房出售 东明房屋出租 东明路 东明论坛 东明租房 东南租房 东平二手房 东平二手房出售 东平房屋出租 东平路租房 东平人事考试网 东平县教育信息网 东平租房 东平租房网 东平租房信息 东圃二手房 东圃二手房出售 东圃镇 东圃租房 东圃租房信息 东钱湖烧烤 东区东区 东区二手房 东区二手房出售 东区房屋出租 东区国际 东区国际二手房 东区国际房价 东区教育信息网 东区租房 东山百货 东山二手房 东山人事人才网 东山租房 东山租房网 东尚蜂鸟 东尚蓝湾 东升二手房 东升花苑 东升家具 东升驾校 东升镇二手房 东升镇租房 东升租房 东升租房网 东胜二手房 东胜二手房网 东盛启城 东台二手房 东台房产 东台房产网 东台房地产 东台租房 东台租房网 东泰城市之光 东泰山 东塘二手房 东亭二手房 东亭租房 东外滩二手房 东旺雍景苑 东西湖吧 东西湖二手房 东西湖二手房出售 东西湖招聘 东西湖租房 东西湖租房信息 东新园 东新园二手房 东兴二手房 东兴社区 东兴租房 东旭花园 东阳安康人才网 东阳二手车 东阳二手房网 东阳二手房信息 东阳房屋出租 东阳租房 东阳租房网 东一时区 东一时区二手房 东一时区业主论坛 东营海培幼儿园 东营交友网 东营拼车网 东涌租房 东元山庄 东原d7区 东原香屿 东苑租房 东岳中学 东站二手房 东站租房 东芝l525 东芝l537 东芝l538 东芝m332 东芝m352 东芝r100 东芝复印机维修 东洲二手房 东洲租房 东紫园 东总屯小区 董俊杰 董小宝 动漫城加盟 动漫城游戏机 动漫城招聘 动漫店连锁 动漫加盟 动漫加盟店 动物园二手房网 动物园租房 动物杂技表演 洞泾二手房 洞口二手房 洞庭湖国际公馆 洞头二手房 洞头二手房网 洞头房产 洞头人才网 洞头租房 洞头租房网 都江堰二手房网 都江堰二手房信息 都江堰房产 都江堰房屋出租 都江堰租房 都江堰租房信息 都市华庭 都市家园 都市名园 都市晴园 都市甜心 都市乡下人 都市阳光花园 斗门二手房 斗门二手房出售 斗门二手房网 斗门人才市场 斗门人力资源网 斗门租房 斗门租房网 斗山二手挖掘机 豆浆加盟 豆浆加盟店 独栋 独栋写字楼出售 独流二手房 杜兵犬 杜尔伯特二手房 杜高猎犬 杜桥网 镀金镀银回收 短期职业培训 短期租车 段店二手房 段店租房 对外汉语教师招聘 对外汉语教师招聘网 对外汉语老师 对外汉语老师招聘 敦化路二手房 敦煌二手房 敦煌网 招聘 沌口二手房 沌口二手房出售 沌口租房 盾安集团招聘 多博企业名录网 多功能烧烤车 多蓝水岸 多乐宝 俄语翻译招聘 鹅蛋价格 鹅湖二手房 鄂尔多斯二手房 鄂尔多斯二手房网 鄂尔多斯个人房屋出租 鄂网 恩典个人资料 恩华药业招聘 恩平二手房 恩平二手房网 恩平二手楼 恩平房产网 恩平房地产 恩平人才网 恩平人才招聘网 恩平市人才网 恩平信息 恩平信息网 恩平租房 恩生堂 儿童服装批发 儿童校服 尔雅书店 耳钉批发 二道租房 二房网 二戈寨租房 二号桥街二手房网 二胡培训 二级建造师培训 二郎租房 二马路 二七二手房 二七房屋出租 二七路 二七万达招聘 二七新村二手房 二七租房 二沙岛二手房 二沙岛租房 二手350z 二手4500 二手50装载机价格 二手a6 二手b超 二手fj酷路泽 二手ipad2 二手iphone4 二手iphone5 二手jeep2700 二手plc 二手psp3000价格 二手qq 二手qq汽车 二手suv报价 二手xc90 二手奥迪r8 二手奥迪tt 二手奥拓快乐王子 二手办公隔断 二手办公家具回收 二手办公设备 二手办公用品 二手宝马1系 二手宝马730 二手宝马m3 二手北斗星汽车报价 二手北京吉普车 二手奔驰s320 二手奔驰s350 二手奔驰s500 二手奔驰跑车 二手奔腾 二手奔腾b70 二手本田s2000 二手本田奥德赛 二手比亚迪 二手比亚迪f0 二手笔记本电脑报价 二手笔记本回收 二手别克 二手别克gl8 二手冰柜价格 二手冰淇淋展示柜 二手冰箱回收 二手彩电 二手餐桌椅 二手叉车网 二手昌河 二手敞篷跑车 二手车行情 二手车交易市场58 二手车交易市场图片 二手车交易中心 二手车买卖手续 二手车评估师招聘 二手车市场价格 二手车网58同城 二手车信息 二手车越野车 二手车租赁 二手厨房设备 二手传真机 二手窗机 二手大霸王 二手大货车交易市场 二手大客车 二手大梁校正仪 二手大切诺基 二手大宇挖掘机 二手道奇锋哲 二手地板 二手地板价格 二手帝豪ec7rv 二手电冰箱 二手电磁炉 二手电单车 二手电动车市场 二手电动观光车 二手电动轿车 二手电动自行车 二手电脑价格 二手电脑配件 二手电脑市场 二手电脑绣花机 二手电脑桌 二手电器 二手电器回收 二手电热水器 二手电视机价格 二手电子秤 二手吊车价格 二手定型机 二手房 上海 二手房产 二手房车价格 二手房出售信息 二手房个人房源 二手房价格 二手房交易流程图 二手房交易市场 二手房交易信息 二手房论坛 二手房西安 二手房信息发布 二手房源 二手房转让 二手飞腾 二手菲亚特500 二手分切机 二手丰田fj酷路泽 二手丰田佳美 二手丰田普拉多 二手丰田塞纳 二手福克斯 二手福克斯两厢 二手复印机报价 二手富康 二手改装跑车 二手干洗机 二手钢材 二手钢琴价格 二手功放 二手功放机 二手钩机 二手罐车 二手滚筒干燥机 二手哈飞路宝 二手哈弗h3 二手悍马h1 二手悍马h2 二手烘焙设备 二手红旗 二手红旗轿车报价 二手呼吸机 二手滑雪板 二手惠威音箱 二手婚纱 二手混凝土搅拌车 二手活动板房 二手货车报价 二手货车车交易市场 二手货车交易 二手机床设备 二手吉利 二手吉利豪情 二手吉利美人豹 二手吉普指挥官 二手加油车 二手加长林肯 二手家居 二手家具转让 二手架子鼓 二手减速机 二手剪板机 二手江淮瑞风 二手江淮瑞风商务车 二手江铃宝典 二手江铃皮卡 二手江铃全顺 二手江南tt 二手胶片相机 二手捷达报价 二手捷达车价格 二手捷达汽车报价 二手捷达王 二手金杯 二手经典全顺 二手景程 二手卷板机 二手军用吉普车 二手开迪 二手烤箱 二手课桌椅 二手空气锤 二手空调转让 二手酷熊 二手兰德酷路泽4000 二手乐驰 二手乐驰报价 二手雷克萨斯es 二手雷克萨斯ls460 二手冷柜 二手冷库 二手骊威 二手林肯领航员 二手林荫大道 二手羚羊 二手龙门吊 二手龙门刨 二手楼 二手路虎卫士 二手路由器 二手轮椅 二手马自达3 二手名爵 二手模特 二手摩托车58 二手摩托车市场 二手摩托车之家 二手摩托车转让 二手摩托跑车 二手摩托艇 二手摩托艇价格 二手木地板 二手木工机械 二手牧马人报价 二手尼桑 二手尼桑骐达 二手尼桑逍客 二手泥头车 二手诺基亚 二手帕萨特领驭 二手啤酒设备 二手乒乓球台 二手平板车 二手平板拖车 二手苹果4多少钱 二手普瑞维亚 二手汔车 二手汽车报价 二手汽车功放 二手汽车交易 二手牵引车 二手前四后四货车 二手切割机 二手切纸机 二手清障车 二手热压机 二手日产 二手日立挖掘机 二手萨博93 二手三菱 二手三菱帕杰罗 二手桑塔纳2000 二手桑塔纳3000 二手森雅s80 二手沙发床 二手厦工装载机 二手山地车 二手商铺 二手事故车 二手事故车交易市场 二手事故车交易网 二手手机报价 二手手套机 二手梳棉机 二手数控车床 二手双螺杆挤出机 二手台式电脑 二手台式电脑报价 二手淘气堡 二手特拉卡 二手童车 二手投影机 二手投影仪 二手图书市场 二手途乐 二手途胜 二手挖机市场 二手挖掘机交易 二手挖掘机买卖 二手挖掘机网 二手玩具 二手网吧电脑 二手网球拍 二手微面 二手沃尔沃 二手沃尔沃s40 二手夏利 二手现代 二手现代特拉卡 二手小松挖掘机 二手小型货车 二手小型挖掘机价格 二手新奥拓 二手新胜达 二手雪佛兰 二手压铸机 二手雅科仕 二手雅马哈功放 二手液晶电视 二手液晶显示器 二手液晶显示器价格 二手伊兰特 二手医疗器械 二手饮水机 二手婴儿床 二手婴儿用品 二手幼儿园滑梯 二手越野车交易市场 二手越野摩托车 二手展示柜 二手长安奔奔 二手长丰猎豹黑金刚 二手折叠车 二手折叠床 二手折叠自行车 二手针式打印机 二手志俊 二手制冰机 二手制冷设备 二手中华 二手专业功放 二手自行车交易网 二手自行车市场 二台子 二学历 发布租房信息 发饰品 发现者陶瓷 发型师招聘 法库招聘 法律人才网 法律咨询事务所 番禺厂房出租 番禺东方白云花园 番禺二手车 番禺房屋出租 番禺广告公司 番禺华南碧桂园 番禺空调维修 番禺市桥招聘 番禺租车 翻身路 繁昌租房 繁荣路 饭店出兑 饭店服务员招聘 饭店转让网 饭店转让信息 泛美泓涵 泛美华庭 梵迪茜 梵顿公馆 梵克雅宝招聘 方城二手房 方城房产网 方城新闻 方城招聘 方城租房 方城租房网 方鼎华庭租房 方家栏二手房 方力申演唱会 方太抽油烟机维修 方太燃气灶维修 方正电脑售后服务电话 方正科技招聘 方正颐和 方舟医院 坊子教育网 坊子区教育网 坊子租房 坊子租房网 芳草名苑 芳草园 芳村二手房 芳村房屋出租 芳村租房 芳菲苑 芳邻雅居 防雨油布 房产网 58同城 房地产策划招聘 房美丽 房山城关二手房 房山城关二手房出售 房山房屋出租 房山交友网 房山绿城百合公寓 房山租房 房山租房信息 房商网 房泰山 房屋 出租 房屋出租58同城 房屋合租 房小白 仿真花加盟 纺织厂招聘 飞科剃须刀fs812 飞利浦hr1861 飞锐 肥城二手房 肥城二手房出售 肥城二手房网 肥城租房 肥城租房网 肥东彩虹新城 肥东二手房 肥东二手房出售 肥东二手房网 肥东房产网 肥东租房 肥东租房网 肥东租房信息 肥西二手房 肥乡二手房 肥乡教师招聘 翡翠郡 翡翠明珠ktv 废电脑回收 废硅料回收 废旧电脑回收 废旧电器回收 废旧家具回收 废旧金属回收 废旧设备回收 废铁价格表 费县二手房 费县二手房网 费县房产网 费县信息港 费县银光驾校 分币回收价格 分类信息服务 汾湖二手房 粉红糖果屋 粉末涂料招聘 丰城二手房出售 丰都二手房 丰都二手房网 丰都租房网 丰华园 丰华苑 丰卉家园 丰卉家园二手房 丰满松花湖 丰南大众传媒 丰南人才网 丰南租房 丰润大众传媒 丰润二手房 丰润二手房出售 丰润二手房网 丰润二手房信息 丰润房产信息 丰润房屋出租 丰润租房 丰润租房网 丰润租房信息 丰顺二手房 丰顺二手房出售 丰台保洁 丰台保洁公司 丰台房屋出租 丰台区保洁 丰台鲜花 丰台租房信息 丰泰观山碧水 丰田prado报价 丰田霸道多钱 丰田皇冠2011款 丰田佳美二手车 丰县租房 丰泽二手房 风度柏林 风和日丽花园 风和日丽家园 风尚国际公寓 风尚水郡 风神h30报价 风神物流招聘 风雅钱塘 沣渭新区 枫丹丽舍二手房 枫丹丽舍房价 枫丹丽舍业主论坛 枫丹树语城 枫泾二手房 枫泾招聘 枫林花园 枫林华府 枫林水郡 枫林天下 枫林湾 枫林意树 峰峰矿区二手房 峰峰矿区二手房网 峰峰矿区租房 峰峰招聘 锋尚99 冯爱萍 冯雪 缝纫工招聘 凤城二手房 凤城租房 凤岗二手房 凤岗二手房出售 凤岗二手房网 凤岗房屋出租 凤岗租房 凤岗租房网 凤凰和美 凤凰和鸣苑 凤凰湖畔 凤凰湖壹号 凤凰路 凤岭山语城 凤山水岸 凤天路 凤翔租房 凤翔租房网 奉城二手房 奉化二手房 奉化二手房出售 奉化二手房网 奉化房屋出租 奉化亲亲家园 奉化阳光茗都 奉化租房 奉化租房网 奉节二手房 奉节二手房出售 奉节房产 奉节租房 奉贤房产网二手房 奉贤房屋出租 奉贤南桥二手房 奉贤商铺 奉贤四团二手房 奉贤租房 奉贤租房网 奉贤租房信息 佛龛批发 佛山二手摩托车 佛山交友 佛山交友网 佛山名仕阁 佛山企业名录 佛山照明招聘 芙蓉房屋出租 芙蓉花园 芙蓉人才网 芙蓉租房 服务器托管价格 服务员招聘网 服务之家 服务之家网 服装设计招聘 服装鞋帽 服装修色 浮山后 浮山后二手房出售 浮山后房屋出租 浮山后四小区 浮山后租房 浮山前租房 浮山所二手房 浮山租房 涪城 涪陵二手房 涪陵二手房网 涪陵二手房信息 涪陵房屋出租 涪陵在线房屋出租 涪陵在线招聘 涪陵租房 涪陵租房网 涪陵最新招聘信息 福安二手房 福安二手房网 福安房屋出租 福安教育局 福安教育网 福安居 福安人才 福安市人才网 福安市人事人才网 福安租房 福安租房网 福地创业园 福地隆城 福鼎二手房 福鼎二手房出售 福鼎二手房网 福鼎房屋出租 福鼎人才招聘网 福鼎山水名都 福鼎庄园 福鼎租房 福鼎租房网 福华新村租房 福建二手车 福建福安 福建古田县 福建屏南 福建省连江县 福建省宁德市 福建云霄 福雷德广场 福利院招聘 福林苑 福林苑小区 福临家园 福临万家 福临万家二期 福临万家二手房 福隆星城 福满园 福门里 福清二手房出售 福清二手房网 福清房产 福清房产中介 福清龙田 福清人才招聘网 福清市房产网 福清市人才网 福清租房 福清租房网 福山二手房 福山二手房出售 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洪城 洪城比华利 洪城东方国际 洪湖二手房 洪湖二手房出售 洪金宝影视培训基地 洪楼 洪塘租房 洪泽二手房 洪泽二手房出售 洪泽招聘信息 鸿博 鸿峰 鸿海佳园 鸿基紫韵 鸿景华庭 鸿坤罗纳河谷 鸿仁名居 鸿瑞豪庭 侯马二手房网 侯马房产网 侯马房屋出租 侯马招聘网 后湖租房 后期制作公司 厚街二手房 厚街桑拿 呼和浩特365房产网 呼和浩特58同城网 呼和浩特二手房出售 呼和浩特二手房信息 呼和浩特房产 呼和浩特房地产 呼和浩特房地产网 呼和浩特海亮 呼和浩特海亮广场 呼和浩特会计培训 呼和浩特婚纱摄影 呼和浩特驾校一点通 呼和浩特教师招聘 呼和浩特教育学院 呼和浩特旅游景点大全 呼和浩特牛街 呼和浩特农大附小 呼和浩特求职 呼和浩特人才 呼和浩特市房地产网 呼和浩特市海亮广场 呼和浩特市旅行社 呼和浩特市旅游 呼和浩特贴吧 呼和浩特小区 呼和浩特新城区 呼和浩特夜场招聘 呼和浩特印象江南 呼和浩特在线 呼和浩特招聘会 呼和浩特招聘网 呼和浩特招聘信息 呼和浩特招聘信息网 呼和浩特中考分数线 呼和浩特住宿 呼和浩特装修网 呼和浩特租房网 呼和浩特租房信息 呼兰二手房 呼兰二手房网 呼兰租房 呼伦贝尔火网招聘 呼市二中吧 呼市人事考试网 胡菲 胡菲菲 胡涂涂 湖北当阳网 湖北二手车 湖北荆州电梯 湖北五峰网 湖北枝江市 湖里二手房 湖里二手房网 湖里租房 湖南芙蓉人才网 湖南兼职网 湖南临湘 湖南人才网最新招聘信息 湖南省临湘市 湖南岳阳旅游 湖南租车 湖西庭园 湖西租房 虎骨酒价格 虎踞路二手房 虎门二手房 虎门二手房出售 虎门二手房网 虎门房屋出租 虎门能源华庄 虎门人才网 虎门招聘 虎门租房 虎门租房网 虎门租房信息 虎皮丹犬 虎石台二手房 虎石台租房 浒山二手房 琥珀山庄 户县二手房 户县二手房网 户县租房 花茶店加盟 花店招聘 花都二手房 花都二手房出售 花都二手房网 花都二手房信息 花都开锁 花都人才招聘网 花都雅宝新城 花都永大新城 花都招聘 花岗岩价格 花果园楼盘 花果园业主论坛 花卉出租 花家地租房 花篮多少钱一对 花篮多少钱一个 花桥二手房出售 花桥二手房网 花桥国际华城 花束花篮 花溪二手房 花溪二手房网 花溪花溪 花溪租房 花香满径 花样年花郡租房 花语城 花语心岸 花语馨苑 花园北路租房 花园别墅 花园路房屋出租 花园路租房 花园小区 花园新村 花园新村二手房 花园新村租房 华北油田信息网 华漕二手房 华漕二手房出售 华宸东区国际 华城泊郡 华城国际 华城秋苑 华城万象 华丰北苑 华府庄园 华乐二手房网 华丽家族太上湖 华凌冰箱维修 华凌冰箱维修电话 华龙小区 华龙租房 华茂大厦 华明镇二手房 华南人才网 华南租房 华宁租房 华聘网 华强北招聘 华强租房 华侨广场 华侨路二手房 华清园二手房 华仁凤凰城 华容二手房出售 华容租房网 华容租房信息 华润万家招聘信息 华润油漆代理 华山山庄 华盛新城 华士镇 华硕a411 华泰吉田 华泰越野车 华天嘉苑 华夏银行信用卡招聘 华银大厦 华远帝景天下 华庄二手房 滑板价格 滑县生活网 滑县招工 滑县招聘信息 滑县租房 化粪池清掏 化龙桥二手房 化学一对一 化妆师兼职 画室老师招聘 画室招聘 画室招生 桦甸二手房 桦甸二手房网 桦甸四中 桦南征婚 怀化医专 怀来二手房 怀来二手房网 怀来网 怀来信息 怀来信息网 怀柔二手房出售 怀柔二手房信息 淮安采购 淮安采购网 淮安楚州网 淮安地板 淮安东湖怡景苑 淮安房产 淮安房屋出租 淮安富士康 淮安国税 淮安国税局 淮安互联 淮安汇通市场 淮安婚纱摄影 淮安家装 淮安教育 淮安锦绣 淮安开明中学 淮安楼市 淮安旅游景点大全 淮安旅游团 淮安美食 淮安企业名录 淮安求职 淮安区房产网 淮安区教育网 淮安区网 淮安人才 淮安人才热线 淮安人才市场 淮安仁爱医院 淮安融侨华府 淮安生活网 淮安市开明中学 淮安小区 淮安一对一家教 淮安娱乐 淮安找工作 淮安装潢 淮安装饰 淮海西路 淮河路 淮口二手房 淮南英派斯 淮水安澜网 淮阴租房 槐荫招聘 槐荫租房 欢欢网 欢乐时光ktv 欢乐无限 环翠区教育网 环县征婚名单 桓台房产 桓台信息港 皇朝家私招聘 皇姑二手房网 皇冠蛋糕店加盟 皇家护卫犬 皇庭波西塔诺 皇庭玛丽的城堡 黄陂二手房 黄陂二手房出售 黄巢山漂流 黄村租房 黄村租房信息 黄岛二手房信息 黄岛房产信息网 黄岛开发区招聘信息 黄冈美女 黄阁房屋出租 黄花菜种子 黄花机场招聘 黄骅二手房 黄骅港招聘 黄骅招聘 黄江二手房 黄江二手房出售 黄江房产 黄江房屋出租 黄江租房 黄江租房网 黄金soho 黄金海岸农家院 黄金时代健身俱乐部 黄金水岸 黄桷坪租房 黄龙雅苑 黄龙住宅区 黄楼 黄梅二手房 黄埔二手房出售 黄埔房屋出租 黄圃二手房 黄圃租房 黄浦二手房 黄浦二手房出售 黄浦君庭 黄沙租房 黄岩二手房 黄岩二手房网 黄岩管道疏通 黄岩宏振学校 黄岩华府天地 黄岩教育网 黄岩疏通管道 黄岩招聘 黄岩招聘网 黄岩租房 黄岩租房网 黄页大全 黄玉婷 黄长健 辉耀时代 回龙观租房信息 回收plc 回收二手电脑 回收二手家电 回收废旧金属 回收硒鼓 回收硒鼓墨盒 卉盛家园 汇宝国际 汇诚佳源居 汇东郦城 汇禾禧福汇 汇景花园 汇景新城中心 汇景苑 汇林华城 汇通快递价格 汇通快递网点 汇通快递网点查询 汇通网点 汇文新都 汇源华庭 会昌租房 会城二手楼 会议宣传片 会展策划师培训 会展中心二手房 会展中心二手房网 惠安搬家 惠安二手房网 惠安房产 惠安房产网 惠安广海中学 惠安教育网 惠安聚龙小镇 惠安人才市场 惠安人事人才网 惠安县人事人才网 惠安租房 惠安租房网 惠城租房 惠达驾校 惠大论坛 惠东东方御景 惠东县黄埠镇 惠东招聘 惠东租房 惠丰城 惠民二手房 惠民二手房出售 惠民社区 惠民县招聘 惠明苑 惠南二手房 惠南二手房出售 惠南二手房信息 惠普打印机客服电话 惠普电脑维修 惠普电脑维修点 惠普售后维修电话 惠阳彩虹城 惠阳房地产 惠阳房价 惠阳万城 惠阳租房 惠阳租房网 惠园小区 惠州seo 惠州seo顾问 惠州seo优化 惠州百度 惠州办证 惠州本地网 惠州大亚湾地图 惠州淡水酒店 惠州到淡水 惠州电信宽带 惠州二手房出售 惠州房地产网 惠州房地产信息网 惠州富海 惠州国税 惠州婚礼策划 惠州婚庆 惠州婚庆公司 惠州婚纱摄影 惠州婚纱摄影工作室 惠州货架 惠州吉之岛 惠州监控 惠州兼职 惠州教师招聘 惠州教育 惠州酒店 惠州流水线 惠州人才招聘网 惠州三星 惠州市第三中学 惠州市惠阳区淡水镇 惠州索尼公司 惠州象头山 惠州小金口 惠州小区 惠州义乌小商品城 惠州月饼 惠州在线 惠州招聘网站大全 惠州招聘信息 惠州装修报价 惠州租房网 惠州租房信息 慧达驿站 慧思达 婚车车队 婚车租赁价格 婚介交友网 婚礼策划培训学校 婚礼策划师招聘 婚礼策划招聘 婚恋交友网 婚庆花车 婚纱出售 婚纱出租 浑南二手房 火车信息 火车站二手房 火锅店转让 火鸡苗价格 火炬开发区一小 货车送货 机场附近二手房 机场路租房 机场租房 机场租房网 机电城 机器维修 机械厂招聘 机械工厂 机械工程师招聘 机械设备回收 机械设备维修 鸡西租房 鸡西租房网 积玉桥租房 畿辅 吉阿婆麻辣烫加盟 吉阿婆麻辣烫加盟费 吉安小区 吉奥皮卡 吉大二手房 吉大房产 吉大租房 吉芬招聘 吉利美人豹多少钱 吉粮康郡 吉林白酒 吉林北山 吉林车友会 吉林德惠 吉林二手房 吉林房地产 吉林丰满 吉林福彩 吉林福利彩票 吉林化纤厂 吉林化纤集团招聘 吉林桦甸 吉林会计 吉林计算机学校 吉林减肥 吉林简历 吉林建筑 吉林锦绣江南 吉林口前 吉林旅行社 吉林律师 吉林美食 吉林哪好玩 吉林磐石 吉林汽车 吉林人才 吉林人才市场 吉林社区 吉林省工程技术学校 吉林省桦甸市 吉林省蛟河市 吉林省教师招聘 吉林省教师招聘信息 吉林省磐石市 吉林省人才 吉林省人才市场 吉林省人才网 吉林省舒兰市 吉林省永吉县口前镇 吉林省招聘信息 吉林省中国国际旅行社 吉林省自考 吉林市朝阳街 吉林市二手车 吉林市房地产 吉林市房地产网 吉林市房价 吉林市房屋出租信息 吉林市购房网 吉林市减肥 吉林市敬老院 吉林市旅行社 吉林市美食 吉林市人才市场 吉林市人才市场招聘 吉林市人才网 吉林市人才招聘网 吉林市特色小吃 吉林市贴吧 吉林市小吃 吉林市心理医生 吉林市信息港 吉林市信息网 吉林市养老院 吉林市招聘网 吉林市招聘信息网 吉林舒兰 吉林舒兰市 吉林松花湖 吉林特色小吃 吉林体育彩票 吉林贴吧 吉林铁通 吉林网络 吉林网站建设 吉林五洲花园大酒店 吉林物流 吉林消防网 吉林小吃 吉林小区 吉林信息 吉林信息港 吉林永吉 吉林榆树 吉林招聘 吉林招聘网 吉林装饰 吉林装修 吉林租车 吉林租房网 吉姆尼二手 吉普多少钱 吉山村 吉他学习班 吉野家网上订餐官网 即墨二手 即墨二手房出售 即墨二手房网 即墨二手房信息 即墨房产 即墨房屋出租 即墨人才网 即墨御墅临枫二手房 即墨招商银行 即墨租房网 即墨租房信息 棘洪滩二手房 棘洪滩二手房出售 棘洪滩租房 集美二手房 集美二手房出售 集美二手房网 集美嘉庚体育馆 集美租房 集美租房网 集体婚礼策划 集团电话维修 集贤租房 计调员 记账公司 技能交换 技能交换网 技术支持招聘 济南 搬家 济南 橱柜 济南 二手房 济南 公司 济南 兼职 济南 小姐 济南58同城二手车 济南58同城网 济南58同城租房 济南seo培训 济南按摩 济南白金瀚宫 济南百货 济南保安 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交友征婚 胶带批发 胶南搬家公司 胶南保洁 胶南贷款 胶南二手房出售 胶南二手房信息 胶南房屋出租 胶南开锁 胶南装修网 胶南租房 胶南租房网 胶南租房信息 胶印印刷 胶州二手房信息 胶州房产网 胶州租房 胶州租房网 椒江二手房出售 椒江二手房网 椒江房屋出租 椒江租房 椒江租房网 蛟川二手房 蛟河二手房 蛟河二手房信息 蛟河在线 蛟河租房 焦作仁爱医院 焦作租房信息 蕉城二手房 蕉城二手房网 蕉城区 蕉城租房 角美二手房 角美二手房网 脚奴图片 搅拌机出租 搅拌机租赁 叫车电话 上海 较场口二手房 窖口租房 揭东二手房 街道口二手房出售 街道口房屋出租 街道口租房 街舞学校 节能灯加盟 杰之旅 结婚礼服专卖店 解放碑酒吧 解放碑租房 解放路二手房出售 解放路租房 介休二手房 界石 界石二手房 今创启园 今日宜昌 今日宜昌网 金岸提香 金百合 金榜大厦 金杯汽车价格 金碧湖畔 金碧美鞋 金昌二手房 金昌二手房出售 金昌交友 金昌小区 金城丽景 金川公司网络学校 金地滨河国际悦城 金地大厦 金地芙蓉世家 金地格林春晓 金地格林郡 金地格林上院 金地格林世界二手房 金地格林小城三期 金地国际公馆 金地国际花园二手房 金地梅陇镇幼儿园 金地明悦 金地曲江尚林苑 金地上塘道二期 金地上塘道租房 金地太阳城 金地雅苑 金地阳光城 金地园 金地苑 金地中心城租房 金地自在城杭州 金鼎国际 金鼎俱乐部 金鼎租房 金东城世家 金东城雅居 金东区人才网 金都国际 金都华庭 金都时代新城 金港花园 金冠里 金冠园 金光丽园 金海岸游泳馆 金海国际二手房 金海湾别墅 金海湾森林逸城 金和大厦 金河名人世家 金湖二手房 金湖二手房出售 金湖二手房网 金湖花园 金湖银滩 金湖租房 金湖租房网 金湖租房信息 金花茶价格 金华58同城网 金华按摩 金华保集蓝郡 金华单身公寓 金华服务在线 金华府 金华付村 金华广告公司 金华兼职 金华兼职网 金华教育 金华金地花园 金华零号小区 金华旅行社 金华美食 金华苗木 金华前程人才网 金华青年 金华人才 金华人才市场 金华人才网招聘信息 金华人才网最新招聘信息 金华人才招聘网 金华商标注册 金华市人才市场 金华市人才招聘 金华市人才招聘网 金华通园小区 金华团购 金华外卖网 金华五院义乌分院 金华五中学区房 金华物流 金华婺城教育网 金华小区 金华园小区 金华中学 金华猪 金华自驾游 金华租车 金华租房网 金晖二手车 金晖新村 金辉天鹅湾 金汇二手房 金汇二手房出售 金鸡湖花园 金鸡亭二手房 金基晓庐 金嘉名筑 金居泰家居 金科宽庭 金兰苑 金立a100 金利明珠花园 金陵饭店招聘 金陵家天下 金陵尚府 金陵世家 金陵天成 金陵小区二手房 金羚洗衣机维修 金领国际房价 金龙鱼胶 金轮翠庭园 金轮第一城 金轮第一居 金轮华尔兹 金轮新都汇 金锣集团招聘 金锣招聘 金马路房屋出租 金马小区 金毛转让 金明服务区 金宁广场 金牛租房 金瓯大厦 金牌月嫂价格 金桥二手房 金桥二手房出售 金桥二手房网 金桥澎湖湾 金桥普林斯顿 金桥租房 金清 金秋物流 金融街二手房 金色华尔兹 金色江南二手房 金色俊园 金色欧城 金色钱塘租房 金色水岸 金沙二手房 金沙二手房网 金沙江路二手房 金沙雅苑四期 金沙雅苑一期 金沙园 金沙洲二手房 金沙洲租房 金山二手房 金山二手房出售 金山福地 金山桥 金山小区二手房 金山小区二手房出售 金山招聘 金山招聘网 金山租房 金山租房信息 金尚俊园 金盛国际家居租房 金狮小区 金水租房 金塔二手房 金塔租房 金泰城 金坛二手房网 金坛金湖花园 金堂二手房网 金堂二手房信息 金堂租房 金溪二手房 金溪租房 金乡信息港 金象泰温馨家园 金鑫苑小区 金星一笑值千金 金星租房 金燕花园 金阳二手房 金阳客车站电话 金阳新区 金钥匙学校 金义大都市 金谊河畔业主论坛 金谊花园 金银湖二手房 金银湖二手房出售 金印阳光城 金隅丽港城 金隅时代城 金玉恒通 金玉良缘婚庆加盟 金玉世家 金玉源 金域豪庭 金域华府一期 金域华庭 金域兰湾 金域曲江 金域榕郡 金域湾 金苑小区 金泽苑 金寨征婚 金州二手房 金州招聘 金州租房 金州租房网 金专 金卓外贸软件 津发小区 津南二手房 津南二手房出售 津南人才网 津南招聘 津南租房 锦昌文华 锦城大厦 锦东 锦都花园 锦都苑 锦湖公寓 锦湖家园 锦湖轮胎招聘 锦江城市花园 锦江城市花园三期 锦江二手房 锦江二手房网 锦江国际花园 锦润公寓 锦泰广场租房 锦绣365 锦绣大地城 锦绣二手房 锦绣江南二手房 锦绣年华 锦绣年华小区 锦绣阳光花园 锦艺国际华都 锦园君逸 锦园小区二手房 锦州阿萨帝 锦州办证 锦州财经学校 锦州大润发 锦州电影院 锦州东方豪庭 锦州二手车网 锦州二手网 锦州房产 锦州房产超市 锦州房产超市网 锦州房产信息网 锦州房地产网 锦州房屋出租 锦州港招聘 锦州好来屋 锦州婚纱摄影 锦州景点 锦州酒店 锦州凌海 锦州论坛 锦州旅行社 锦州美食 锦州人才 锦州人才市场 锦州人才招聘网 锦州人事 锦州人事网 锦州石化 锦州市房产网 锦州网 锦州威尼斯水城 锦州卫校 锦州物流 锦州现代妇科医院 锦州住宿 锦州租车 锦州租房网 进出口报关 进贤二手房 进贤房产 进贤租房 劲力五星城 劲松二手房 劲松二手房出售 晋安租房 晋江宝龙城市广场 晋江二手房出售 晋江二手房网 晋江房产网 晋江教师招聘 晋江人才 晋江商标注册 晋江市人才网 晋江万达 晋江租房 晋江租房网 晋宁别墅 晋宁租房 晋愉盛世融城 晋源租房 晋中二手房 晋中二手房网 晋州二手房 晋州二手房网 晋州租房 京东商城招聘信息 京都城 京冠万城华府 京广路 京广桥 京汉君庭 京隆名爵府 京门府 京山二手房网 京山征婚 京泰自主城 京溪二手房 京溪租房 泾渭明珠 经八路二手房 经典雅居 经纪人招聘 经济技术开发区租房 经济开发区招聘 经济开发区租房 经开区二手房 经开区二手房出售 经开区房屋出租 经开区租房 经开人才网 经贸大厦 经纬360 经纬360公寓 经纬花园 荆州58同城网 荆州seo 荆州楚天都市佳园 荆州电视台招聘 荆州电影院 荆州房屋出租 荆州家居建材大市场 荆州交警服务网 荆州酒店 荆州美食 荆州牧 荆州人才招聘网 荆州人事网 荆州社区招聘网 荆州特产 荆州网站建设 荆州物流 荆州信息网 荆州中学吧 荆州租房网 荆州租房信息 菁华园 晶典国际 精密机械加工 精密模具加工 精神病科 精油加盟 精装公寓 井岸二手房 井岸二手房网 井岸租房 井冈山二手房 井陉二手房 井陉二手房网 井陉矿区二手房 井陉矿区二手房网 井陉矿区租房 井陉租房 井陉租房网 井口租房 井湾子房屋出租 景城名郡 景德镇男科医院 景芳二手房 景芳五区 景芳租房 景枫法兰谷 景河星宫 景湖春晓 景区宾馆 景冉佳园 景山二手房 景山二手房出售 景泰租房 景天成 景园 景园小区 靖远二手房 靖远租房 静安二手房出售 静安房屋出租 静安墓园 静安寺二手房 静海二手房出售 静海二手房网 静海二手房信息 静海人才网 静海人才信息网 静海招聘 静海租房 静海租房网 静力压桩机 静宁二手房网 静宁租房 静宁租房信息 静怡花苑 境界梅江 镜泊湖旅游 镜湖租房 镜子批发 九堡二手房 九堡二手房出售 九堡租房 九房网 九宫庙租房 九衡公寓 九江交友网 九江美女 九锦台 九九房产 九九人才网 九棵树二手房 九里堤二手房 九里堤二手房出售 九里堤二手房网 九里象湖城 九莲新村 九龙仓擎天半岛 九龙城广场 九龙城天悦龙庭 九龙鼎 九龙井 九龙明珠花园 九龙坡二手房 九龙坡二手房出售 九龙坡租房 九龙坡租房网 九龙盛世园 九龙雅苑 九润公寓 九台二手房 九台二手房网 九台租房 九台租房网 九亭二手房 九亭招聘 九亭租房 九通一平 九溪玫瑰园 九眼桥二手房出售 九眼桥二手房网 九阳电磁炉维修点 九州方圆 九洲依云郡 久久鸭脖加盟费 久睦苑 酒吧服务员招聘 酒吧音响回收 酒吧转让 酒厂转让 酒店纺织品 酒店服务员招聘 酒店墙体彩绘 酒店设备回收 酒店转让 酒店租车 酒店租房 酒钢宽带 酒后代驾 酒楼转让 酒业招聘 旧车 旧车交易 旧车交易市场 旧电瓶回收 旧宫搬家公司 旧货 旧货架 旧金属回收 旧显示器回收 居住主题公园 菊城人才网 菊花岛好玩吗 菊园新区二手房 橘子郡 莒南二手房 莒南二手房出售 莒南二手房网 莒南房产 莒南房屋出租 莒南贴吧 莒南信息港 莒南租房 莒南租房信息 巨鼎 巨星犬舍 聚宝苑 聚德花苑 聚龙花园 聚美优品郑州招聘 聚能教育招聘 聚派招聘网 聚贤街租房 聚贤新城 聚镇 卷毛比熊犬多少钱 绢花批发 绝世情缘 爵代国际 军海肝康医院 军人征婚 军人征婚网 君宝科技 君临国际 君临天下御景园 君临香格里 君融天湖 君山别墅 君山二手房 君山区 君山租房 君丝佳加盟 君廷湖畔 君庭 君逸左岸 君域豪庭 君悦华庭 君之诺 骏景花园租房 骏逸江南 骏逸天下 咖啡机维修 咖啡礼盒 咖啡批发 咖啡厅转让 咖啡屋加盟 咖啡信息 咖啡之翼招聘 咖啡之翼招聘信息 喀纳斯四日游 喀什二手房 喀什二手房出售 喀什二手房网 喀什租房 喀什租房网 卡芭娜左旋360减肥咖啡 卡迪克 卡琳贝尔 卡南犬 卡塞雷斯 卡通人偶服装 卡西欧数码相机维修 开城里二手房 开发区二手房 开发区二手房出售 开发区招聘 开发区租房 开发区租房网 开封58同城网 开封出租车 开封贷款 开封电信 开封二手车 开封二手房出售 开封二手房信息 开封房屋出租 开封赶集网 开封高中排名 开封交警信息网 开封酒店 开封联通 开封旅行社 开封人才 开封人才网 开封人才网最新招聘信息 开封人事人才网 开封人事网 开封特色小吃 开封尉氏县 开封物流 开封小区 开封信息港 开封信息网 开封演唱会 开封招聘网 开封招聘网站大全 开封住宿 开封租房网 开化租房 开荒保洁公司 开荒清洁 开来防水 开明中学 开平出租房 开平二手房 开平二手房网 开平二手楼 开平房产 开平房地产 开平房屋出租 开平广之旅 开平海伦堡 开平旅游 开平旅游景点大全 开平人才市场 开平市二手房 开平市房产网 开平水龙头 开平租房 开平租房网 开县二手房 开县二手房出售 开县网站建设 开县租房 开县租房网 开心交友 开阳二手房 开阳在线 开业花篮多少钱一对 开业花篮价格 开业庆典公司 凯德大厦 凯尔爱蒂 凯富国际 凯莱花园 凯美怡和 凯森福景雅苑 凯祥花苑 凯旋大厦 凯旋路 凯旋门二手房 凯旋新城业主论坛 凯旋新世界二手房 凯茵 凯裕花园 凯悦花园 凯悦华庭 凯悦天琴 康贝力 康城静林湾 康城四季 康城一品 康华苑房价 康居 康郡 康乐二手房 康乐新村 康奈男鞋 康平路 康平征婚 康桥边的院子 康桥公寓 康桥花园 康桥金域上郡 康桥溪岸 康桥小镇 康盛花园 康师傅冰红茶代理 康师傅招聘信息 康王路 康欣园 康逸 康缘 康庄二手房 康庄小区 亢龙 烤鸽子加盟 科技路西口 科技园区二手房出售 科技园租房 科嘉花园 科学城招聘 科学园二手房 可卡多少钱 可卡犬价格 可口可乐公司招聘 可米国际影视 克东二手房 克尔维特c6 克丽缇娜价格 克丽缇娜美容院价格 克丽缇娜美容院招聘 克丽缇娜绣眉价格 克莉丝汀月饼 克山二手房 克山土豆 克山租房 客车出租 客车租赁 客运站招聘 课外辅导班 肯德基15元豪华午餐 肯德基暑期工 肯德基外送费 肯德基外送费多少 肯德基外送费多少钱 肯德基网上订餐免外送费 坑口租房 空车配货信息 空港驾校 空九军 空军后勤学院 空调搬运 空调出租 空调的安装 空调租赁 空虚哥 空压机出租 空压机租赁 孔雀城二手房 孔雀城英国宫 孔雀大卫城 孔雀大卫城房价 孔雀鱼价格 控江路二手房 口碑最好的家政公司 口前 口前房价 口译公司 裤子批发 酷派5110 酷派报价 快餐配送员 快餐外卖 快递 淘宝 快递公司招聘 快递加盟一点通 快递价钱 快递快递 快递员求职 快递员招聘信息 快乐家园 快乐酷巴 宽城租房 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    ROSEN, NATIONALLY REGARDED INVESTOR COUNSEL, Encourages Kyverna Therapeutics, Inc. Investors To Secure Counsel Before Important Deadline In Securities Class Action – KYTXThe Miami Dolphins have released wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr, ending the three-time Pro Bowler's short tenure with the team. Beckham signed a one-year, $3m deal with the Dolphins in May, but started the season on the physically unable to perform list after offseason knee surgery. He leaves after only nine catches for 55 yards in nine games. Beckham had missed the past two days of practice for what the team called personal reasons. Dolphins coach Mike McDaniel indicated on Friday that the decision to part ways was mutual. "Odell and I have been very communicative since he's been here," McDaniel told reporters. "He had a tough start in terms of having to rehab his way into the season and then just looking at it as simple as, all right, what's the best for both him and the team moving forward? "We just thought it was a good time to go that direction. That was the motivation behind it. That's all." Trending Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player Beckham, the No 12 overall pick in the 2014 NFL Draft, shot to stardom in his first five NFL seasons with the New York Giants. Despite missing the first four games of his debut campaign due to injury, Beckham broke all kinds of receiving records, becoming the first player to record more than 75 receptions, 1,100 yards, and 10 touchdowns in their rookie year. Also See: NFL schedule Stream the NFL with NOW Get Sky Sports on WhatsApp! Subscribe to Inside the Huddle podcast During Week 12 of that 2014 season, Beckham forever cemented himself in NFL history when making a sensational one-handed touchdown catch in a Sunday Night Football clash with the Dallas Cowboys, which many consider to be the greatest of all time. Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player Traded to the Cleveland Browns in 2019, OBJ's three years in Ohio were more of a struggle and he'd eventually be released midway through the 2021 season after his father complained on social media over the way his son was being used in the Browns offense. He then signed with the Los Angeles Rams, where he won a Super Bowl that same season, though it was bittersweet success as he suffered a torn ACL in the game which has hampered his subsequent years in the NFL. After missing the entire 2022 season, Beckham signed with the Baltimore Ravens in 2023 and went on to have 35 catches for 565 yards and three touchdowns last year before being cut by the Ravens in March. Brought to Miami in the offseason to be a third receiving option behind Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Waddle, Beckham never seemed to fit into the Dolphins offense. If he clears waivers, the 32-year-old would be free to sign with any team. Although his best years are most definitely behind him, it does leave open the prospect of the star wideout again latching on with a Super Bowl contender like he did with the Rams in 2021. Watch another triple-header of live NFL action this Sunday on Sky Sports, starting with Miami Dolphins at Houston Texans from

    It looks like Microsoft isn’t getting into the holiday spirit quite yet. Instead, it has delivered Dev and Beta channel updates to the Windows Insider Program. If you have a PC enrolled in the Dev channel, you’ll find a cumulative update (KB5048761) waiting for you in Windows Update that will upgrade Windows 11 version 24H2 to build 26120.2702. It includes a few new features, most notably a new advanced camera options page in Camera settings with multi-app camera capabilities and basic camera debugging and . But there are also new WebAuth Plugin Authenticator APIs for third-party passkey providers and a slew of fixes. Plus some issues with Recall, Click to Do, and other system components that Microsoft says will be fixed in future updates (presumably after the holidays). Sign up for our new free newsletter to get three time-saving tips each Friday — get free copies of Paul Thurrott's Windows 11 and Windows 10 Field Guides (normally $9.99) as a special welcome gift! Meanwhile, KB5048753 is being offered to PCs in the Beta channel, upgrading them to Windows 11 version 23H2 build 22635.4655. This update provides minor changes to Spotlight on the Lock screen and Desktop, a visual preview when sharing web links, and Microsoft Edge Game Assist. All the usual CFR nonsense applies, so you may not see any or all of these changes immediately. Paul Thurrott is an award-winning technology journalist and blogger with 30 years of industry experience and the author of 30 books. He is the owner of and the host of three tech podcasts: with Leo Laporte and Richard Campbell, , and with Brad Sams. He was formerly the senior technology analyst at Windows IT Pro and the creator of the SuperSite for Windows from 1999 to 2014 and the Major Domo of while at BWW Media Group from 2015 to 2023. You can reach Paul via , or . Join the crowd where the love of tech is real - become a Thurrott Premium Member today! Sign up for our new free newsletter to get three time-saving tips each Friday

    South Carolina is off to an uneven start, but that hasn't obscured the steady rise of Collin Murray-Boyles. The 6-foot-7 sophomore will be the player to watch when South Carolina (6-3) hosts South Carolina Upstate (4-8) Saturday afternoon in Columbia. Murray-Boyles leads the Gamecocks in points (16.2), rebounds (9.4), steals (1.2) and blocks (1.1) per game. As South Carolina struggled to a 75-68 victory over East Carolina on Saturday, Murray-Boyles carried the Gamecocks, making all 10 of his shots from the floor and finishing with 20 points and 10 rebounds. "He's been working on pivoting towards the basket and getting on balance and then making a strong move through some contact," South Carolina coach Lamont Paris said. The Gamecocks have been highly dependent on Murray-Boyles. In the two games in which he has fouled out, South Carolina lost to Xavier and Indiana. Meanwhile, the Gamecocks are unbeaten in the six games in which he has collected at least eight rebounds. "He's still growing and it's exciting to see," Paris said. "He's got phenomenal natural touch." Also emerging lately have been Norfolk State transfer Jamarii Thomas, who had season highs of 22 points and seven assists against East Carolina, and Morris Ugusuk, who has hit 10 of 14 shots from 3-point range in the last three games. South Carolina Upstate has been sparked by a pair of guards who each have won multiple Big South freshman of the week awards. Carmelo Adkins had 31 points and 12 rebounds in wins last week over Division III Brevard and at Western Carolina, while Mister Dean leads the Spartans in points (15.7), rebounds (5.6) and steals (2.0) per game. "He sparks runs because he'll make a dynamic dunk," Spartans coach Marty Richter said of Dean. "He brings energy with how he scores the basketball, in a hurry. He can score in bunches." The Spartans enter on a high as the win over Western Carolina was Richter's first over a Division I team. South Carolina Upstate is 1-8 all-time against South Carolina. This year, the Spartans are winless in four games against power conference schools. In an 85-80 loss a month ago at Wake Forest, however, they led for much of the second half. --Field Level MediaWhat Snoop wants: Arizona Bowl gives NIL opportunities to players for Colorado State, Miami (Ohio)

    What Snoop wants: Arizona Bowl gives NIL opportunities to players for Colorado State, Miami (Ohio)

    L3Harris Technologies (NYSE:LHX) Shares Down 0.1% – Here’s What HappenedCollege Football Playoff & Bowl Game TV Schedule 2024Satellite images show that Russia has begun to withdraw its troops from Syria. Source: CNN ; Russian news outlet Vazhnye Istorii (Important Stories) Details: Maxar Technologies and Planet Labs’ satellite imagery of military bases in Syria show that An-124 cargo planes (the world's largest cargo planes, capable of carrying up to 150 tonnes of cargo), three Il-76 transport planes, as well as smaller cargo planes – three An-32 and one An-72 – have arrived at the Khmeimim airbase. The aircraft prepare to load cargo, as indicated by their lifted nose cones. In addition, the images show the Russian military disassembling a Ka-52 attack helicopter. Maxar analysts assume that it is being prepared for loading. Experts also identified parts of an S-400 air defence system, which is apparently also being prepared for shipment to Russia. Maxar Technologies also published photographs of Russian ships sailing in the Mediterranean Sea from the coast of Syria. Russian propaganda agency TASS reported that Russia was still negotiating with the new Syrian government to maintain its military bases in the country. At the same time, Russian propagandists published videos of Russian military convoys moving towards the Khmeimim airbase. Support UP or become our patron !

    KEARNEY – The University of Nebraska at Kearney hosted its winter commencement Friday, Dec. 20, at the Health and Sports Center on campus. Interim Chancellor Charlie Bicak conferred degrees for 391 graduate and undergraduate students during the ceremony and presented the annual Leland Holdt/Security Mutual Life Distinguished Faculty Award. University of Nebraska System President Dr. Jeffrey P. Gold delivered the keynote address. A first-generation college graduate, Gold became the ninth president of the NU System on July 1, 2024. He leads a university system that enrolls nearly 50,000 students and employs 16,000 faculty and staff on campuses in Lincoln, Omaha and Kearney, plus academic divisions and research and extension centers across the state. Student speaker was Emily Conrad, who graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a management emphasis. A Gretna native, Conrad was an active participant in the College of Business and Technology Living-Learning Community, serving as a mentor and leading community service events and business tours. She was also selected to help develop the College of Business and Technology Ambassadors program, representing UNK at a national conference and facilitating key events. Outside academics, she works for UNK Campus Recreation and is a member of the UNK Climbing Club. She serves on the leadership team for the Navigators campus ministry group. NU Board of Regents Vice Chair Paul Kenney also addressed the graduates. Students graduating with honors have the honors noted after their names. Honors, along with grade-point averages necessary to earn those honors, include: summa cum laude, 3.90-4.00; magna cum laude, 3.80-3.89; cum laude, 3.70-3.79; and honorable mention, 3.50-3.69. Area graduates include: ALBION: Ashley Gutierrez, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive, Honorable Mention AMHERST: Shelby Bramer, Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction ANSELMO: Kaitlyn Jacquot, Bachelor of Science, Social Work Comprehensive, Summa Cum Laude ANSLEY: Brianna R. Ryan, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Special Education K-12 Field, Summa Cum Laude; Gillian Baum, Bachelor of Science, Agribusiness Comprehensive ARCHER: Catherine A. Blauhorn, Master of Arts in Education, School Principalship 7-12 AURORA: Joanna N. Rodriguez Silva, Bachelor of Arts, Modern Languages; Olivia D. Lawless, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp, Cum Laude; Emilie Otto, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration BRADSHAW: Josie McCormick, Bachelor of Science, Multimedia, , Magna Cum Laude BROKEN BOW: Noah Speer, Bachelor of Science, Psychobiology, Physician Assistant BURWELL: Coy Gideon, Bachelor of Arts in Education, History 7-12 Subject; Riley Sheets, Master of Arts in Education, Reading PK-12 CAIRO: Elizabeth S. Lindell, B achelor of Science, Social Work Comprehensive CALLAWAY: Wryleigh Doyle, Bachelor of Science, Biology Comprehensive, Medical; Delanie Pinkerton, Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Honorable Mention; Philip Rosfeld, Bachelor of Science in Education , Mathematics 6-12 Field, Cum Laude CENTRAL CITY: Hannah Galusha , Master of Arts, English CHAPMAN: Justine Shively, Bachelor of General Studies, General Studies, Summa Cum Laude DONIPHAN: Tate Mazour, Master of Science in Education, Clinical Mental Health Counsel, FULLERTON: Katlyn Bowman, Master of Science in Education, School Counseling Elem PK-8, GIBBON: Nathan Holcomb, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Health and PE PK-12 Field; Kelly Tovar-Hernandez, Bachelor of Science, Psychology; Avigail Corona, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp; Courtney Zwink, Master of Arts in Education, Kinesiology and Sport Sciences G RAND ISLAND 1: Jaden Cameron, Bachelor of Arts, Multimedia; Wade Brandenburg, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Middle Level 5-9 Subject; Chandler Hehnke, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Special Education K-12 Field, Summa Cum Laude; Dillon McKinney, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Health and PE PK-12 Field, Interscholastic Coaching 7-12, Summa Cum Laude; Natalie Morgan, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6; Johanna Mendoza, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive, Summa Cum Laude; McKenna Watson, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive; Kaitlyn Berggren, Bachelor of Science, Biology Comprehensive; Lauren Morrow, Bachelor of Science, Psychobiology, Physician Assistant, Honorable Mention; Gibrana Carbajal, Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences, Occupational Therapy; Cole Reher, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice Comprehensive; Payton Sindelar, Bachelor of Science, Biology Comprehensive, Cardiovascular Perfusion, Honorable Mention GRAND ISLAND 2: Ahmed Ahmed, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp; Felix Alba, Bachelor of Science, Construction Management Comp; Jake Inthavongsa, Bachelor of Science, Computer Science Comprehensive, Magna Cum Laude; Waldemar Figueroa, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration; Oscar Richter, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration; Triston M. Timmons, Bachelor of Science, Industrial Distribution Comp; Madison Webster, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Honorable Mention; Kristina Antillon, Bachelor of Science, Family Science; Carlos Duran, Bachelor of Science in Education, Biology 7-12 Subject; Georgia Clerc, Bachelor of Science in Education, Middle Level 5-9 Subject; Sydney Hespe, Master of Arts in Education, School Principalship Pre-K-8; Nicholas A. Leiting , Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction; Breanna Salinas, Master of Arts in Education, School Principalship Pre-K-8; Tonia Schmall, Master of Arts in Education, School Principalship Pre-K-8; Brooke Nelson, Master of Science in Education, Clinical Mental Health Counsel HASTINGS: Katelyn Cecrle, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Art PK-12 Field, Honorable Mention; Taylor Ground, Bachelor of Arts in Education, English 7-12 Subject; Isa bel Shafer, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Language Arts 7-12 Field, Honorable Mention; Elle Douglas, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Summa Cum Laude; Vanessa Tran, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive; Gisell J. Torres, Bachelor of Science, Advertising — Public Relations; Chelsey Wiseman, Bachelor of Science, Health Sciences, Cum Laude; Kaley Brown, Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Family Advocacy, Honorable Mention; Abigail S. Kryzsko, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education; Malena Goldenstein, Master of Science in Education, Clinical Mental Health Counsel JUNIATA: Katrina Johnsen , Master of Arts in Education, Special Education KEARNEY 1: Zachary G. J. Markussen, Bachelor of Arts, English Writing, Political Science, Magna Cum Laude; Faith Becker, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6; Macy Crowley, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Summa Cum Laude; Payton Fehringer, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Magna Cum Laude; Krystal Hebb, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive, Summa Cum Laude; Karina Boatright, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Studio Art Comprehensive, Summa Cum Laude; Jacob Obrecht, Bachelor of Music, Music Ed PK-12 Field; Reyna Alvarado, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, Law; Shelby Bock, Bachelor of Science, Organizational Relational Com; Kimberleigh S. Cawley, Bachelor of Science, Biology Comprehensive, Veterinary Medicine; Mason Morhain, Bachelor of Science, Psychology, Magna Cum Laude; Meshya Moschenross, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice; Christopher Roehrich, Bachelor of Science, Organizational Relational Com, Cum Laude; Jacob N. Sykes, Bachelor of Science, Organizational Relational Com KEARNEY 2: Carter Abels, Bachelor of Science, Construction Management Comp, Cum Laude; Megan Beck, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Recreation Management; Madeline Burton, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp; Dayethan Nelson, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration; Carson Schnacker, Bachelor of Science, Construction Management Comp, Honorable Mention; Sage Wilkinson, Bachelor of Science, Industrial Distribution Comp; Kiley Labs, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education; Courtney Shundoff, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education; Lindsie Thiems, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education; Donald Hjort, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration; Haley Oberbrockling, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration; Timothy Smith, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration; Staci Cahis-Sanchez, Master of Science in Education, STEM Education KENESAW: Wyatt Hansen, Bachelor of Science, Agribusiness Comprehensive LOUP CITY: Nadia VanSlyke, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Elementary Education Field K-6, Summa Cum Laude MINDEN: Taylor R. Pearson, Bachelor of Science, Social Work Comprehensive; Matthew Stubbs, Master of Science in Education, Learning, Design & Technology ORD: Brett Hinrichs , Master of Business Administration, Business Administration OSCEOLA: Jadyn Johnson, Bachelor of Science, Business Administration Comp, Honorable Mention; Grace K. Jakub, Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Family Advocacy PALMER: Kennedy Doyle, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, Cum Laude; Jordan Earnest, Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction PETERSBURG: Jennifer Bullard, Bachelor of Arts in Education, Early Childhood Inclusive POLK: Tanner Wood, Bachelor of Arts in Education, History 7-12 Subject, Honorable Mention RIVERDALE: Morgan Boldt, Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, Magna Cum Laude SHELBY: Jarod Nekl, Master of Business Administration, Business Administration SHELTON: Nicholas Rhamy, Master of Science in Education, Clinical Mental Health Counsel SPALDING: Jeffrey Schmeits, Bachelor of Science, Construction Management Comp, Cum Laude; Molly Berger, Master of Arts in Education, Special Education TRUMBULL: Jessica Kleier, Master of Arts in Education, Curriculum and Instruction WOOD RIVER: Luis Trejo, Bachelor of Science Construction Management Comp; Jason Morgan, Bachelor of Science, Rec and Park Management Comp Get our local education coverage delivered directly to your inbox.

    Georgia Tech 87, Cent. Arkansas 68SUI INVESTOR ALERT: Bronstein, Gewirtz & Grossman LLC Announces that Sun Communities, Inc. Investors with Substantial Losses Have Opportunity to Lead Class Action LawsuitAtiku Abubakar condemns a military-style parade held for Seyi Tinubu, the son of President Bola Tinubu, calling it a violation of military traditions He demands an investigation into the legitimacy of the "Nigeria Cadet Network," the civilian group behind the parade, and its unauthorized use of firearms Atiku stresses the importance of preserving the integrity of the Nigerian Armed Forces and ensuring accountability if legal violations were committed CHECK OUT: Education is Your Right! Don’t Let Social Norms Hold You Back. Learn Online with LEGIT. Enroll Now! Atiku Abubakar , Nigeria’s former Vice President and prominent opposition figure, has expressed outrage over a recent incident involving Seyi Tinubu, the son of President Bola Tinubu, receiving military honours during a parade. The event has sparked widespread condemnation, with Atiku demanding a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the controversial display. In a statement released on Sunday, Atiku condemned the military-style procession, calling it a violation of long-established military traditions. He described the parade as a "gross aberration" for any branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces to organize such a formal event for a non-designated public figure. Read also "We're sorry": VP Shettima commiserates with victims of military airstrike in Sokoto The statement also expressed deep concern over the involvement of civilians in the event, particularly the "Nigeria Cadet Network," a group that, according to Atiku, is not a recognized entity within the military. "It is with utter dismay and concern that Nigerians were subjected to a nauseating video circulating online, where a group of young men, armed and in full military procession, bestowed upon the President's son unwarranted military honours," Atiku’s statement read. PAY ATTENTION: Follow us on Instagram - get the most important news directly in your favourite app! He questioned the legitimacy of the "Nigeria Cadet Network," highlighting that it is neither a registered organization nor an officially recognized military group. Atiku further noted the troubling nature of the event, which saw civilians displaying firearms in the parade, a practice that he warned could undermine the security of the country at a time when illegal arms proliferation is a significant concern. He also expressed alarm over the apparent involvement of security personnel in facilitating the parade, raising questions about the role of the state Source:

    Sam Kerr in the Hunter Valley as Matilda Emily van Egmond ties the knotDOYLESTOWN – For all the excitement generated by watching bruising backs Mick Johnson and Saalem Frink shred defenses with explosive runs and punishing hits on would-be tacklers, Bonner & Prendergast’s potent ground attack owes much of its success to the work of the big boys on the offensive line. Leading the charge is Chaz Ingram, the Friars’ 6-foot-1, 240-pound enforcer and two-time All-Catholic League honoree. Ingram, along with linemates Kevin Hunter, Caleb Tesema, Julius Johnson and CJ Chisholm, owned the trenches Friday night at Central Bucks West. The unit imposed its will, manhandling Southern Lehigh defenders and paving the way for Johnson and Frink to run wild in a lopsided 55-26 victory in the semifinals of the PIAA Class 4A playoffs. With the win, the Friars became the first Delaware County football team to advance to a state final since Garnet Valley in 2007. They’ll meet Lampeter-Strasburg for the Class 4A championship Thursday at Cumberland Valley. “For us, it all starts out in the weight room, three days a week at least,” Ingram said. “Lots of weight lifting and working on our technique. That’s been big. Just working every day, putting (everything) we have into it.” The Friars leaned heavily on their offensive line to carve out massive running lanes for Johnson and Frink, and the results were astonishing. Johnson turned 12 carries into 148 yards and four touchdowns, while Frink torched the defense for 173 yards and two scores on just eight touches. Bonner & Prendie piled up an eye-popping 418 rushing yards on 33 carries, averaging a staggering 12.6 yards per attempt. “Anything the defense gives us, we’re going to take,” Ingram said. “We know that our running backs will just run through anybody that’s in our way. There’s no stopping them.” Even after the starters were pulled with the game well in hand, the second unit kept the ground game rolling. Mekhi Martin amassed 78 yards on seven carries, including a 34-yard burst to the end zone in the fourth quarter. Kareem Johnson added 14 yards on four carries. The Friars were so dominant in the trenches that not a single runner lost yardage on the night — save for one play when wide receiver Jalil Hall lined up in the wildcat and was stopped on a quarterback sneak from the 1-yard line. Bonner & Prendergast head coach Jack Muldoon praised the dominance of his offensive linemen, highlighting their ability to neutralize defenders who struggled to gain any leverage or penetrate into the backfield. “We challenge the offensive line every game. Today, they dominated,” Muldoon said. “What we’ve run all year – getting (Johnson) over 1,000 rushing yards and passing the ball like we have – it’s all because we have had amazing protection. Remember, we have a 5-foot-5 quarterback (Noel Campbell). Today, between our two guards Chaz and big Kevin Hunter, they were dominant. When we pulled in the run game with our guards, they (Southern Lehigh) just couldn’t handle it. They were destroying guys. “That’s pretty good football.” The offensive line waited patiently to go to work in the first quarter. Southern Lehigh opened the game with an 11-play march, but Bonner & Prendie’s defense stood tall, forcing a stop. Inexplicably,, Southern Lehigh lined up for a 42-yard field goal that never had a chance. Campbell then was picked off on the Friars’ first offensive snap and Southern Lehigh took over at the Friars’ 19. Once again, the O-line was sidelined temporarily... until senior wide receiver/defensive back Jeremiah Coleman made a huge play. While Coleman didn’t get many chances to flash his receiving skills Friday, after coming off an eight-catch, 204-yard outing in the quarterfinals against Pope John Paul II, he made his presence felt on defense. Five minutes into the opening stanza, Coleman picked off a Colton Sams pass in the end zone. On the very next play, Mick Johnson took a handoff, and like a shot out of a cannon, ran straight ahead 80 yards to pay dirt for the game’s first score. “We needed something in the first quarter to get us going, and that play (his interception) got us going. Plays like that, that’s what we need. I’m just happy I could do it,” said Coleman, who set a school single-season receiving record (843 yards) with his performance last week ... only to have it broken by Jalil Hall (927) Friday night. “And on the next play, you see Mick got the 80-yard touchdown. That was great. “When you think of Mick and Saalem, you think of (Detroit Lions running backs) Jahmyr Gibbs and Davis Montgomery. I think our duo is just like how they do it. We’ve got somebody who’s going to punch it in and we’ve got somebody who’s going to hit the big runs. I just love the way they’ve been contributing to the team, and with how far we’ve been going, they are with us and they’re playing great.” Coleman had more nice words for the big boys in the trenches, noting how the offensive line has been the engine driving the Friars’ success. The Friars’ offensive versatility speaks volumes – one week it’s the Campbell-to-Coleman aerial attack lighting up the scoreboard, as it did against Pope John Paul II, and the next it’s the ground game taking over, as Johnson and Frink took center stage Friday. “The offensive line has been doing that since Week 1. All the games we’ve played, they all stayed locked in and they’ve been fighting,” Coleman said. “Shoutout to them, I give big thanks to them. Man, they’ve been great. Nothing would happen without them.” Now, Lampeter-Strasburg will have to face the wrath of the Friars’ road graders Thursday night in the Class 4A state championship.Touch Ventures Limited ( ASX:TVL – Get Free Report ) insider Glenn Poswell acquired 9,716,894 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Monday, December 23rd. The shares were bought at an average cost of A$0.06 ($0.04) per share, with a total value of A$602,447.43 ($374,190.95). Touch Ventures Price Performance The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.06, a quick ratio of 47.60 and a current ratio of 247.98. Touch Ventures Company Profile ( Get Free Report ) Further Reading Receive News & Ratings for Touch Ventures Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Touch Ventures and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .

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    Share Tweet Share Share Email As Dogecoin and Shiba Inu hold their ground, a new set of meme coins is stealing the spotlight with potential returns reaching 16,000%. These five tokens are gaining rapid attention, promising opportunities that could eclipse the established names. The crypto landscape is shifting, and these emerging coins might just redefine the game for investors seeking astonishing gains. Trump’s Victory Sparks Crypto Chaos: $XYZ Meme Coin Ready to Deliver a 99,900% Knockout Donald Trump’s election victory has triggered a seismic shift in the crypto market, setting the stage for a bull run like no other . As the dust settles, major coins limp forward with uninspiring double-digit gains, while meme coins are stealing the show . PNUT’s recent 4,500% surge? FRED’s 6,000% explosion? Ancient history, buried in the ashes of short-lived hype. These coins buckled under selling pressure, leaving FOMO-ridden investors licking their wounds. But the crypto battlefield doesn’t wait for the weak — a new titan has emerged with plans to obliterate profit records and deliver an earth-shaking 99,900% surge . Take the XYZ Side – The Undisputed Champion of Meme Coins $XYZ Breaks into the Ring to Knockout Meme Coin Legends Meet $XYZ – the first-ever all-sports memecoins for true crypto degens hungry for 1000X profits . This is the token for those who thrive on the thrill of competition . As Trump takes the reins, the crypto market is set to erupt so the competition is getting fierce . Only the strongest tokens can survive in this no-mercy arena. Here comes the dawn of a crypto era for those with balls of steel — the guys like Joe Rogan and Dana White — who’d proudly rally behind Trump’s team. With such true men of business on board, there is no place for old pussy meme coins, it’s time for real brutal coins . Fueled by the sports mentality , the $XYZ token has emerged as the ultimate contender ready to crush competitors and rocket to the moon on Elon Musk’s mission. $XYZ is on its way to the winner’s podium to become a badge of honor for those who live and breathe sports and crypto. $XYZ Already Delivers Even Before Hitting the Market The $XYZ presale is underway, providing access to the token at a special pre-listing price. Launch Price : $0.0001 Price Now : $0.001 In just a couple of months, $XYZ already soared over 1000%! Next Stage : $0.001333 (+33% jump incoming) Final Knockout Target : $0.1 From launch to the token generation event, $XYZ is targeting a mind-blowing 99,900% surge! If you’re not in, you’re out. The $XYZ presale is already smashing through stages with the speed of a champion’s knockout blow. Join $XYZ Presale Now and See Your Pennies Grow Into Millions! Bonk (BONK) Meet BONK, the memecoin that’s capturing attention on the Solana blockchain. With its charming Shiba Inu mascot, BONK aims to give power back to the community by shifting it away from big venture capital holders. It made headlines by soaring over 100% after getting listed on Coinbase. Half of its total supply was airdropped to participants in Solana’s NFT and DeFi projects, making it truly a coin for the people. By mid-December 2023, BONK had become the third-largest memecoin by market cap, enjoying a staggering year-to-date rise of over 10,000%. Despite facing challenges like a large total supply and the ups and downs common in memecoins, BONK is carving out a notable place in the crypto world. Its integration into Solana’s growing ecosystem of decentralized apps sets it apart from other memecoins. The launch of BonkSwap, its own decentralized exchange, is a significant step forward. In the current market cycle, BONK’s blend of community focus and active development makes it an interesting option to watch. Compared to other coins, its rapid growth and strong community support highlight its potential in the ever-evolving cryptocurrency space. Dogwifhat (WIF) A new dog-themed meme coin has entered the crypto scene: Dogwifhat (WIF). Inspired by the viral Dogwifhat meme, WIF is gaining popularity for its fun and community-driven approach. Built on the Solana blockchain, it joins a pack of dog-themed tokens that have made waves in the crypto world. Meme coins like WIF are known for their viral nature, often spreading through social media and online communities. What sets WIF apart is its base on Solana, a fast and scalable blockchain. This could give it an edge in terms of transaction speed and fees compared to other meme coins on slower networks. In the current market cycle, where there’s a growing interest in meme coins and community-led projects, WIF might catch the eye of crypto enthusiasts looking for the next big thing. Whether WIF will stand out in the crowded meme coin space remains to be seen, but its unique charm and the strength of its community might give it a fighting chance. Moo Deng (MOODENG) Moo Deng is a pygmy hippopotamus living in the Khao Kheow Open Zoo in Thailand. Known for her cute, chubby appearance and playful personality, she became an internet sensation when images and videos of her went viral. Fans around the world fell in love with her energetic antics and delightful charm. Now, Moo Deng’s legacy lives on the Solana blockchain. Introducing Moon Deng, a new coin inspired by this lovable hippo. With the speed and efficiency of Solana’s technology, Moon Deng aims to create an everlasting tribute to her. In the current market, where innovative and community-driven coins are gaining attention, Moon Deng stands out. It offers potential for growth and a chance to be part of a fun and engaging community. Compared to other coins, Moon Deng combines cute appeal with cutting-edge technology—making it an attractive option for crypto enthusiasts. Join Moo Deng on her moon journey and be part of something special! Peanut the Squirrel (PNUT) Peanut the Squirrel (PNUT) is the latest meme-inspired cryptocurrency capturing the imagination of the crypto community. Launched on the Solana blockchain, PNUT is designed for meme enthusiasts who appreciate a lighthearted approach to crypto. With a playful mascot named Pnut—a cheeky, Pepe-like squirrel—the token embodies a fun and community-driven spirit. Boasting a total supply of 100 million tokens, PNUT features zero transaction taxes, a revoked contract, and a burnt liquidity pool, all aimed at ensuring the security and safety of holders’ assets. Acquiring PNUT is straightforward through platforms like Jupiter Aggregator. In a market crowded with meme coins, PNUT stands out with its unique character and commitment to community safety. The use of the Solana blockchain offers fast transactions and low fees, making it accessible to a wide audience. As meme coins continue to gain popularity, PNUT could attract those looking for the next big thing in the meme crypto space. Its secure setup and engaging branding make it an attractive option in the current market cycle, especially for investors seeking fresh opportunities beyond mainstream tokens. With the crypto world always on the lookout for innovative projects, PNUT might just be the nutty newcomer to watch. Conclusion While BONK, WIF, MOODENG, and PNUT aim for impressive returns, XYZVerse (XYZ) stands out as an all-sport memecoin targeting 20,000% growth and uniting sports fans in a unique ecosystem. You can find more information about XYZVersus (XYZ) here: Site , Telegram , X Related Items: Best crypto investments 2024 , Doge Coin , New Memecoins to Watch , SHIB Coin , Top Memecoins 2024 Share Tweet Share Share Email Recommended for you Beyond PEPE and SHIB: This Crypto Contender Prepares for an Explosive 30,000% Surge Best Crypto To Buy Your Loved Ones This Christmas: SHIB, LNEX, and KAS Competitor to Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) Announces Highly Anticipated Market Debut Date After Raising $32,050,000 in Presale Comments

    STORES across the UK have confirmed they will cut their opening hours over the New Year to give staff an extra rest. Some high-street staples are closing their doors entirely while others are drawing the blinds earlier than usual. 1 Find out which stores are closing for the 2025 New Year Credit: Getty It's good to know when these timings are so you're well prepared and don't waste a day out. Traditionally, most shops are expected to close on New Year's Day, but in recent years retailers have started to change their opening hours. We recommend checking the opening hours of your local store as they aren't always the same across all branches. If you're unsure and can't find any information online, ask a staff member when you're next in. Read more from money CHRIMBO CHEER Christmas opening times 2024 LIVE: Tesco and Asda welcome back punters SEND IT The Post Office's New Year opening times revealed Below are the stores that have confirmed closures on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day... Tesco Tesco is one of the major stores that will reduce it's opening hours but not close its doors entirely. But it's good to be prepared - especially if you're needing to stock up on any last-minute booze for New Year's Eve. On New Year's Eve, Tesco Extra stores and superstores will close at 7pm, with some exceptions on the Isle of Man. Most read in Money RUNNING DRY Fears supermarket Guinness shortage could mean NO supplies for New Year’s Eve WELL ISLE BE We've moved onto an island in London with no bridge - pals say we're 'bonkers' 'SAD NEWS' 'Genuinely gutted' cry locals as popular Scots eatery announces sudden closure SHOP SHOCK Iconic British high street chain forced to close ANOTHER store after 34 years Meanwhile, the majority of Express stores will close at 10pm and some bigger branches will only stay open until 7pm. For New Year's Day, superstores will open from 8am to 6pm. Poundland's £1m Elgin store opens Most Express stores are open from 8am to 10pm but some bigger ones may close earlier. Tesco advises customers check the opening hours of their local store before heading out. Sainsbury's Sainsbury's is also staying open for the New Year period but with shorter service hours. On New Year's Eve, supermarkets will be open from 10am to 7pm and convenience stores from 6am to 9pm. And on New Year's Day, supermarkets will be open from 8am to 8pm and convenience stores from 8am to 9pm. Petrol filling stations will open 30 minutes before and close 30 minutes after the main store on New Year's Day. However on New Year's Eve they will open an hour later. The supermarket will return to its usual operating hours on January 2. Check with your local Sainsbury's to be sure. M&S M&S is reducing its hours on New Year's Eve and completely closing its doors to the public on New Year's Day. The retailer told The Sun: "On New Year's Eve almost 400 of our stores will be open 9am-7pm but customers can check out the hours of their local store on the M&S app or website. "On New Year’s Day, our stores will be closed so colleagues can spend more time with loved ones. The size of your shop and whether it has a food hall may cause hours to vary, so check with your local. Asda Asda will be reducing its hours on both New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. On December 31 it will open at 7am and close at 7pm. While on January 1 it will open at 9am and close at 6pm. Times will vary between stores, however, so shoppers are advised to check the precise timings for their local stores. You can do this via Store Locator tool on Asda's website. Waitrose Waitrose has confirmed it will shut the majority of its stores on New Years Day with only a handful staying open. Those which remain open will continue operating via Deliveroo and Uber Eats. Check with your local Waitrose to find out if it is one of the branches opening on New Year's Day. New Year's Eve opening hours will also vary. However, stores will generally open at 8am and close at 7pm. Aldi Aldi has also confirmed it will close completely on January 1. It is also set to open at 8am on New Year's Eve and close to the public early at 6pm. These hours should be the same across the board so no need to check with your local. Morrisons Morrisons has revealed it will open at 7am on New Year's Eve, and close its doors early at 7pm for all stores in England and Wales. Those living in Scotland can enter stores from 6am. On New Year's Day all stores will open at 8am and close at 6pm. And on January 1 Morrisons will return to its regular operating hours - unless you live in Scotland, where it will open 9am to 6pm. Read more on the Scottish Sun GHOST TOWN Former Scots shopping hotspot 'decaying' as multimillion pound revamp ‘failing’ VAX HORROR Striken Scots 'gaslit' by health bosses after complications from Covid vaccine Supermarket loyalty schemes - which has one? MOST UK supermarkets have loyalty schemes so customers can build up points and save money while they shop. Here we round up what saving programmes you'll find at the big brands. Iceland: Unlike other stores, you don't collect points with the Iceland Bonus Card. Instead, you load it up with money and Iceland will give you £1 for every £20 you save. Lidl Plus : Lidl customers don't collect points when they shop, and are instead rewarded with personalised vouchers that gives them money off at the till. Morrisons: The My Morrisons: Make Good Things Happen replaces the More Card and rewards customers with personalised money off vouchers via the app. Sainsbury's: While Sainsbury's doesn't have a personal scheme, it does own the Nectar card which can also be used in Argos, eBay and other shops. You need 200 Nectar points to save up £1 to spend on your card. You need to spend at least £1 to get one Nectar point. Tesco: Tesco Clubcard has over 17million members in the UK alone. You use it each time you shop and build up points that can be turned into vouchers - 150 points gets you a £1.50 voucher. Here you need to spend £1 in Tesco to get one point. Waitrose: myWaitrose also doesn't allow you to collect points but instead you'll get access to free hot drinks, and discounts off certain brands in store. Do you have a money problem that needs sorting? Get in touch by emailing . Plus, you can join our Sun Money Chats and Tips Facebook group to share your tips and storiesTech expert warns your 23andMe genetic data could be at riskSoftware start-up likened to Atlassian defies funding slump, raising $27.5 million


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    Packers getting healthier as season winds downLYNCHBURG, Va. (AP) — Quinton Cooley rushed for 166 yards and two touchdowns, Billy Lucas added 131 yards and a score, and Liberty gained 419 on the ground with four touchdowns in a 38-21 victory over Western Kentucky on Saturday. Liberty (8-2, 5-2 Conference USA) has won eight-plus games for the sixth consecutive season to keep alive hopes of a second straight trip to the conference championship game. The Flames play Sam Houston (8-3, 5-2) on Friday. Liberty scored 21 straight points to close the first quarter, the last covering 90 yards in just 45 seconds to take a 21-7 lead. Amarian Williams made two interceptions, including one with 2:03 remaining to seal it. Caden Veltkamp was intercepted three times before finishing 20 of 34 for 262 yards and two touchdowns for Western Kentucky (7-4, 5-2). Cooley reached 1,000 yards rushing for the second straight season. The Flames entered ranked No. 5 nationally in rushing yards/game (249.8). Quarterback Kaidon Salter also carried 11 times for 66 yards and a touchdown. Three other players had at least two rushes for Liberty, which ended with 63 carries. The Flames, in their season finale at Williams Stadium, avoided dropping multiple conference games at home for the first time since 2005. Get poll alerts and updates on the AP Top 25 throughout the season. Sign up here . AP college football: and

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    Salty, spicy, savory: Inside Korea's globally recognized sauce-making culture Published: 05 Dec. 2024, 08:00 LEE JIAN [email protected] Audio report: written by reporters, read by AI Dried dates and red peppers are placed in a hangari (clay pot) filled with ganjang, or soy sauce, and meju (soybean block). [KOREA HERITAGE SERVICE] The art of making jang , or fermented sauces, was inscribed on Unesco’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list on Wednesday, as a communal act that "fosters peace and a sense of belonging." The process, dating back centuries, is at the "start and center" of the country's cuisine, according to head chef of fermented food manufacturer Sempio Foods, Choi Jung-yoon. Related Article Korea's traditional jang-making practices recognized on Unesco cultural heritage list Korean food festival spotlights oft-forgotten delicacy: Sauce "Making of jang embodies the philosophy and attitude behind Korean cuisine," Choi told the Korea JoongAng Daily. "Having it recognized by Unesco is equivalent to having the entirety of Korean cuisine recognized, so it is all the more meaningful." Jang-making culture is being inscribed on Unesco's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity during the 19th Session of the organization's Inter-Governmental Committee in Asunción, Paraguay, on Wednesday. [NEWS1] Jang, namely ganjang (soy sauce), doenjang (soybean paste) and gochujang, is in nearly all Korean dishes, often in lieu of salt. Records have it being used as far back as the Goguryeo Kingdom (37 B.C.-A.D. 668) , according to The Academy of Korean Studies. A hangari used to ferment jang [KOREA HERITAGE SERVICE] Contrary to their pungent smells and tastes, jang are known to be excellent flavor enhancers. Their uses are seemingly endless as they work their umami magic into nearly all guk (soup) and banchan (side dishes). Locals even use them as a dip for raw vegetables. Related Article Heritage agency publishes book on Korea's fermented sauce culture Food exports hit fresh high, near gov't's $10 billion target In recent months, particularly on social media, jang has had more experimental uses, with the creation of gochujang butter and doenjang cookies. Hangari, or clay pots, are lined up outside at Myeongjae Historic House in South Chungcheong [KOREA HERITAGE SERVICE] A leading researcher at one of Korea's largest and oldest jang manufacturers, Choi believes that this may well be the chance for the Korean staple sauce to find its way into kitchen pantries around the world. Before taking on her current position at Sempio, Choi worked as a chef in five-star hotels and as a researcher at the Spanish food research center, Alícia Foundation. She also co-wrote "The Korean Cookbook" (2023), together with chef Park Jung-hyun of New York City's Michelin two-star Atomix, and is the founder and CEO of Nanro, an esteemed community of chefs and industry experts dedicated to promoting Korean cuisine. From tips on making your own jang at home to the best ways to incorporate it into your everyday meals, here is some of Choi's shared knowledge about the condiment. Blocks of soybean hang from the roof to dry. [KOREA HERITAGE SERVICE] Q. Is there a big difference between store-bought and homemade jang? A. Jang manufacturers have mastered the technical aspects of fermentation, which can be a very inconsistent process. The taste is uniform and standard, catering to the majority's palate. Self-made jang, on the other hand, can be less consistent. There is room for some personalization, and the cook can pick and choose which additional ingredients they want to throw in. So, there is a difference, but one is not above the other. Can you give some tips to those looking to make jang at home? The easiest jang to try at home is gochujang primarily because it doesn't require the whole meju, which is really tricky to make and ferment properly under the right conditions. Gochujang instead uses meju powder, which is available at supermarkets, along with its other highly accessible ingredients like rice syrup and gochugaru (red pepper powder). Gochujang also has a shorter fermentation time of about three to six months, as opposed to ganjang or doenjang, which takes at least a year. It is best to ferment it inside a hangari, but a plastic container suffices as well as gochujang is less affected by temperature changes. Why does jang go so well with everything? The secret is in fermentation. The process creates an ideal balance of taste because it brings together all the different flavors as one. How can jang be incorporated into Western dishes? Jang pairs very well with Western cuisine. Doenjang is delicious when eaten with dairy products or fats like eggs, cheese and pizza. Gochujang goes especially well with proteins like seafood and meats because they bring up their natural flavors. Ganjang is great with cooked vegetables and meat. In Korea, we soak our meat — galbi, or beef short ribs — in ganjang for the beloved sweet and salty protein dish. Sempio has been working for over a decade to shed global light on jang through its Sempio Jang Project and Yondu Culinary Studio in New York City. Below are some of its recipes incorporating jang for home cooks. More can be found on its website , BY LEE JIAN [ [email protected] ]WA News Don't miss out on the headlines from WA News. Followed categories will be added to My News. Andre Zachary Rebelo, the man accused of killing his mother for money, has been found guilty of her murder in the WA Supreme Court. A 12-person jury unanimously decided Rebelo murdered Colleen Rebelo in her Bicton home, in Perth’s south on May 25, 2020. His father Antonio Rebelo was in the packed courtroom as Rebelo was led into the dock to hear the verdict on Thursday afternoon. While Ms Rebelo’s death was sudden and unexpected, it was never treated as suspicious by first responders who attended her home on the day she died. An autopsy conducted on her body was unable to identify what caused her death. Colleen Rebelo’s son Andre Zachary Rebelo has been found guilty of her murder in May 2020. It wasn’t until an employee at an insurance company suspected the crypto currency day trader was fraudulently trying to claim life insurance against his mother. Police began investigating the circumstances surrounding Ms Rebelo’s death following a report of suspected fraud from the insurer. Police discovered Mr Rebelo had taken out three life insurance policies against his mother in the week before she died. Mr Rebelo made himself the sole beneficiary of those policies and stood to gain $1.15m from his mother’s death. Days after she died he started claiming against those polices and hounded one worth $500,000. In his pursuit of half a million dollars, Mr Rebelo provided the insurer with fake records about his mother’s death and health. He gave the insurer phony copies of a coroner’s report, a medical report from his mother’s psychologist and her last will and testament. He also left the insurer a voicemail message he created with an AI voice generator pretending to be his mother’s psychologist. Andre Zachary Rebelo, who has a child with model Gracie Piscopo, has been found guilty of murdering his mother. Picture: Instagram Mr Rebelo pleaded guilty to fraud charges, but denied he killed his mother, on the first day of the trial. The prosecution painted a detailed picture of the “plastic fantastic” lifestyle Mr Rebelo portrayed on social media with his former partner model Grace Piscopo. The court was told Mr Rebelo tried to keep up with Ms Piscopo who was a successful influencer with more than one million followers on social media, but was unable to repay his debts. The jury heard the couple had a combined debt of $121,000 and funded their glamorous lifestyle with personal loans and credit cards. State Prosecutor Brett Tooker argued Andre Rebelo had killed his mother to gain money from life insurance policies he setup against her in the days before she died. Picture: NewsWire/Philip Gostelow But Mr Rebelo could not keep up with his financial obligations and was being pursued by debt collection agencies at the time his mother died. The prosecution argued this led Mr Rebelo to taking out the life insurance policies against his mother then killed her to gain money from the premiums. “To the outside world they were rich and beautiful, but the truth was different,” state prosecutor Brett Tooker said. “Andre was in dire financial trouble, he had lived his life on credit, he had a personal loan and credit card debt of more than $40k he was being pursued by debt collection agencies at the time of his mother’s death. “He was crypto currency day trader ... he had bankrolled his social media profile. “By May 2020 he must have thought his world was closing in around him.” Andre Rebelo’s father, Antonio Rebelo, told reporters he was very saddened by the outcome as he left court following his son’s verdict. Picture: NewsWire Mr Tooker said when Mr Rebelo had to pay for premiums on all three life insurance policies he took out against his mother he needed to act. “Which is why five days later he killed his mother, then three days later started pursuing policies,” Mr Tooker told the court. Mr Rebelo’s father Antonio later told reporters he was very saddened by the outcome as he left court. Andre Rebelo was remanded in custody until April 4 next year when he will be sentenced in the WA Supreme Court for the murder of Colleen Rebelo and several counts of fraud. Originally published as Accused mum killer Andre Zachary Rebelo learns fate in WA Supreme Court More related stories Real Life ‘S**t’: Controversial vegan targeted at home Dozens of teenagers, some wearing balaclavas, have allegedly targeted a well-known vegan activist, hurling offensive slurs outside her Perth home. Read more Environment Aussies in for months of hot nights Millions across the country are being warned to brace for more hot and sweaty nights this summer. Read moreOn Saturday, the unranked Florida Gators upset the No. 9 Ole Miss Rebels 24-17 in Gainesville. After the win, Florida poked fun at the Rebels. OIe Miss was a 13.5-point favorite heading into the game, per . Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Thanks for the feedback.

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    WASHINGTON , Nov. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Last night, Future Caucus held its seventh annual awards at the Arlo Washington DC, in recognition of lawmakers and activists who embody the organization's mission to transcend toxic polarization. The award honors Gen Z and millennial leaders actively advancing bipartisan policies that address critical issues facing Americans. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings.A week ago, Matt Gaetz was on his way to becoming Donald Trump’s avenging angel as U.S. Attorney General, the nation’s top law enforcement official. But now that the former Florida congressman has withdrawn his nomination amid persistent questions about his involvement in a sex scandal involving a 17-year-old girl, his political prospects are not so clear put. “His future is not as bright as it once was,” said Aubrey Jewett, a political science professor at the University of Central Florida. “I don’t mean to imply this is the end of his political career, or lobbying career, because he still has the ear of the president-elect.” Gaetz’s fall has left him politically adrift and battered by allegations of drug-fueled sex parties. One option — considered a remote possibility — would be to try to reclaim the North Florida congressional seat he resigned from on Nov. 13, a move that effectively shut down the House Ethics Committee’s investigation into the sexual misconduct allegations. In his resignation notice, Gaetz said he was stepping down from his current term to pursue the Attorney General nomination and didn’t “intend to take the oath” for the upcoming term he was reelected to on Nov. 5. Technically, Gaetz could show up when Congress reconvenes on Jan. 3 to be sworn into that new term, said Michael T. Morley, a professor of election law at Florida State University College of Law. Ultimately, the House would decide whether Gaetz could change his mind and keep his seat, Morley said. Mark Herron, a Tallahassee lawyer specializing in state and federal election and ethics laws, agreed that Gaetz has wiggle room on his future in Congress. “I don’t think anything is real until Jan. 3,” he said. The Constitution requires that House vacancies be filled by a special election, and state governors are responsible for scheduling those special elections. Gov. Ron DeSantis has already ordered Secretary of State Cord Byrd to schedule a special election for Gaetz’s district seat but no date has been set as of Thursday. GOP state Reps. Joel Rudman and Michelle Salzman announced they would run for the opening, but they signaled Thursday they would step aside if Gaetz needs to run to get his old job back. Gaetz easily won reelection in November with 66% of the vote in the solidly red North Florida district. Salzman called Gaetz a “real friend” and said she “will stand with the congressman and whatever he decides.” In a post on X, Rudman wrote he will support Gaetz “100%” if he wants to return to Congress. Politically, though, it might not make sense for Gaetz to return to Congress, which would resurrect a House ethics report said to contain damaging testimony against him, Morley said. His colleagues could vote to censure or expel him based on the report’s findings. One of Florida’s U.S. Senate seats likely will be open as Trump has tapped Sen. Marco Rubio to be his Secretary of State. But it seems unlikely that DeSantis would appoint Gaetz to take Rubio’s Senate seat, Jewett said, especially if DeSantis wants to stay in Trump’s good graces by appointing his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, as many MAGA supporters want. Gaetz can also expect other high profile political candidates to run for Rubio’s senate seat when a special election is held in 2026, he added. “They would have no compunction going after him and the baggage he brings.” Gaetz has been mentioned as a possible GOP gubernatorial candidate in 2026, when DeSantis leaves office. But U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds is Trump’s most likely choice for governor in 2026, said state Sen. Joe Gruters, a Trump backer and former chair of the Republican Party of Florida, and the president’s endorsement could effectively end the race. “It’s a primary of one,” Gruters previously told The Orlando Sentinel. Gaetz has repeatedly denied accusations that he paid for sex, had sex with a 17-year-old girl and used illicit drugs. The U.S. Department of Justice investigated those allegations for several years but did not file charges. But House ethics investigators continued with a separate investigation and were preparing to release their findings when Gaetz resigned. Two women who testified to the committee behind closed doors said Gaetz paid them for sex, and one of the women testified she witnessed Gaetz having sex with her 17-year-old friend at a July 2017 Orlando-area house party, their attorney Joel Leppard said. The ethics panel had a paper trail linking Gaetz to more than $10,000 in Venmo payments made to two women who were witnesses in the probe, ABC News reported. Although his political brand his tarnished, Gaetz continues to hold favor with Trump, and “he could still get a soft landing somewhere,” Jewett said. In his statement, Gaetz didn’t describe his future plans — only that he will “remain fully committed to see that Donald J. Trump is the most successful President in history.” In a Truth Social post, Trump wrote that Gaetz has a “wonderful future.” Gaetz’s wife, Ginger, posted a photo on social media of the couple walking up the Capitol steps after news broke that he had withdrawn. “The end of an era,” she wrote. ©2024 Orlando Sentinel. Visit at . Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.'One last time': Holocaust survivor and Helena woman reunites with sisternuebe gaming philippines

    Tweet Facebook Mail The price of a plate of baked beans on toast at an Auckland cafe is causing a stir, with people calling the price "outrageous". The $15.90 (approx. $14.40) beans on toast were being sold at the Jamaica Blue cafe at the Greenlane Clinical Centre, and were being marketed as a special. However, members of the Brits in Auckland Facebook page have been questioning the price, claiming it is too expensive. READ MORE: Fingerprints from CEO killing match suspect Luigi Mangione's, police say A cafe in Auckland advertised baked beans on toast. (Facebook/Stuff) READ MORE: Missing Hawaii woman Hannah Kobayashi found after massive search One person said "that's outrageous for beans on toast", while another said "I saw that today too and exclaimed 'how much!?!'" Others commented on the quality of the beans, with one saying "did they fly the beans in direct from a Tesco", and another saying "were they Watties or 'English beans'". Another person said you could find a full English breakfast cheaper than this in Nottingham. The $15.90 beans on toast were not the most expensive in Auckland, however, with Beach Cafe Maraetai selling them for $19. Would you pay $15.90 for baked beans on toast? No way 196 Yes, seems reasonable 9 A slightly cheaper option was being sold at Heartland Hotel near Auckland Airport with a price of $14.50. However, in comparison, the cost of staying home and eating beans on toast remains much cheaper. At Woolworths you can buy a can of Watties baked beans for $2.80, while a loaf of bread retails as low as $1.19. But then you would have to make it yourself. Stuff has reached out to Jamaica Blue cafe for comment. DOWNLOAD THE 9NEWS APP : Stay across all the latest in breaking news, sport, politics and the weather via our news app and get notifications sent straight to your smartphone. Available on the Apple App Store and Google Play .MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico has been taking a bashing lately for allegedly serving as a conduit for Chinese parts and products into North America, and officials here are afraid a re-elected Donald Trump or politically struggling Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could try to leave their country out of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada free trade agreement. Mexico’s ruling Morena party is so afraid of losing the trade deal that President Claudia Sheinbaum said Friday the government has gone on a campaign to get companies to replace Chinese parts with locally made ones. “We have a plan with the aim of substituting these imports that come from China, and producing the majority of them in Mexico, either with Mexican companies or primarily North American companies,” Sheinbaum said. While Sheinbaum claimed Mexico had been working on that effort since t he 2021 global supply chain crisis — when factories around the world were stalled by a lack of parts and particularly computer chips from Asia — it appears to be an uphill battle. Even the United States has faced big challenges in moving chip production back home despite billions in subsidies and incentives. Mexico gained tens of thousands of jobs when U.S. and foreign automakers moved their plants to Mexico under the free trade pact to take advantage of much lower wages. But the idea that Chinese parts — or even whole cars — could be piggybacking on that arrangement to further hollow out the U.S. auto industry has enraged some people north of the border. So Mexico is scrambling with private companies to get them to move parts production here. “Next year, God willing, we are going to start making microchips in Mexico,” Mexican Economy Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said on Thursday. “Of course they're not yet the most advanced chips, but we are going to start producing them here.” Mexico's nationalistic ruling party, which is normally very resistant to being seen as bending to U.S. demands , is scrambling in other ways, too. The ruling party is in the process of eliminating a half-dozen independent regulatory and oversight agencies that were established by former presidents. That includes the anti-monopoly, transparency and energy regulatory bodies. Together with reforms that will make all judges stand for election in Mexico, that has sparked concern in the U.S. and Canada. Countries are required under the agreement to have some independent agencies, in part to protect foreign investors. For example, they could prevent a government from approving a monopoly for a state-owned company that could force competitors out of the market. So ruling-party legislators are actually re-writing the proposed laws to exactly mimic the minimum accepted requirements under the trade accord. “What is being done is to create a reform so that its almost exactly equal to what exists in the United States, so we can clear that up,” Ebrard said. It's all part of a very legalistic defense of the trade accord, signed in 2018 and approved in 2019. Mexico hopes the rules of the agreement would prevent the U.S. or Canada from simply walking away when the trade pact comes up for review in 2026. Experts agree, saying that totally abandoning the accord is unlikely. Gabriela Siller, director of economic analysis of the financial group Banco Base notes that if a country is dissatisfied with the trade agreement during the periodic reviews, like in 2026, there is a clause in the pact that says they can ask for a review each year to work out a solution, and keep doing that for a decade while the agreement remains in force. “That is, they wouldn't be able to get out until 2036,” Siller said. “I think they will play hardball with Mexico in the 2026 review.” Like any marriage, when the pact no longer works for one party, it may still drag on for years but it’s death by a thousand cuts. C.J. Mahoney. who served as deputy U.S. trade representative in Trump's first administration, said in a talk for the Texas-based Baker Institute in September that the United States probably wouldn't end the trade agreement. But with growingly vocal critics of the pact it could hold up renewing it for years. “The costs of not renewing immediately are actually quite relatively low,” Mahoney said. “I think the inclination to just kick the can down the road will be pretty strong.” Because many companies won't make big investments in production facilities without certainty, that could be a serious if not fatal blow to the pact. How much does Mexico actually buy from China? Mexican officials say they have fewer imports of Chinese parts and products than the United States does. But given the enormous size difference between the two countries' economies, it is a true but weak argument. In July, the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum shipped from Mexico that were made elsewhere, in an attempt to stop China from avoiding import taxes by routing goods through Mexico. It includes a 25% tariff on steel not melted or poured in Mexico and a 10% tariff on aluminum. Sen. Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat, has called for stopping Mexican steel imports, saying “the alarming rise in Chinese steel and aluminum coming into the country through Mexico ... is unsustainable and a threat to American jobs, as well as our economy and national security." In the end, Mexico may be forced to crack down on Chinese imports, but it won't be easy. “Reducing the dependence on Chinese imports is not going to be achieved in the short or medium term," said José María Ramos, a professor of public administration at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte in Tijuana.Odisha woman trafficked and abused in Maharashtra

    EL SEGUNDO, Calif. (AP) — Justin Herbert is dealing with an ankle injury for the second time this season. The Chargers quarterback did not practice Wednesday as Los Angeles began preparations for its game Sunday against Tampa Bay. Herbert injured his left ankle during the first quarter of last Sunday’s 19-17 loss at Kansas City. Herbert said Wednesday that the injury occurred during a 7-yard scramble on third down during the opening drive. Television cameras showed him grimacing and walking slowly to the sideline after the play. “It was difficult to play with,” he said. “It was one of those things where we limited some of the runs out of the pocket. I didn’t feel great, but it was one of those things to play through.” Herbert’s left leg was later bruised after taking a hard hit from linebacker Nick Bolton during the second quarter. Herbert missed only one play and completed 21 of 30 passes for 213 yards and a touchdown. “The contusion, I think that is something that is easily recoverable. I’m doing everything I can with the ankle,” Herbert said. “If I felt like I could have practiced at 100% and make sure everyone was able to get full-speed reps, I would have. I didn’t think I was able to do that today, so the trainers and I were on the same page.” RELATED COVERAGE Bills defense out to prove against high-scoring Lions that it’s better than its dud vs. Rams Saints QB situation remains cloudy as matchup with Washington nears Aaron Rodgers suggests a ‘curse’ might be the reason for the Jets’ losing ways Herbert suffered a high sprain to his right ankle during the third quarter of a 26-3 win at Carolina on Sept. 15. That limited his mobility and some of the play calls in losses to Pittsburgh and Kansas City the next two games. However, Herbert is not in a walking boot this time, which was the case with the injury earlier in the season. The fifth-year quarterback also said the pain tolerance with his ankle injury is better to deal with compared to the earlier one. The AP Top 25 college football poll is back every week throughout the season! Get the poll delivered straight to your inbox with AP Top 25 Poll Alerts. Sign up here . “I’d like to see him get treatment and not be on his feet. He will do everything in his power to play on Sunday,” coach Jim Harbaugh said. The Chargers have lost two of their last three, but are the sixth seed in the AFC with an 8-5 record. After facing NFC South-leading Tampa Bay on Sunday, Los Angeles hosts Denver in a Thursday night matchup on Dec. 19 as both teams are vying for a playoff spot. It’s the second time in three seasons Herbert is dealing with an injury after a game at Kansas City. In 2022, he fractured rib cartilage after taking a hard hit from Chiefs defensive lineman Michael Danna during the fourth quarter. Herbert missed two weeks during training camp because of an injury to the plantar fascia in his right foot. He also had a torn labrum in his non-throwing shoulder near the end of the 2022 season and two broken fingers last year, including one on his throwing hand that caused him to miss the final four games. Herbert has joined Tom Brady as the only players who have not thrown an interception in 11 straight games with a minimum of 15 attempts in each game. Brady accomplished the feat with New England in 2010. The last time Herbert was picked off was midway through the first quarter on Sept. 15 by Carolina’s Jaycee Horn. Herbert has also gone 335 consecutive pass attempts without an interception, the fifth-longest streak in league history. ___ AP NFL: 25 Illinois' TD with four seconds left upends RutgersIs SMU concerned about playing at Penn State in December? Rhett Lashlee is embracing the challenge

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    Interview: Why diamonds may be a computer's best friendNoneFormer Rep. Mike Rogers is no longer under consideration to lead the FBI, a senior Donald Trump adviser said Friday. “Just spoke to President Trump regarding Mike Rogers going to the FBI. It’s not happening—In his own words, ‘I have never even given it a thought.’ Not happening," Dan Scavino, who will serve as deputy chief of staff in the incoming administration, posted on X . Sources told Fox News that Rogers, who lost his Senate race in Michigan earlier this month, visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago to discuss leading the law enforcement agency. During his first administration, Trump appointed Christopher Wray for the 10-year term but has repeatedly criticized him since then and said on the campaign trail that he wants to fire Wray. Rogers, who once served as an FBI officer and was on the House Intelligence Committee for four years, was also floated for the job in 2016. Theater kids have been singing during screenings of Wicked , and AMC isn’t having it. With the movie adaptation of the hit Broadway musical—starring Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande—set to appear in theaters across the U.S. on Friday, the movie theater chain is planning to air a 30-second ad ahead of screenings that implores attendees not to belt out the show’s immensely catchy numbers, Vulture reported . And yes, that even includes “Popular.” Some attendees of early screenings for the flick told The New York Times they were put off by their fellow audience members’ blatant disregard for movie theater norms. “It started slow. Then people heard each other—it was like they encouraged each other,” attendee Angela Weir told the Times . “It was a beautiful scene, and then you’re taken out of it.” But those with the irresistible inclination to join Grande, Erivo, and the rest of the cast need not fret too much. About 1,000 North American cinemas will host special sing-along showings of Wicked beginning after Christmas, Variety reported earlier this week. Scouted selects products independently. If you purchase something from our posts, we may earn a small commission. The pursuit of youth has long plagued our world. Many modern-day consumers go to great lengths to reduce the ravages of aging—Botox, plastic surgery, weird vampire facials, you name it. And while some products do show promise of slowing down aging, nothing can reverse time. However, effective products like the FDA-cleared (and derm-approved) Omnilux Contour Face can help reduce wear and tear. When I first saw the Omnilux Contour Face , it terrified me. Not only does it look like a mask a serial killer might wear, but LED light therapy was something I had never heard of until recently, and, frankly, I was pretty skeptical of it. But as someone who tires of trying one-trick products that often don’t deliver on their sky-high promises, I wanted to see if the device actually lived up to its incredible reviews . Free Returns | Free Shipping While the mask is a bit cumbersome at first, once you get it fitted and light it up, the magic begins working over a quick 10-minute period. As recommended, I used the Omnilux Contour Face at least three times a week and up to five times a week and noticed a slightly more contoured jawline and general smoothness after about two weeks of consistent use. While $395 may seem like a lot for an at-home face mask, once I did the math, I realized I spend much more on facials, creams, and dermatologist visits over time, I figured splurging on this light therapy mask could potentially save me some money in my beauty-maintenance fund, and it’s much cheaper than injectables like Botox and filler and other in-office procedures. Fortunately, right now, you don’t have to pay full price. Omnilux is offering a sitewide sale ahead of Black Friday next week. Score $60 off on one device with the code SAVE60, $140 off two devices with the code SAVE140 and $240 off when you buy three devices. Read my full review of Omnilux’s Contour device. Click Here > While Baby Boomers say a person has to earn around $100,000 a year to be “financially successful,” members of Generation Z say they would need to make almost six times that figure—$587,800—to fit the label, Axios reported based on a September survey by Empower. Gen Z is truly in a league of its own—Generation X put the figure at $212,300, while for Millennials it was a bit lower, at $180,900. Across all generations, the average was $270,200. Despite their lofty ideal of financial success, 71 percent of Gen Z still said they thought they would achieve financial success in their lifetime, which was more than any other generational group. Boomers, who reportedly control over half of all American wealth, could actually end up helping Gen Z achieve their goal. Over the next few decades, as much as $50 trillion could flow from the older generation to younger ones in the form of inheritances—although experts also warn that it could also end up being spent on health-care costs for the aging Boomers. Morning Joe star Mika Brzezinski announced Friday she’s leaving Twitter, encouraging her followers to listen to her appearance on The Daily Beast Podcast as she headed for the exit. “I’ve decided to leave X, but I’d love to keep the conversation going. Join me on BlueSky !” the MSNBC host wrote in her presumably final post on Elon Musk ’s platform. Brzezinski’s penultimate post promoted her Daily Beast Podcast episode, in which she spoke about why she visited Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago after his election victory. The personal visit, which Brzezinski made with her husband and co-host Joe Scarborough, set off a furious backlash —and an exodus of viewers —over what some saw as a capitulation to the president-elect after years of denouncing him. “We heard from many of you wanting to let us know that it was the right thing to do, our jobs,” Brzezinski said as she introduced the footage Friday. “We’ve also faced a lot of criticism about the meeting, largely from folks online.” On the podcast, Brzezinski told co-hosts Joanna Coles and Samantha Bee that one of the reasons she and Scarborough went to Mar-a-Lago is that “people are really scared about Donald Trump’s comments about political adversaries.” She added that while she doesn’t “regret anything” she said during the campaign, she is nevertheless “looking at how to do things differently.” “I would never turn down an opportunity to gain insight or information,” Brzezinski added. “Never.” Watch the full podcast interview below. New episodes of The Daily Beast Podcast drop every Thursday. Like and download on Spotify , Apple Podcasts , YouTube , or your favorite podcast app. And click here for email updates as each episode debuts. A quality wig should make you feel confident. That means it has to look good, feel good, and stay put all day. After a decade, Luvme Hair has refined its products to hit each of those marks. They believe comfort is key when you want to own your look. That starts with 100% human hair and the signature minimalist lace designed to be completely unlockable so no one will ever know you’re wearing a wig. The finishing touch is the AiryFitTM collection’s breathable caps made from skin-friendly materials for long-term wearability. The current stand-out is the Effortless Water Wave . Its comfort and styling are so well done that one reviewer commented it’s the best wig she’s ever had “right out of the box.” Free Returns | Free Shipping Another highlight from the AiryFitTM collection is the Deep Parting Loose Body Wave . Responding to how the wig blends with natural hair, one reviewer noted “it [felt like it] was tailor-made for me.” Free Returns | Free Shipping One of the best-sellers is the Salt & Pepper Layered Bob . Reviews commented on the color with one stating, “My natural hair color is salt and pepper so [I get] a lot of compliments on the wig [from people] believing it is my hair.” Free Returns | Free Shipping If you buy something from this post, we may earn a small commission. Donald Trump will not be sentenced on his 34 fraud convictions anytime soon, a New York judge ruled Friday. With his court order, Judge Juan Merchan indefinitely postponed the hearing that was scheduled to take place next week, allowing Trump’s legal team time to submit their motions for dismissal of the hush money case by December 2. After that, the District Attorney’s office will have a week to deliver its response. On Tuesday, prosecutors signaled that they were fine to give Trump’s attorneys more time to get their argument together, but would oppose any attempts to toss the case. Still, given that Trump is about to assume ultimate pardon power, it now seems unlikely that any consequences will follow from the May conviction. “Just as a sitting President is completely immune from any criminal process,” Todd Blanche, a Trump lawyer poised to join his client’s Justice Department, argued to Merchan in a letter, per NBC , “so too is President Trump as President-elect.” Ariana Grande ’s boyfriend Ethan Slater says his girlfriend and her co-star Cynthia Erivo are “soul mates,” explaining why they cry so much on Wicked ’s press tour. Slater, who also appears in the film and began dating Grande during filming, told Today , “Their friendship is really real and really deep and really informed by the work that they did together.” That deep friendship results in lots of tears during interviews, which social media users have been hard at work turning into memes . “They’re both like, after a full day of junkets, ‘Well, we cried 100 times again. Everyone must be getting so annoyed,’” Slater said he hears from Grande and Erivo, “but I think it comes from a really genuine place.” Slater further explained that the movie stars are often moved to tears promoting the film because “they’re getting to talk about and getting to reflect on [their work and the resulting friendship] while they’re still in the midst of it.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), a MAGA darling and three letter initialism-haver, is poised to lead a new House Oversight Committee Subcommittee that will work with Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy ’s ‘DOGE’ commission to “eliminate government waste.” Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), a progressive darling and fellow three letter initialism-haver, is fine with that. “This is good, actually,” AOC tweeted Thursday. “She barely shows up and doesn’t do the reading.” She then likened giving MTG the job to “giving someone an unplugged controller.” Earlier this month, President-elect Donald Trump anointed MAGA entrepreneurs Musk and Ramaswamy as the co-leaders of his planned Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), which is not a government department but a commission that will table recommendations for how to take a chainsaw to U.S. Federal spending—Musk has mused about up to $2 trillion in cuts. “Absolutely dying at those two now getting assigned the ‘privilege’ of ‘working’ with MTG,” added AOC. “That is actually hilarious. Enjoy, fellas!” This is good, actually. She barely shows up and doesn’t do the reading. To borrow a phrase I saw elsewhere, it’s like giving someone an unplugged controller. If Matt Gaetz ’s stamp of approval still holds any weight on Capitol Hill after his scandal-ridden attorney general nomination went up in flames Thursday, then president-elect Donald Trump’s new pick for the role, former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi , is headed in the right direction. Bondi “is a stellar selection,” Gaetz wrote in a post on X Thursday. “Pam and I worked closely together when she was Florida’s Attorney General and I chaired Criminal Justice in the state house. She’s a proven litigator, an inspiring leader and a champion for all Americans. She will bring the needed reforms to DOJ.” Bondi has been just as candid a Trump supporter as Gaetz, having spoken at his rallies and attended sessions of of New York criminal trial. She was also a defense lawyer during Trump’s first impeachment trial. Like Gaetz and other cabinet nominees Pete Hegseth and Sean Duffy, Bondi has also appeared frequently on Fox News to defend Trump’s record. . @PamBondi is a stellar selection by President Trump for Attorney General. Pam and I worked closely together when she was Florida’s Attorney General and I chaired Criminal Justice in the state house. She’s a proven litigator, an inspiring leader and a champion for all... Scouted selects products independently. If you purchase something from our posts, we may earn a small commission. Made In Cookware is known for quality kitchen tools that look as good as they perform. Its sleek, chef-approved kitchen essentials are for people who know that the plates matter as much as the food. That makes its full sets a great option for anyone looking for a little uniformity in their cabinets. To sweeten the deal, Made In is not only offering up to 30 percent off, but shoppers can also score freebies like Dutch ovens, frying pans, and wine glasses with select purchases. We’ve pulled a few of their best deals just in time for your turkey prep. The 10-piece Stainless Set includes everything a cook needs to get started in the kitchen. Each item was made in Italy and is compatible with gas, electric, and induction cooktops. These also come with a free Non-Stick Frying Pan for a limited time. Free Shipping The 7-Piece Copper Set offers elegance with peak performance. The copper was crafted in France and is safe up to 800° F. Right now, score a free Dutch Oven with your purchase. Free Shipping The Complete Tabletop Set is simple and timeless. Designed in the UK, these dishes are classically English and have a one-year no-chip guarantee. If you refresh your cabinets with these today, you’ll also receive a free Glass Wine Set. Free Shipping Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) reached an 11th hour deal with congressional Republicans to quickly confirm more judges to lower federal court positions—in exchange for not moving forward with four nominations to federal appellate court positions. The deal will see the Senate consider seven judges for lower court appointments the week after Thanksgiving, while another six are put on the executive calendar for consideration later in December. Although Democrats control the chamber until January, President-elect Donald Trump called on congressional Republicans to block all appointments until his inauguration. Republicans in the Senate succeeded in delaying Wednesday’s confirmation proceedings out until after midnight, prompting Schumer to strike a deal that he defended from criticism. “The trade was four circuit nominees—all lacking the votes to get confirmed—for more than triple the number of additional judges moving forward,” a spokesperson for the Democratic leader told Politico . Democrats have approved 221 judges to the federal bench since President Joe Biden took office, and Schumer’s deal could get Democrats close to matching Trump’s total of 234 confirmed judges during his first term in office. Alex Jones on Thursday called Matt Gaetz “quite the stud” after a new allegation of sexual assault emerged against the former congressman. Gaetz, who had been picked by Donald Trump as his nominee for attorney general, withdrew his name from contention after he was contacted for comment on the CNN report about the alleged crime. In it, the same woman who said she had sex with Gaetz when she was 17 revealed that she had an additional underage encounter with Gaetz, involving another, adult woman. Jones, a far-right pundit and conspiracy theorist, took the news of the new criminal accusation as a chance to praise Gaetz for his sexual prowess. “I treat women super nice,” Jones explained to viewers of his show Infowars. “So does Trump. Women love me. And so, I mean, I know what’s happening to Gaetz.” Jones suggested that the allegations against Gaetz were being blown out of proportion, claiming that the victims, who were “super gorgeous,” surely thought Gaetz was “so nice.” “People are like, damn, Matt Gaetz is quite the stud,” Jones said, adding: “That’s it, we’re really bad people, we like women.”

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    Christmas party lifts spirits of evacuated kids in NegrosNew guidance on the ethical use of AI in public sector workplaces has been shared by Wales' Workforce Partnership Council. The guidance, laid out in two reports, was created collaboratively by the Welsh Government, public sector employers, and trade unions. It aims to harness the benefits of emerging technologies while safeguarding against potential risks to the workforce. The reports provide a framework for AI implementation, focusing on checks and balances, responsible implementation, and post-adoption evaluation. Welsh Government minister for social partnership, Jack Sargeant, said: "As AI continues to shape the future of our workplaces, it is crucial that public service workers and organisations alike benefit from this continued innovation. "Our approach ensures that AI adoption in public services is transparent and underpinned by human oversight." The guidance has been strongly supported by the Social Partnership Council and other key stakeholders. The Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS) is also developing complementary resources to further aid public sector bodies in the ethical use of AI. Shavanah Taj, general secretary of TUC Cymru, said: "To get the best from AI systems which manage workers, workers must have a strong voice in their design and use. "TUC Cymru and the public sector unions welcome the publication of 'Managing Technology That Manages People' because it will ensure that workers share the benefits that AI could bring." The Welsh Government and social partners will now implement a comprehensive communications programme to ensure these materials, approaches, and recommendations are effectively embedded in workplaces across Wales.

    NO. 20 TEXAS A&M 81, RUTGERS 77SAINT PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Mariah Keopple and Alexandra Labelle scored their first goals of the season and the Montreal Victoire edged the Minnesota Frost 3-2 on Saturday. Marie-Philip Poulin's goal almost six minutes into the second period was the difference as she converted a 2-on-1 from Laura Stacey and Jennifer Gardiner and Montreal (2-2-0-1), which went 0 for 3 on the power play, won its third straight while handing Minnesota (3-1-1-1) its first regulation loss of the season. Despite having the better control of the action from the start Montreal fell behind 1-0 near the middle of the first period when Claire Thompson and Taylor Heise set up Britta Curl-Salemme for her third goal of the season. But in the last five minutes of the period Keopple scored on a pass from Claire Dalton, and Labelle banged in a rebound of her initial shot. Minnesota pulled into a tie at just 3:17 into the second period when Brooke McQuigge picked up her first goal during a scramble in front of the Montreal goal. Barely 2 1/2 minutes later the Victoire were back on top on Poulin's second goal of the season and Ann-Renee Desbiens, who made 22 saves, made that stand up. Maddie Rooney made 22 saves for Minnesota, which went 0-1 on the power play. Boston plays at Montreal on Monday. The Frost are home against Boston on Thursday. AP women’s hockey:

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    Amgen Inc. stock underperforms Wednesday when compared to competitors despite daily gainsJimmy Carter, the United States’ longest-lived president, was never afraid of speaking his mind. Forthright and fearless, the Nobel Prize winner took pot-shots at former prime minister Tony Blair and ex-US president George W Bush among others. His death came after repeated bouts of illness in which images of the increasingly frail former president failed to erase memories of his fierce spirit. Democrat James Earl “Jimmy” Carter Jr swept to power in 1977 with his Trust Me campaign helping to beat Republican president Gerald Ford. Serving as 39th US president from 1977 to 1981, he sought to make government “competent and compassionate” but was ousted by the unstoppable Hollywood appeal of a certain Ronald Reagan. A skilled sportsman, Mr Carter left his home of Plains, Georgia, to join the US Navy, returning later to run his family’s peanut business. A stint in the Georgia senate lit the touchpaper on his political career and he rose to the top of the Democratic movement. But he will also be remembered for a bizarre encounter with a deeply disgruntled opponent. The president was enjoying a relaxing fishing trip near his home town in 1979 when his craft was attacked by a furious swamp rabbit which reportedly swam up to the boat hissing wildly. The press had a field day, with one paper bearing the headline President Attacked By Rabbit. Away from encounters with belligerent bunnies, Mr Carter’s willingness to address politically uncomfortable topics did not diminish with age. He recently said that he would be willing to travel to North Korea for peace talks on behalf of US President Donald Trump. He also famously mounted a ferocious and personal attack on Tony Blair over the Iraq war, weeks before the prime minister left office in June 2007. Mr Carter, who had already denounced George W Bush’s presidency as “the worst in history”, used an interview on BBC radio to condemn Mr Blair for his tight relations with Mr Bush, particularly concerning the Iraq War. Asked how he would characterise Mr Blair’s relationship with Mr Bush, Mr Carter replied: “Abominable. Loyal, blind, apparently subservient. “I think that the almost undeviating support by Great Britain for the ill-advised policies of President Bush in Iraq have been a major tragedy for the world.” Mr Carter was also voluble over the Rhodesia crisis, which was about to end during his presidency. His support for Robert Mugabe at the time generated widespread criticism. He was said to have ignored the warnings of many prominent Zimbabweans, black and white, about what sort of leader Mugabe would be. This was seen by Mr Carter’s critics as “deserving a prominent place among the outrages of the Carter years”. Mr Carter has since said he and his administration had spent more effort and worry on Rhodesia than on the Middle East. He admitted he had supported two revolutionaries in Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo, and with hindsight said later that Mugabe had been “a good leader gone bad”, having at first been “a very enlightened president”. One US commentator wrote: “History will not look kindly on those in the West who insisted on bringing the avowed Marxist Mugabe into the government. “In particular, the Jimmy Carter foreign policy... bears some responsibility for the fate of a small African country with scant connection to American national interests.” In recent years Mr Carter developed a reputation as an international peace negotiator. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 for his commitment to finding peaceful solutions to international conflicts, his work with human rights and democracy initiatives, and his promotion of economic and social programmes. Mr Carter was dispatched to North Korea in August 2008 to secure the release of US citizen Aijalon Mahli Gomes, who had been sentenced to eight years of hard labour after being found guilty of illegally entering North Korea. He successfully secured the release of Mr Gomes. In 2010 he returned to the White House to greet President Barack Obama and discuss international affairs amid rising tensions on the Korean peninsula. Proving politics runs in the family, in 2013 his grandson Jason, a state senator, announced his bid to become governor in Georgia, where his famous grandfather governed before becoming president. He eventually lost to incumbent Republican Nathan Deal. Fears that Mr Carter’s health was deteriorating were sparked in 2015 when he cut short an election observation visit in Guyana because he was “not feeling well”. It would have been Mr Carter’s 39th trip to personally observe an international election. Three months later, on August 12, he revealed he had cancer which had been diagnosed after he underwent surgery to remove a small mass in his liver. Mr Obama was among the well-wishers hoping for Mr Carter’s full recovery after it was confirmed the cancer had spread widely. Melanoma had been found in his brain and liver, and Mr Carter underwent immunotherapy and radiation therapy, before announcing in March the following year that he no longer needed any treatment. In 2017, Mr Carter was taken to hospital as a precaution, after he became dehydrated at a home-building project in Canada. He was admitted to hospital on multiple occasions in 2019 having had a series of falls, suffering a brain bleed and a broken pelvis, as well as a stint to be treated for a urinary tract infection. Mr Carter spent much of the coronavirus pandemic largely at his home in Georgia, and did not attend Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration in 2021, but extended his “best wishes”. Former first lady Rosalynn Carter, the closest adviser to Mr Carter during his term as US president, died in November 2023. She had been living with dementia and suffering many months of declining health. “Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” Mr Carter said in a statement following her death. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — Lynne Roberts wasn’t looking to leave the Utah women’s basketball team. Then she got a call from Los Angeles Sparks general manager Reagan Pebley that changed her thinking. Roberts was introduced Thursday as coach of the Sparks, becoming the second coach to make the leap from college to the WNBA this month. Karl Smesko of Florida Gulf Coast got the Atlanta Dream job last week. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings. Get any of our free email newsletters — news headlines, obituaries, sports, and more.College Football Insider 'Won't be Surprised' if Arch Manning Plays Against Texas A&M

    ‘Gladiator II’ review: Are you not moderately entertained?ASML (NASDAQ:ASML) Shares Down 0.2% – Time to Sell?

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    LONGBOAT KEY, Fla, Nov. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Rumble ( NASDAQ:RUM ), the video-sharing platform and cloud services provider, announced today that its Board of Directors has approved a corporate treasury diversification strategy of allocating a portion of the company’s excess cash reserves to Bitcoin. This move emphasizes Rumble’s belief in Bitcoin as a valuable tool for strategic planning and is designed to accelerate the company’s expansion into cryptocurrency. Rumble’s Bitcoin allocation strategy will include purchases, at the discretion of the company, of up to $20 million. “We believe that the world is still in the early stages of the adoption of Bitcoin, which has recently accelerated with the election of a crypto-friendly U.S. presidential administration and increased institutional adoption. Unlike any government-issued currency, Bitcoin is not subject to dilution through endless money-printing, enabling it to be a valuable inflation hedge and an excellent addition to our treasury,” said Rumble Chairman and CEO Chris Pavlovski. “We are also excited to strengthen our ties with crypto and to bolster our efforts to become the leading video and cloud services platform for the crypto community,” Pavlovski added. The actual timing and value of Bitcoin purchases, if any, under the allocation strategy will be determined by management in its discretion and will depend on several factors, including, among others, general market and business conditions, the trading price of Bitcoin and the anticipated cash needs of Rumble. The allocation strategy may be suspended, discontinued or modified at any time for any reason. ABOUT RUMBLE Rumble is a high-growth video platform and cloud services provider that is creating an independent infrastructure. Rumble’s mission is to restore the internet to its roots by making it free and open once again. For more information, visit: . Contact: Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this press release constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements contained in this press release that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements and include, for example, statements regarding our new corporate treasury diversification strategy of allocating a portion of the company’s excess cash reserves to Bitcoin and the acceleration of our expansion into cryptocurrency. Certain of these forward-looking statements can be identified by using words such as “anticipates,” “believes,” “intends,” “estimates,” “targets,” “expects,” “endeavors,” “forecasts,” “well underway,” “could,” “will,” “may,” “future,” “likely,” “on track to deliver,” “on a trajectory,” “continues to,” “looks forward to,” “is primed to,” “plans,” “projects,” “assumes,” “should” or other similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, and our actual results could differ materially from future results expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements included in this release are based on our current beliefs and expectations of our management as of the date of this release. These statements are not guarantees or indicative of future performance. Important assumptions and other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those forward-looking statements include risks inherent with investing in Bitcoin, including Bitcoin’s volatility; the risks of implementing a new treasury diversification strategy; our ability to grow and manage future growth profitably over time, maintain relationships with customers, compete within our industry and retain key employees; the possibility that we may be adversely impacted by economic, business, and/or competitive factors; our limited operating history makes it difficult to evaluate our business and prospects; our recent and rapid growth may not be indicative of future performance; we may not continue to grow or maintain our active user base, and may not be able to achieve or maintain profitability; risks relating to our ability to attract new advertisers, or the potential loss of existing advertisers or the reduction of or failure by existing advertisers to maintain or increase their advertising budgets; Rumble Cloud, our recently launched cloud services business, may not achieve success and, as a result, our business, financial condition and results of operations could be adversely affected; negative media campaigns may adversely impact our financial performance, results of operations, and relationships with our business partners, including content creators and advertisers; spam activity, including inauthentic and fraudulent user activity, if undetected, may contribute, from time to time, to some amount of overstatement of our performance indicators; we collect, store, and process large amounts of user video content and personal information of our users and subscribers and, if our security measures are breached, our sites and applications may be perceived as not being secure, traffic and advertisers may curtail or stop viewing our content or using our services, our business and operating results could be harmed, and we could face governmental investigations and legal claims from users and subscribers; we may fail to comply with applicable privacy laws; we are subject to cybersecurity risks and interruptions or failures in our information technology systems and, notwithstanding our efforts to enhance our protection from such risks, a cyber incident could occur and result in information theft, data corruption, operational disruption and/or financial loss; we may be found to have infringed on the intellectual property of others, which could expose us to substantial losses or restrict our operations; we may face liability for hosting a variety of tortious or unlawful materials uploaded by third parties, notwithstanding the liability protections of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996; we may face negative publicity for removing, or declining to remove, certain content, regardless of whether such content violated any law; paid endorsements by our content creators may expose us to regulatory risk, liability, and compliance costs, and, as a result, may adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations; our traffic growth, engagement, and monetization depend upon effective operation within and compatibility with operating systems, networks, devices, web browsers and standards, including mobile operating systems, networks, and standards that we do not control; our business depends on continued and unimpeded access to our content and services on the internet and, if we or those who engage with our content experience disruptions in internet service, or if internet service providers are able to block, degrade or charge for access to our content and services, we could incur additional expenses and the loss of traffic and advertisers; we face significant market competition, and if we are unable to compete effectively with our competitors for traffic and advertising spend, our business and operating results could be harmed; we rely on data from third parties to calculate certain of our performance metrics and real or perceived inaccuracies in such metrics may harm our reputation and negatively affect our business; changes to our existing content and services could fail to attract traffic and advertisers or fail to generate revenue; we derive the majority of our revenue from advertising and the failure to attract new advertisers, the loss of existing advertisers, or the reduction of or failure by existing advertisers to maintain or increase their advertising budgets would adversely affect our business; we depend on third-party vendors, including internet service providers, advertising networks, and data centers, to provide core services; hosting and delivery costs may increase unexpectedly; we have offered and intend to continue to offer incentives, including economic incentives, to content creators to join our platform, and these arrangements may involve fixed payment obligations that are not contingent on actual revenue or performance metrics generated by the applicable content creator but rather are based on our modeled financial projections for that creator, which if not satisfied may adversely impact our financial performance, results of operations and liquidity; we may be unable to develop or maintain effective internal controls; potential diversion of management’s attention and consumption of resources as a result of acquisitions of other companies and success in integrating and otherwise achieving the benefits of recent and potential acquisitions; we may fail to maintain adequate operational and financial resources or raise additional capital or generate sufficient cash flows; changes in tax rates, changes in tax treatment of companies engaged in e-commerce, the adoption of new tax legislation, or exposure to additional tax liabilities may adversely impact our financial results; compliance obligations imposed by new privacy laws, laws regulating social media platforms and online speech in certain jurisdictions in which we operate, or industry practices may adversely affect our business; and those additional risks, uncertainties and factors described in more detail under the caption “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in our other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We do not intend, and, except as required by law, we undertake no obligation, to update any of our forward-looking statements after the issuance of this release to reflect any future events or circumstances. Given these risks and uncertainties, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Rumble on Social Media Investors and others should note that we announce material financial and operational information to our investors using our investor relations website ( ), press releases, SEC filings and public conference calls and webcasts. We also intend to use certain social media accounts as a means of disclosing information about us and our services and for complying with our disclosure obligations under Regulation FD: the @rumblevideo X (formerly Twitter) account ( ), the @gamingonrumble X (formerly Twitter) account ( ), the @rumble TRUTH Social account ( ), the @chrispavlovski X (formerly Twitter) account ( ), and the @chris TRUTH Social account (, which Chris Pavlovski, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, also uses as a means for personal communications and observations. The information we post through these social media channels may be deemed material. Accordingly, investors should monitor these social media channels in addition to following our press releases, SEC filings and public conference calls and webcasts. The social media channels that we intend to use as a means of disclosing the information described above may be updated from time to time as listed on our investor relations website.Sira Thienou scores 16 points, No. 18 Ole Miss women coast to 89-24 win over Alabama StateChargers are expected to be without top RB Dobbins and could lean on QB Herbert against Falcons


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    Iowa Republican U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson defended Iowa Republican U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst against conservative criticism over Ernst’s hesitation to back Pete Hegseth, President-elect Donald Trump’s embattled pick to head the U.S. Department of Defense. Ernst declined Thursday to commit to supporting Hegseth, who faces allegations of sexual impropriety, financial mismanagement, public drunkenness and other personal misconduct. Hegseth has denied the allegations. Asked Friday during a conference call with reporters whether attacks over Ernst advocating for a thorough vetting before confirming Hegseth have been unfair, Hinson called Ernst a “fierce conservative fighter.” U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst talks about Rep. Ashley Hinson during Ashley Hinson’s BBQ Bash at Hawkeye Downs in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Saturday, Aug. 3, 2024. (Savannah Blake/The Gazette) “She has dedicated her life to serving our Iowans and her country, and it is her constitutional duty to vet all of these nominees thoroughly, and I think that's what she is doing,” Hinson said. “That's what she has pledged to do. And also, by the way, doing some incredible work with DOGE to help cut government waste and abuse there.” People are also reading... Ernst late last month formed a caucus of Senate Republicans to involve Congress in discussions of spending cuts with tech billionaire Elon Musk and former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Trump picked the pair to head the new Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE, an advisory body to Trump’s incoming administration. Ernst has embraced the DOGE goal of cutting $2 trillion in government spending. “So I can't think of a better person to helm that crucial caucus (and) help President Trump carry out his agenda,” Hinson said. “And I do think that we need to make sure we're giving every single nominee, no matter who it was — she did this in the minority, she is doing this in the majority — a thorough vetting.” Hinson, in a follow-up statement to The Gazette, called Hegseth “a strong pick.” “I was able to hear him speak earlier this week and think he will be a disruptor, end work DEI infecting our military, and cut through the endless bureaucracy at the Pentagon,” Hinson said. Ernst on Hegseth During a Fox News interview, Ernst said she had a “very frank and productive discussion” with Hegseth on Wednesday and that his vetting will continue. Ernst, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the first female combat veteran to be elected to the Senate, is seen as a swing vote and crucial barometer for Hegseth’s support among Senate Republicans. She has been rumored as a possible replacement for the post herself. Hegseth also has been critical of women serving in combat. Republicans will hold a slim 53-47 majority in the U.S. Senate next year, making each of the party’s votes crucial to approving Trump’s nominations to federal agency leadership positions. Ernst, a former officer in the Iowa National Guard and a sexual assault survivor who has made combating sexual assault and harassment in the military a key focus, told Real Clear Politics Phillip Wegmann on Thursday that while she has not yet made up her mind on Hegseth’s nomination, “I don’t have a campaign against Pete.” Ernst also told Real Clear Politics she is not seeking to be secretary of defense. “I’ve known Pete for a very long time,” Ernst said of Hegseth, a former Fox News host and Army National Guard veteran who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. “I really appreciated the time that he took to sit down with me and walk through a number of issues,” Ernst told Real Clear Politics, adding the pair discussed the misconduct allegations during their 45-minute sit-down. Ernst said Hegseth “deserves to have a hearing" before the Senate Armed Services Committee to ”recount his service and rebut any allegations.“ Trump on Friday made his first public show of support for Hegseth since the nominee began meeting with Republican senators amid the misconduct allegations. "Pete Hegseth is doing very well. His support is strong and deep," Trump posted on his social media platform Truth Social. “He was a great student — Princeton/Harvard educated — with a Military state of mind. He will be a fantastic, high energy, Secretary of Defense Defense, one who leads with charisma and skill. Pete is a WINNER, and there is nothing that can be done to change that,” Trump added. Conservative blowback Trump supporters and MAGA activists took to social media to accuse Ernst of working behind the scenes to sink the President-elect’s nominee, and threatened to support someone to challenger her for the GOP nomination should she run for reelection. Ernst this summer told Iowa reporters she intends to seek reelection to a third term in the Senate in 2026. Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk wrote on X, formerly Twitter: “We are learning a lot about Joni Ernst and the Senate establishment right now. Trump faithful are talking about finding a primary challenger. This is getting very serious.” Republican Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird, the first statewide elected official in Iowa to endorse Trump, recently told Breitbart: “What we’re witnessing in Washington right now is a Deep State attempt to undermine the will of the people.” Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of the Christian conservative group The Family Leader, posted to X: “Undermining his nomination is to be in denial of America's clear voice in the November 5 election.” House passes Hinson bill on Chinese trade violations The House earlier this week passed a bill Hinson sponsored to aid federal prosecution of trade-related crimes by Chinese companies. Companies based in the People’s Republic of China frequently violate U.S. trade laws, including trade fraud, forced labor and efforts to evade U.S. tariffs, which undermine U.S. companies and workers, Hinson said. Despite the large volume of trade crime-related cases, the U.S. Department of Justice lacks the resources to prosecute these crimes, she said. The legislation, which Hinson co-introduced, would establish a new task force within the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute trade crimes and would require annual reports to Congress on those efforts. The legislation also would authorize training and technical assistance to other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, “expanding investigations and prosecutions and allowing for parallel criminal and civil enforcement action,” Hinson said. “While tariffs are one tool in our tool kit to level the playing field, we also must enforce our trade laws and hold China accountable for repeated violations that have a catastrophic impact on American workers and industry,” Hinson told reporters Friday. Hinson cited the example of a Chinese auto manufacturer that was shipping its products to Thailand to avoid U.S. customs duties. She said the ripple effect led to layoffs at an Illinois company. “This is far from the only Chinese company taking action to exploit our trade system to bolster China's nonmarket economy, but this is crippling American industry and manufacturing, again, threatening workers wages and livelihoods and enabling slave labor in China,” Hinson said. Hinson said cracking down on unfair trade practices will help boost domestic manufacturing. Hinson, a Republican from Marion, serves on the House Select Committee on China and hopes to remain on the committee when the new Congress convenes in January. Get Government & Politics updates in your inbox! Stay up-to-date on the latest in local and national government and political topics with our newsletter.Are you "Ready For It...?" Taylor Swift is closing out her global Eras Tour with three shows at BC Place in Vancouver on December 6-8, and not only is the city set for several days of megawatt excitement, but also people from around the world are coming to town (whether they scored tickets or not). To add to the fun of the 40+ song epic concert that has been touring the world since March 2023, Vancouver is going to be buzzing with Taylor Swift-themed events, sights, experiences, and activities. (If you aren't a Swiftie, this might be a great time to get out of town...and rent your place out to any of the hundreds of fans whose hotels or Airbnbs cancelled on them.) We're rounding up all the Eras Tour/TSwift things happening in and around Vancouver (and will update this whenever there is more to add). If you've got a "Blank Space" in your Eras Tour week or weekend schedule, consider taking part in some of the joy. So make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it: You know "All Too Well" that The Eras Tour and Taylor Swift in Vancouver could be the most fun you ever had. (Go ahead and dance in those Levis, but maybe not drunk under a streetlight.) For the Eras Tour weekend only, one of Vancouver's top food tours is taking inspiration from Taylor Swift's "eras" for a delicious romp through Granville Island's best bites. Crunch on Hobbs Pickles for 1989 - they're (Welcome to) New York-inspired - and enjoy a "Lavender Haze" macaron from Bon Macaron, among the many tasty stops. Plus, enjoy Taylor tidbits and trivia plus get a friendship bracelet. Tours run Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m. and space is limited. Book online . Head downtown to the Dunsmuir Plaza of Bentall Centre from 3 to 6 p.m ahead of Night 1 (Dec 6) and Night 2 (Dec 7) for an all-ages concert pre-party. Free to attend. From December 5 to 8, Eras Tour ticket holders can enjoy 13 per cent off their bill at Craft's two Vancouver restaurant locations (False Creek and English Bay). Just show your ticket and get the discount. Craft will also have a featured cocktail called the Swifties French Blonde. They describe it as "a zesty mix of elderflower, lemon, and gin," and a nod to Tay's own fave cocktail. Plus, every guest who orders the Swifties French Blonde will get free friendship bracelets. TaylorTown is a free and family-friendly Christmas celebration filled with holiday cheer featuring a Swiftie Twist as Taylor Swift lights up Vancouver and concludes her Eras Tour here. From noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, December 7, head to Bill Curtis Square and Helmcken Plaza in Yaletown to enjoy lots of merriment, like holiday-themed and Taylor-made photo opportunities and activities. Write a message on a digital birthday card for Taylor (her birthday is December 13), meet Santa, shop, and have the time of your life. Hit the water for the ultimate Swiftie celebration right across the street from the concert venue, where the magic of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour meets the thrill of a Vancouver boat cruise aboard the Burrard Queen. There are sailings on December 5 through 8 at various times (including on concert nights) and the ride will feature DJ sets, sing-alongs, a "Shake it Off" dance floor, friendship bracelet making, photo booth, and more. The daytime sailings are all-ages, while the evening cruises are for 19+ only. Get dressed in your themed gear and have a blast. (May we suggest "Blue dress, on a boat"?) Book cruises online via Eventbrite . From December 5 to 8, guests are invited to gather at the Fairmont Waterfront hotel for an energizing weekend of connection, delicious dining, and fun activities including friendship bracelet making, a special weekend brunch, and a pop-up experience. Celebratory Bottomless Brunch at ARC Restaurant : To honour the final weekend of the concert tour of the year, the hotel restaurant is turning its Bottomless Brunch into a Swift-themed celebration. It's happening Saturday, December 7, and Sunday, December 8, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at ARC Restaurant. The menu will have items such as “Friendship Waffles,” topped with fresh berries and chantilly cream, and “Togetherness Toast." Special cocktails and mocktails include the “Kindness Spritz” and the “Golden Mimosa." Make reservations online . Friendship Bracelet Centre : From December 6 to 8 (11 a.m. to 3 p.m.) gather at the Friendship Bracelet Centre to create and share bracelets in a spirit of camaraderie and positivity. Hotel guests can contact the Concierge or Royal Service for more information. Minami Yaletown will spend an enchanting week offering an exclusive Taylor Swift drink menu. From December 1 through 8, indulge in an exclusive Taylor Swift-inspired drinks menu, crafted to capture the essence of her iconic eras. Reservations and walk-ins are welcome. Glowbal Restaurant in Downtown Vancouver (590 W Georgia St) will be hosting The Glowbal Era, a one-of-a-kind concert celebration for fans to enjoy a music-inspired experience like no other. Just steps from BC Place, Glowbal's vibrant garden patio will be transformed into an exciting homage to the style and atmosphere of a global pop phenomenon. In both dinner and brunch versions, the 90-minute meal experience will include friendship bracelet making, an entree and beverage, a selfie station, a makeup artist to add sparkle, and themed decor. Offered Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8. Brunch ($49) seatings are 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and dinner ($79) seatings are 2:30 to 9 p.m. Step onto a double-decker bus for a one-of-a-kind musical journey through the city while belting out your favourite Taylor Swift hits. Whether you’re a fan of Red , 1989 , or Lover , this tour is the ultimate karaoke experience for Fearless Swifties. With the evening lights of Vancouver as your stage, you’ll sing, dance, and celebrate all things Taylor with fellow fans. We make a stop at Bright Lights at Stanley Park, where you’ll have time to “Shake It Off” through the lights display. Grab your squad, pick up the mic, and get ready for an unforgettable musical adventure through the heart of the city. Tours run nightly from 6 to 8 p.m. on December 4-7 only. A special Swiftie version of Science World's After Dark event series has been booked for the week ahead of the pop star's final three Eras Tours dates at BC Place in Vancouver. The adults-only (aka 19+) After Dark: Eras Edition event takes place one night only on Wednesday, Dec. 4, and will feature an unusual mixture of Taylor Swift and science education. There will be a dance party with sing-alongs, trivia (about Swift), science demonstrations and more. Attendees are encouraged to come dressed in Swift-themed fashion and bring friendship bracelets. You don't have to go far from BC Place to get to Parq Vancouver (39 Smithe St). The Casino will be handing out cowboy hats at Guest Services on level 2 of the casino floor before each show for Encore Rewards members (19+ only). The hats will be available while supplies last. Meanwhile, Honey Salt is offering a fun Taylor-themed brunch. Brunch lovers can enjoy the restaurant's menu hits and tableside Mimosa carts from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, December 7 and Sunday, December 8. Make reservations online . The venue's BC Kitchen Sports Bar will offer fun programming from December 5 to 8: D/6 Bar & Lounge will offer after-parties following each concert night (Dec. 6-8) from 9 p.m. until late. Enjoy the decorated space, Swiftie swag giveaways, local female DJs spinning (and remixes of Swift's songs playing in the Hidden Lounge). The big party is on Sunday, as D/6 hosts its "End of an Era" unofficial afterparty (starting at 9 p.m.) with live dancers and drink specials. Book online . Parq's The Victor restaurant will have feature cocktails from Dec. 6-8, along with a special lounge menu of share plates designed to enjoy as a pre-show meal. Vancouver's beloved German Christmas Market at Jack Poole Plaza is selling a special Swiftie Flex Pass for use Dec.4 through 10. The ticket deal reflects 22 per cent off admission (dropping to $31.99) with unlimited access to the market, no time slot needed. Other exciting events at the market include themed nights for TS trivia and karaoke. The North Shore's iconic Canyon Lights gets a Swiftie makeover this December. The whole park will shimmer, including the bridge, which will transform into a giant friendship bracelet. Wander through the park to find Swiftie-themed photo spots, bracelet making and music for a truly "Enchanted" experience. Walk the specially named Taytops Adventure. (Treetops Adventure), an elevated journey through the rainforest canopy, or stroll along the breathtaking Swiftwalk (Cliffwalk) along the granite cliff face of the Capilano Canyon. You'll also find themed treats, Taylor-inspired cocktails, and live acoustic performances of all your favourite Eras hits from a Taylor Swift tribute singer. Whether you’re a Red fan or 1989 loyalist, this experience is a "Love Story" to the Swiftie community during her final stop in Vancouver. Canyon Lights (Taylor’s Version) is included in the price of admission or Annual Pass. Swift into Space and step into a night where science meets a whirlwind of creativity at Sparks Fly: A Swift-Themed STEAM Listening Party, taking place on Saturday, November 30 at 6 p.m. at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre. This all-ages event invites attendees to embrace the wonder of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) with a hint of enchantment reminiscent of beloved pop anthems and lyrical journeys. Featuring Swiftie trivia, live science demos, snacks and drinks inspired by iconic scientific discoveries, and a listening party. Open to all ages. Tickets are available online . Available from November 29 to December 9, The Eras Menu (OEB's Version) will be featured at all OEB Metro Vancouver Area locations. Cocktails ($14 each): Food: Alongside these exclusive menu features, OEB will continue to serve its regular menu. Weekday reservations are accepted on a limited basis, and guests are encouraged to call the restaurants to inquire about availability. Contact information for each restaurant can be found here . The VPL has three all-ages fan gatherings on deck; one, at the West Point Grey branch, is during Eras Week, while two others are the following week. Advanced registration is required. Meet up with other super-fans for a special event celebrating all things Taylor Swift! Test your knowledge in a trivia challenge and express your fandom with friendship bracelets, make your own Taylor stickers, and vote for the best TS era. A post shared by The American (@theamericanvancouver) To celebrate Taylor Swift’s 3-night BC Place residency, Vancouver sports bar The American (926 Main St) has curated a week of events based on Taylor’s "Eras.⁠" The programming includes trivia, karaoke, bingo, a drag brunch, and lots of music. Most of the events are free for The American guests to play, while the big "Afternoon Delight Drag Brunch and Day Party: Reputation" has a cover charge and some seating parameters. Here's the lineup: ⁠ Head to Uva in downtown Vancouver to enjoy lots of Taylor-themed fun from now through Dec. 8. You'll find song-inspired cocktails, a nightly Taylor Swift song party (sing along to fave tracks starting at 8 p.m.) and friendship bracelet making (on Dec. 6-8 only). A post shared by Uva Wine & Cocktail Bar (@uvavancouver) As Vancouver gets ready to host Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, Executive Hotels is turning fans' "Wildest Dreams" into reality. Whether you're a "Lover" or living for the Midnights era, the hotels and their restaurants in Vancouver, North Vancouver, and Richmond have something special for all ages to celebrate the last stop of this epic tour. Raise a Glass to Taylor: Each restaurant is serving up Taylor-made cocktails inspired by her most iconic songs and personal faves. Alouette at Hotel le Soleil: Indulge in a Paris-inspired cocktail that captures the magic of the lyrics “Stumbled down pretend alleyways. cheap wine, make believe it's champagne. I was taken by the view.” Sip, imagine, and be transported into the lyrics of your fave Midnights song. Seaside Provisions at Seaside Hotel: Toast to Taylor with her rumoured favorite, the French Blonde, a cocktail that’s as chic and timeless as her music. Free Bird Richmond at Executive Hotel Vancouver Airport: Celebrate Taylor as you arrive in Vancouver with a bold twist on the French Blonde, crafted for the Queen of an Era. Because she deserves nothing less than iconic. Parker Rooftop at The Parker Hotel: Bring your "Wildest Dreams" to life with a dreamy cocktail capturing the red lips and rosy cheeks of Taylor’s biggest hit. Hydra Estiatorio at Exchange Hotel: Is "Karma" the guy on the Chiefs, or this "Karma"-inspired cocktail? Either way, it’s a winner. You’ll remember the look on your face with the second show stopper cocktail inspired by "Last Kiss." Hotel guests will find Taylor-themed rooms that come with friendship bracelets, exclusive merch, and a special "You Belong With Me" welcome message. From Dec. 6-8, Vancouver locations of Earls will have two new exclusive Eras Tour-inspired drinks: "The Tequila Swift Margarita" (Jose Cuervo Tradicional plata tequila, Aperol, Triple sec, coconut, fresh lime) and "You Need To Calm Down" (a non-alcoholic drink with Seedlip Spice, white peach, orange, pomegranate, fresh lemon). Get ready to dive into all things Taylor Swift at the West End Community Centre on November 29 from 4 to 7 p.m. The facility will screen the Eras Tour and you can hang out for free for a night of Taylor Swift trivia and friendship bracelet-making. Register for free online . A post shared by Edible Flours (@edibleflours) The Swifties at this Vancouver gluten-free bakeshop will have Eras Tour inspired cupcakes in-store from December 3 through 8. Come on in and pick out your favourite album reincarnated as a cupcake or splurge for the entire edible discography. Pre-orders also accepted over the phone. With a file from Brendan Kergin

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    NEW YORK , Nov. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --The global travel market size is estimated to grow by USD 5.50 trillion from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 18.52% during the forecast period. Growing popularity of experiential travel is driving market growth, with a trend towards increasing international tourist footfall. However, threat from growing terrorism poses a challenge. Key market players include Accor S.A., American Express Global Business Travel GBT, Balkan Holidays Ltd., BCD Travel Services BV, Booking Holdings Inc., Carlson Inc., Corporate Travel Management Ltd., Expedia Group Inc., Fareportal Inc., Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd., G Adventures, JPMorgan Chase and Co., JTB Corp., MakeMyTrip Ltd., Marriott International Inc., Omega World Travel Inc., PT Global Digital Niaga, Traveloka, The Scott Travel Group Ltd., Travel Leaders Group Holdings LLC, World Travel Holdings, and World Travel Inc., Airbnb, Inc., Hilton Worldwide, InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Carnival Corporation, Royal Caribbean Group. Key insights into market evolution with AI-powered analysis. Explore trends, segmentation, and growth drivers- View Free Sample PDF Market Driver Inbound tourism has experienced significant growth worldwide, leading to an increase in the number of tourists and demand for travel activities. Business travel, both international and domestic, is a significant contributor to this trend. The presence of numerous multinational corporations drives corporate visits, boosting the travel industry. Online travel platforms cater to the rising demand for travel activities from an increasing number of international tourists, primarily from North America , Europe , and the Pacific region. Government initiatives, such as improved connectivity through new airports, further fuel tourism growth. Overall, these factors are expected to expand the global travel market during the forecast period. The travel industry is experiencing significant shifts driven by trends such as the growing middle class population, heightened security and health concerns, and the increasing role of foreign tour operators and online platforms. Digital transformation is at the forefront, with tourists relying on online resources for trip planning, booking flight tickets and hotels, and even renting cars. Economic stability and leisure activities continue to be key motivators for vacations and holiday packages. The pandemic has created an acquisition opportunity for online travel agents, with promotional activities and new year holidays driving bookings. Mobile apps and holiday packages for international cities cater to elite travelers seeking new experiences in unexplored destinations. The luxury travel market remains strong, with a focus on security and personalized services. Overall, the online travel market is thriving, offering tourists convenience, affordability, and access to a world of new opportunities. Request Sample of our comprehensive report now to stay ahead in the AI-driven market evolution! Market Challenges Terrorist activities have grown globally since 2016, with the primary goal being to instill fear and alter people's behavior. An example is the bombing on January 1, 2023 , at a Kabul checkpoint near the commercial airport, resulting in injuries and fatalities. This incident directly affects industries like hotels and travel, as border clearances experience delays and stricter inspections. Furthermore, heightened security around oil and gas pipelines and electricity transmission lines leads to increased costs. Travel insurance and reinsurance also become more expensive. Consequently, the rise in terrorist activities may impede the expansion of the global travel market during the forecast period. The travel market faces various challenges in both the tourism sector and beyond. Micro trips are popular, but providing personalized services, reliable transport, and professional interaction remains crucial for customer satisfaction. Political stability is essential for business growth, especially for customized tours and private tours. Technological advancements, such as the adoption of IoT, impact airlines, cruise liners, hotels, and resorts. Natural disasters and stringent immigration policies pose risks. Business, sports, and cultural events drive domestic and overseas travel. Governmental support and infrastructural development are vital for addressing challenges like public transportation and accommodation facilities. Rapid globalization and the interconnected world increase competition, requiring technical integration and online booking platforms. Social media networks and influencer marketing influence travel decisions. Country revenue depends on addressing challenges like political instability, natural disasters, and stringent immigration policies. Discover how AI is revolutionizing market trends- Get your access now! Segment Overview This travel market report extensively covers market segmentation by 1.1 Transportation 1.2 Hotel 1.3 Travel activities 2.1 Leisure 2.2 Business 3.1 APAC 3.2 Europe 3.3 North America 3.4 South America 3.5 Middle East and Africa 1.1 Transportation- The Travel Market is a thriving industry that connects service providers with customers seeking unique travel experiences. It offers various opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and increase sales. By utilizing effective marketing strategies and providing exceptional customer service, companies can attract and retain customers. The Travel Market also encourages innovation and collaboration, allowing businesses to offer competitive prices and diverse offerings. Overall, it is a dynamic and profitable sector that continues to grow and evolve. Download a Sample of our comprehensive report today to discover how AI-driven innovations are reshaping competitive dynamics Research Analysis The online travel market has experienced significant shifts in the wake of the pandemic, with a growth in domestic tourism and an increase in bookings for New Year holidays. Mobile apps have become essential tools for travelers, allowing them to easily compare holiday packages, book flights, hotels, car rentals, and more. The adoption of IoT technology in the tourism sector offers new experiences and personalized services, creating opportunities for innovation. However, political instability, natural disasters, and stringent immigration policies pose challenges. The acquisition of smaller players in the online travel market presents opportunities for growth, particularly in the luxury travel market catering to elite travelers. Unexplored destinations and micro trips are also gaining popularity as travelers seek new experiences. Business and sports travel are expected to rebound as restrictions ease. Despite these trends, the tourism sector continues to face uncertainty and must adapt to changing consumer preferences and external factors. Market Research Overview The online travel market has seen a significant growth during the pandemic as people look for acquisition opportunities in the tourism sector. Domestic tourism has become a popular choice for travelers, leading to an increase in bookings for new year holidays. Mobile apps and online travel agents offer convenience for holiday packages, car rentals, and international city explorations. The luxury travel market caters to elite travelers seeking new experiences in unexplored destinations. Micro trips and personalized services are also in demand, as is reliable transport and professional interaction. Political stability, customized tours, and private tours are essential for some travelers, while others prioritize baby boomers, Gen X, and millennials' preferences. Technological advancements, such as the adoption of IoT, have transformed the industry, with online booking platforms, travel websites, and rapid globalization playing key roles. However, challenges such as political instability, natural disasters, and stringent immigration policies persist. Business, sports, and leisure activities continue to drive travel, with economic stability and infrastructure development crucial for the tourist industry's digital transformation. Online resources, flight tickets, hotels, and trip planning remain essential, with health and security concerns also influencing travel decisions. Foreign tour operators and online platforms cater to various tourist destinations, while influencer marketing, travel blogs, and user-generated content shape travel trends. Country revenue depends on public transportation, accommodation facilities, and the middle class population's growing demand for travel. Table of Contents: 1 Executive Summary 2 Market Landscape 3 Market Sizing 4 Historic Market Size 5 Five Forces Analysis 6 Market Segmentation Sector Transportation Hotel Travel Activities Type Leisure Business Booking Type Mode of Travel Geography APAC Europe North America South America Middle East And Africa 7 Customer Landscape 8 Geographic Landscape 9 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends 10 Company Landscape 11 Company Analysis 12 Appendix About Technavio Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio's report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio's comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios. Contacts Technavio Research Jesse Maida Media & Marketing Executive US: +1 844 364 1100 UK: +44 203 893 3200 Email: [email protected] Website: SOURCE Technavio

    No. 6 Notre Dame faces off against No. 17 Army: How to watch Saturday's gameThe Witcher I was surprised to see The Witcher 4 open this year’s Game Awards ceremony. The trailer for the upcoming game from Polish studio CD Projekt Red was both unexpected and exciting. But I admit to having some mixed feelings about several aspects of the trailer and the implications of Ciri as the next game’s protagonist. Indeed, Ciri will be the protagonist of the next three games, starring in her very own trilogy. First, there’s the bizarre new look for the character. She just doesn’t look at all like Ciri from The Witcher 3. It’s not just that she’s older. Her entire bone structure has changed. Her face looks different and her voice has changed far more than mere aging would dictate. (While Doug Cockle returns as the voice of Geralt, Jo Wyatt is not returning as Ciri—more’s the pity). So while I think she still looks fine and sounds fine, it’s a radical and jarring enough transformation that if I didn’t have the scar to go by, I wouldn’t know she was the same character at all. This brings up perhaps an even more important issue with The Witcher 4. Should Ciri even be the main playable character in a series about Witchers? There’s much debate over whether she is or isn’t an actual Witcher, for one thing. Following the release of the trailer, however, CDPR confirmed that in this version of the story Ciri has taken Trial of Grasses , giving her the mutations necessary to drink potions and have her eyes change like that. It’s possible she went to a different school than Geralt (Wolf) such as the school of the Lynx. Frankly, I’m okay with Ciri having somehow become a full-blown Witcher even if it breaks lore, because I can accept the games are and always have been different from the books. But what does this mean for Ciri’s own magical powers? She has the Elder Blood in her, which is one reason she couldn’t take the Trials (the other being she’s a woman, and Witchers are always men). Has she lost her powers? The trailer indicates that she has at least some of them, but surely this also shows us a huge downgrade from where she was at the end of The Witcher 3. A Ciri game where she traveled through space and time, had teleportation powers and other abilities, could be really cool on its own, but it wouldn’t really be a game about a monster-hunting mutant Witcher, either. Microsoft Warns 400 Million Windows Users—Do Not Update Your PC ‘Black Doves’ Dethroned In Netflix’s Top 10 List By A New Show Google’s Security Nightmare—Just 14 Days To Change Your Phone What I’ve been hoping for since The Witcher 2 was a fully customizable Witcher that players could build from the ground up. Again, I’d be more than happy to bend lore and make this a male or female character that players could choose and then customize the appearance, voice, etc. This would add greatly to our roleplaying options. That being said, CDPR seems to realize that players want room to shape their own character, and since Ciri is at the start of her Witcher journey—as opposed to Geralt, who was already a veteran monster hunter—players will have “more opportunities to be able to feel that they define their experience.” The other issue with having Ciri as the protagonist is the timeline. A lot of people were hoping for a new timeline entirely, set either much earlier or later than Geralt’s story. (And some gamers were just upset Geralt wasn’t the lead, but his story was told and CDPR has said for years that he wasn’t returning as the hero). Still, when all is said and done I really like Ciri as a character and I think this could be a great game. The trailer is dark and exciting, and even though that last line—“There are no gods here, only monsters”—is super derivative of the debut Witcher 3 trailer—“What are you doing? “Killing monsters”—it nevertheless has me excited to play. Sometime in 2028 or whenever it finally releases. P.S. People have noted that Geralt in this cinematic trailer didn’t look exactly like Geralt in The Witcher 3, so it’s possible Ciri will follow suit. I don’t think this is a very good argument. For one thing, he looked pretty close. For another, you only barely see his face the entire time, whereas you see lots and lots of Ciri’s in The Witcher 4 trailer. The other argument I’ve heard about appearances is that Geralt also changed from game to game. This is certainly true: The Witcher But this was also done because A) technology changed radically between each game, and CDPR’s budget and experience grew along with it and B) they made Geralt look more attractive with each game. I don’t think they’ve made Ciri look more attractive or higher fidelity. She just looks different. Almost unrecognizably different. I think a bit of skepticism is warranted in this day and age of video games and the oft-strange choices developers have been making. Compound that with CDPR’s failed launch of Cyberpunk 2077 and I’d say it makes sense to be cautious. All that being said, I’m still cautiously optimistic. Whatever changes have occurred at the studio, CDPR’s track record is still mostly great and this remains one of my favorite fantasy universes. If nothing else, this trailer has made me want to fire up The Witcher 3 again. Of course, if CDPR screws up again gamers might not be so lenient. As Geralt once said: “You’d better pay up, or the invisible hand of the market will smack you so hard you won’t sit down for a week.”

    Gophers QB Max Brosmer commits to play in bowl gameFour members of Congress unveiled a bipartisan bill Friday that would spark changes at the U.S. Center for SafeSport, placing a time limit on resolving cases that can sometimes take years and improving communication between the center and abuse survivors. The Safer Sports for Athletes Act looks to address some of the bigger concerns that have opened the center to criticism since it was established in 2017 to handle sex-abuse cases in Olympic sports and their grassroots cousins. The bill has potential for a fivefold increase of an existing grant to the center, bringing it to $10 million a year. But even if the full amount were approved, it wouldn't solve all of the problems. As before, that grant can only be used for training and education , not investigations and enforcement, which are the focus of complaints about the center , and also of the reforms the lawmakers are seeking. “We’re hoping the combination of appropriations for other activities will free up money for investigations, as well as the streamlining,” said one of the bill's sponsors, Rep. Deborah Ross, D-North Carolina. The center estimates the reforms in the bill could cost more than $4.5 million. It currently operates on a budget of around $21 million a year, most of which comes from the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee and its sports affiliates, known as national governing bodies, or NGBs. “It's really unclear, and I don't think that some parts of the bill jibe with other parts of the bill," SafeSport CEO Ju'Riese Colon said. "We're going to need some more conversation to suss out some of this stuff. Right now, it just doesn't really add up for us.” The center's critics, meanwhile, have long been skeptical about giving more resources to an agency they feel is missing the mark. The bill would also mandate that investigations be concluded within 180 days after a report is made, with possibilities to extend them. Some of the most egregious complaints about the center have come from people who say it has taken years for their cases to be resolved. The center currently receives about 155 reports a week, which comes to more than 8,000 a year. When fully staffed, it has 77 people on its response and resolution team. “Too many other survivors have also been left waiting for years for SafeSport to investigate or have their cases closed without action,” said soccer player Mana Shim, who helped lawmakers draft the bill. Shim's own case, involving sexual harassment and coercion by her coach, took more than two years for the center to resolve and led to investigations and reforms across American soccer. Other reforms include a requirement for the center to provide victim advocates at no cost for those needing them — a move already underway as part of a menu of changes the center announced earlier this year — and to assign case managers who can give timely updates to victims and the accused. “I have questions around, if the center were to hire and staff the advocates, there might be some conflict of interest with us doing this internally," Colon said. The center was also concerned with one provision that would redefine how arbitration works and another that would change the dynamics of information sharing between the center and the USOPC and NGBs. The other bill sponsors were Reps. Dave Joyce, R-Ohio; Don Bacon, R-Nebraska; and Kathy Castor, D-Florida. The lawmakers positioned the bill as one that will help the Denver-based center, while making clear they are not satisfied with the results so far. “We're going to make sure the center has the resources it needs to effectively respond to thousands of reports it handles annually,” Castor said. “It has unfortunately fallen short." Ross conceded this bill will probably get pushed to the next Congress, which convenes Jan. 3, “but we needed to set the stage as soon as possible.” ___ AP Summer Olympics: Eddie Pells, The Associated Press


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    Seattle Seahawks receiver is DK Metcalf is just fine when he doesn't have the the ball because it means he gets to showcase his blocking skills. “I just look at it as a sign of respect that I’ve gained from other defensive coordinators and just continue to do my job with it as blocking or being a decoy,” the two-time Pro Bowler said. While opposing defenses have keyed in on Metcalf, other aspects of Seattle's offense have surfaced during its four-game winning streak. The run has the Seahawks (8-5) sitting atop the NFC West heading into Sunday night's game against the visiting Green Bay Packers (9-4). Geno Smith's new top target is second-year receiver Jaxon Smith-Njigba, who needs 89 receiving yards for his first career 1,000-yard season. Smith-Njigba has 75 catches for 911 yards and five touchdowns, while Metcalf, often dealing with double coverage, has 54 catches for 812 yards and two scores. Metcalf says he feels the pride of a “proud parent or a big brother” when it comes to Smith-Njigba's success. Seattle's offense also got a boost from the ground game in a 30-18 victory over the Arizona Cardinals last weekend . Zach Charbonnet, filling in for the injured Kenneth Walker III, ran for a career-best 134 yards and two touchdowns. The Seahawks face another hot team in the Packers (9-4), who have won seven of nine. Green Bay's two losses over that stretch have come against NFC-best Detroit (12-1), including a 34-31 victory by the Lions on Dec. 5, which means the NFC North title is likely out of reach for the Packers. The Packers are well-positioned for a playoff berth, but that almost certainly won't come this weekend. They would need a win, a loss or tie by the Atlanta Falcons and a tie between the Los Angeles Rams and San Francisco 49ers. Metcalf, who learned to block from his father, former Chicago Bears offensive lineman Terrence Metcalf, says he tries to take blocking seriously to set himself apart from other receivers. His priorities are simple when he's getting double-teamed and the ball goes elsewhere. “Trying to block my (butt) off and trying to get pancakes on defensive backs,” he said. When the Packers surged their way into the playoffs last season, quarterback Jordan Love was a major reason why. He had 18 touchdown passes and one interception during Green Bay's final eight games. During the last four games of this season, Love ranks third in the NFL with a 118.9 passer rating with six touchdowns, one interception and a league-best 10.3 yards per attempt. “I always feel like I can put the ball where I want to — and that’s part of it, too, having that confidence to be able to throw those passes,” Love said. “There’s always like I said a handful of plays that might not come off or be in the exact spot that you wanted it to or the throw might be a little bit off. So, that’s where you’ve just got to try to be at your best every play, be consistent and accurate as possible.” Green Bay’s pass defense has been picked apart the last two weeks. First, it was torched by Tua Tagovailoa and the Dolphins in a Packers win. Next, it allowed Jared Goff to complete his final 13 passes as the Lions rallied to victory. It won’t get any easier this week. Smith is second in the NFL in attempts, completions and passing yards and is fifth in completion percentage. “It’s been a remarkable turnaround for him in terms of just where he started,” Packers coach Matt LaFleur said. “It’s not always where you start, but where you finish. And it tells me a lot about the person in terms of his resiliency and ability to fight through some adversity. He’s a dangerous quarterback.” The potential return of former All-Pro cornerback Jaire Alexander (knee) could help the Packers. Will the Packers break out their head-to-toe white uniforms? The last time Green Bay wore the winter white look was in a 24-22 win over Houston in October. The Packers asked fans to weigh in on social media . As for the Seahawks, they'll be sporting their “Action Green” uniforms. Metcalf is a fan. “I would say this about the Action Green, I love them personally in my opinion, but the big guys hate them. I don’t know why, don’t ask me," he said. “Hopefully, the Packers wear all white, so it’ll be a fun-looking game.” AP NFL:

    KakaoBank nets 15 million users for digital certificate that enables IDV, authenticationA timeline of the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson and the search for his killer NEW YORK (AP) — The search for UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson’s killer has stretched into a fifth day — and beyond New York City. Police say it appears the man left the city on a bus soon after Wednesday's shooting outside the New York Hilton Midtown. The suspect is seen on video at an uptown bus station about 45 minutes later. The FBI is offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction. Police believe that words found written on ammunition at the shooting scene, including “deny," “defend” and "depose,” suggest a motive driven by anger toward the healthcare company. The words mimic a phrase used by insurance industry critics. Trump says he can't guarantee tariffs won't raise US prices and won't rule out revenge prosecutions WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump says he can’t guarantee his promised tariffs on key U.S. foreign trade partners won’t raise prices for American consumers. And he's suggesting once more that some political rivals and federal officials who pursued legal cases against him should be imprisoned. The president-elect made the comments in a wide-ranging interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” that aired Sunday. He also touched on monetary policy, immigration, abortion and health care, and U.S. involvement in Ukraine, Israel and elsewhere. Trump often mixed declarative statements with caveats, at one point cautioning “things do change.” Europe's economy needs help. Political chaos in France and Germany means it may be slower in coming BRUSSELS (AP) — Europe's economy has enough difficulties, from tepid growth to trade tensions with the U.S. Dealing with those woes is only getting harder due to the political chaos in the two biggest European countries, France and Germany. Neither has a government backed by a functioning majority, and France could take a while yet to sort things out. But some problems aren't going to wait, such as what to do about U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's America First stance on trade and how to fund stronger defense against Putin's Russia. ‘Moana 2’ cruises to another record weekend and $600 million globally “Moana 2” remains at the top of the box office in its second weekend in theaters as it pulled in another record haul. According to studio estimates Sunday, the animated Disney film added $52 million, bringing its domestic total to $300 million. That surpasses the take for the original “Moana” and brings the sequel's global tally to a staggering $600 million. It also puts the film in this year's top five at the box office. “Wicked” came in second place for the weekend with $34.9 million and “Gladiator II” was third with $12.5 million. The 10th anniversary re-release of Christopher Nolan's “Interstellar” also earned an impressive $4.4 million even though it played in only 165 theaters. Federal appeals court upholds law requiring sale or ban of TikTok in the US A federal appeals court panel on Friday unanimously upheld a law that could lead to a ban on TikTok as soon as next month, handing a resounding defeat to the popular social media platform as it fights for its survival in the U.S. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the law - which requires TikTok to break ties with its China-based parent company ByteDance or be banned by mid-January — is constitutional, rebuffing TikTok’s challenge that the statute ran afoul of the First Amendment and unfairly targeted the platform. TikTok and ByteDance — another plaintiff in the lawsuit — are expected to appeal to the Supreme Court. Executive of Tyler Perry Studios dies when plane he was piloting crashes in Florida ATLANTA (AP) — The president of Atlanta-based Tyler Perry Studios has died when the small plane he was piloting crashed on Florida’s Gulf Coast. The studio confirmed on Saturday that Steve Mensch, its 62-year-old president and general manager, had died Friday. The crash happened in Homosassa, about 60 miles north of Tampa. Photos from the scene show the plane having come to rest upside down on a road. Mensch helped advocate for Georgia’s film tax credit of more than $1 billion a year. Perry hired Mensch to run his namesake studio in 2016. Mensch died as Perry released his war drama, “The Six Triple Eight." The film was shot at the Atlanta studio. US added a strong 227,000 jobs in November in bounce-back from October slowdown WASHINGTON (AP) — America’s job market rebounded in November, adding 227,000 workers in a solid recovery from the previous month, when the effects of strikes and hurricanes had sharply diminished employers’ payrolls. Last month’s hiring growth was up considerably from a meager gain of 36,000 jobs in October. The government also revised up its estimate of job growth in September and October by a combined 56,000. Friday’s report also showed that the unemployment rate ticked up from 4.1% in October to a still-low 4.2%. The November data provided the latest evidence that the U.S. job market remains durable even though it has lost significant momentum from the 2021-2023 hiring boom, when the economy was rebounding from the pandemic recession. Stock market today: Wall Street hits more records following a just-right jobs report NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. stocks rose to records after data suggested the job market remains solid enough to keep the economy going, but not so strong that it raises immediate worries about inflation. The S&P 500 climbed 0.2%, just enough top the all-time high set on Wednesday, as it closed a third straight winning week in what looks to be one of its best years since the 2000 dot-com bust. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped 0.3%, while the Nasdaq composite climbed 0.8% to set its own record. Treasury yields eased after the jobs report showed stronger hiring than expected but also an uptick in the unemployment rate. Killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO spotlights complex challenge companies face in protecting top brass NEW YORK (AP) — In an era when online anger and social tensions are increasingly directed at the businesses consumers count on, Meta last year spent $24.4 million to surround CEO Mark Zuckerberg with security. But the fatal shooting this week of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson while walking alone on a New York City sidewalk has put a spotlight on the widely varied approaches companies take to protect their leaders against threats. And experts say the task of evaluating threats against executives and taking action to protect them is getting more difficult. One of the primary worries are loners whose rantings online are fed by others who are like-minded. It’s up to corporate security analysts to decide what represents a real threat. Days after gunman killed UnitedHealthcare's CEO, police push to ID him and FBI offers reward NEW YORK (AP) — Nearly four days after the shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, police still do not know the gunman’s name or whereabouts or have a motive for the killing. But they have made some progress in their investigation into Wednesday's killing of the leader of the largest U.S. health insurer, including that the gunman likely left New York City on a bus soon after fleeing the scene. The also found that the gunman left something behind: a backpack that was discovered in Central Park. Police are working with the FBI, which on Friday night announced a $50,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction.

    College Football Playoff's first 12-team bracket is set with Oregon No. 1 and SMU in, Alabama outChandigarh MC providing govt vehicles to ineligible officials: AuditLOS ANGELES (AP) — LeBron James has been ruled out of the Los Angeles Lakers' game at Minnesota on Friday night due to soreness in his left foot. James will miss his second straight game when the Lakers return from a four-day break to face the Timberwolves, the Lakers announced Thursday. The top scorer in NBA history was away from the team this week with an excused absence attributed to “personal reasons,” coach JJ Redick said Wednesday. It's unclear whether James will even make the quick round trip to Minnesota before the Lakers' next game at home against Memphis on Sunday. James missed his first game of his record-tying 22nd NBA season when the Lakers beat Portland at home last Sunday. That absence also was attributed to his foot injury. James is averaging 23.0 points, 9.1 assists and 8.0 rebounds for the Lakers (13-11), who have lost seven of 10 after a 10-4 start. The Lakers upgraded starter Austin Reaves to questionable for the game at Minnesota after he missed LA's previous five games with a pelvic bruise. Anthony Davis is listed as probable with left plantar fasciitis. AP NBA:

    Giants release quarterback Daniel Jones just days after benching him EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) — The Daniel Jones era in New York is over. The Giants quarterback was granted his release by the team just days after the franchise said it was benching him in favor of third-stringer Tommy DeVito. New York president John Mara said Jones approached the team about releasing him and the club obliged. Mara added he was “disappointed” at the quick dissolution of a once-promising relationship between Jones and the team. Giants coach Brian Daboll benched Jones in favor of DeVito following a loss to the Panthers in Germany that dropped New York's record to 2-8. Conor McGregor must pay $250K to woman who says he raped her, civil jury rules LONDON (AP) — A civil jury in Ireland has awarded more than $250,000 to a woman who says she was raped by mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor in a Dublin hotel penthouse after a night of heavy partying. The jury on Friday awarded Nikita Hand in her lawsuit that claimed McGregor “brutally raped and battered” her in 2018. The lawsuit says the assault left her heavily bruised and suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. McGregor testified that he never forced her to do anything and that Hand fabricated her allegations after the two had consensual sex. McGregor says he will appeal the verdict. Week 16 game between Denver Broncos and Los Angeles Chargers flexed to Thursday night spot The Los Angeles Chargers have played their way into another prime time appearance. Justin Herbert and company have had their Dec. 22 game against the Denver Broncos flexed to Thursday night, Dec. 19. Friday’s announcement makes this the first time a game has been flexed to the Thursday night spot. The league amended its policy last season where Thursday night games in Weeks 13 through 17 could be flexed with at least 28 days notice prior to the game. The matchup of AFC West division rivals bumps the game between the Cleveland Browns and Cincinnati Bengals to Sunday afternoon. NBA memo to players urges increased vigilance regarding home security following break-ins MIAMI (AP) — The NBA is urging its players to take additional precautions to secure their homes following reports of recent high-profile burglaries of dwellings owned by Milwaukee Bucks forward Bobby Portis and Kansas City Chiefs teammates Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce. In a memo sent to team officials, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, the NBA revealed that the FBI has connected some burglaries to “transnational South American Theft Groups” that are “reportedly well-organized, sophisticated rings that incorporate advanced techniques and technologies, including pre-surveillance, drones, and signal jamming devices.” Brock Purdy will miss Sunday's game for the 49ers with a shoulder injury SANTA CLARA, Calif. (AP) — San Francisco 49ers quarterback Brock Purdy will miss Sunday’s game against the Green Bay Packers with a sore throwing shoulder. Purdy injured his right shoulder in last Sunday’s loss to the Seattle Seahawks. Purdy underwent an MRI that showed no structural damage but the shoulder didn’t improve during the week and Purdy was ruled out for the game. Coach Kyle Shanahan said star defensive end Nick Bosa also will miss the game with injuries to his left hip and oblique. Left tackle Trent Williams is questionable with an ankle injury and will be a game-time decision. Red Bull brings wrong rear wing to Las Vegas in mistake that could stall Verstappen's title chances LAS VEGAS (AP) — Max Verstappen is suddenly in jeopardy of being denied a fourth consecutive Formula 1 title Saturday night. Red Bull apparently brought the wrong rear wing to Las Vegas and GPS data showed its two cars to be significantly slower on the straights than both McLaren and Mercedes, which led both practice sessions. Red Bull says it doesn’t have a replacement rear wing in Las Vegas to fix the issue and little chance of getting two flown in from England ahead of the race. Lawyer says ex-Temple basketball standout Hysier Miller met with NCAA for hours amid gambling probe PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A lawyer for former Temple basketball standout Hysier Miller says the 22-year-old sat for a long interview with the NCAA amid an investigation into unusual gambling activity. But neither the lawyer nor federal law enforcement officials on Friday would confirm reports that a federal probe is now under way. Lawyer Jason Bologna says Miller cooperated because he hopes to play again. Miller was released last month after transferring to Virginia Tech. Temple President John Fry says the Philadelphia school has not been asked for any information from federal law enforcement officials. Caitlin Clark to join Cincinnati bid for 16th National Women's Soccer League team WNBA star Caitlin Clark has joined Cincinnati’s bid for an expansion National Women’s Soccer League team. Major League Soccer franchise FC Cincinnati is heading the group vying to bring a women’s pro team to the city. The club issued a statement confirming Clark had joined the bid group. NWSL Commissioner Jessica Berman has said the league plans to announce the league’s 16th team by the end of the year. The league's 15th team will begin play in 2026 in Boston. Alyssa Nakken, first full-time female coach in MLB history, leaving Giants to join Guardians CLEVELAND (AP) — Alyssa Nakken, the first woman to coach in an MLB game, is leaving the San Francisco Giants to join the Cleveland Guardians. Nakken made history in 2022 when she took over as first-base coach following an ejection. A former college softball star at Sacramento State, Nakken joined the Giants in 2014 and was promoted to a spot on manager Gabe Kapler’s staff in 2020, becoming the majors’ first full-time female coach. Nakken has been hired as an assistant director within player development for the Guardians, who won the AL Central last season under first-year manager Stephen Vogt. Nakken, 34, will work with former Giants coaches Craig Albernaz and Kai Correa. Aaron Judge won't be bothered if Juan Soto gets bigger contract from Yankees than his $360M deal NEW YORK (AP) — Aaron Judge won’t be bothered if Juan Soto gets a bigger deal from the New York Yankees than the captain’s $360 million, nine-year contract. Speaking a day after he was a unanimous winner of his second MVP, Judge says “It ain’t my money” and adds "that’s never been something on my mind about who gets paid the most.” Judge led the major leagues with 58 homers, 144 RBIs and 133 walks while hitting .322. Soto batted .288 with 41 homers, 109 RBIs and 129 walks in his first season with the Yankees, then became a free agent at age 26.NEW YORK, Dec. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WHY: New York, N.Y., December 8, 2024. Rosen Law Firm, a global investor rights law firm, reminds purchasers of ordinary shares of ASML Holding N.V. (NASDAQ: ASML) between January 24, 2024 and October 15, 2024, both dates inclusive (the “Class Period”), of the important January 13, 2025 lead plaintiff deadline. SO WHAT: If you purchased ASML ordinary shares during the Class Period you may be entitled to compensation without payment of any out of pocket fees or costs through a contingency fee arrangement. WHAT TO DO NEXT: To join the ASML class action, go to or call Phillip Kim, Esq. at 866-767-3653 or email for more information. A class action lawsuit has already been filed. If you wish to serve as lead plaintiff, you must move the Court no later than January 13, 2025. A lead plaintiff is a representative party acting on behalf of other class members in directing the litigation. WHY ROSEN LAW: We encourage investors to select qualified counsel with a track record of success in leadership roles. Often, firms issuing notices do not have comparable experience, resources, or any meaningful peer recognition. Many of these firms do not actually litigate securities class actions, but are merely middlemen that refer clients or partner with law firms that actually litigate cases. Be wise in selecting counsel. The Rosen Law Firm represents investors throughout the globe, concentrating its practice in securities class actions and shareholder derivative litigation. Rosen Law Firm achieved the largest ever securities class action settlement against a Chinese Company at the time. Rosen Law Firm was Ranked No. 1 by ISS Securities Class Action Services for number of securities class action settlements in 2017. The firm has been ranked in the top 4 each year since 2013 and has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for investors. In 2019 alone the firm secured over $438 million for investors. In 2020, founding partner Laurence Rosen was named by law360 as a Titan of Plaintiffs’ Bar. Many of the firm’s attorneys have been recognized by Lawdragon and Super Lawyers. DETAILS OF THE CASE: According to the lawsuit, during the Class Period, defendants made false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) the issuers being faced by suppliers, like ASML, in the semiconductor industry were much more severe than defendants had indicated to investors; (2) the pace of recovery of sales in the semiconductor industry was much slower than defendants had publicly acknowledged; (3) defendants had created the false impression that they possessed reliable information pertaining to customer demand and anticipated growth, while also downplaying risk from macroeconomic and industry fluctuations, as well as stronger regulations restricting the export of semiconductor technology, including the products that ASML sells; and (4) as a result, defendants’ statements about ASML’s business, operations, and prospects lacked a reasonable basis. When the true details entered the market, the lawsuit claims that investors suffered damages. To join the ASML class action, go to or call Phillip Kim, Esq. toll-free at 866-767-3653 or email for information on the class action. No Class Has Been Certified. Until a class is certified, you are not represented by counsel unless you retain one. You may select counsel of your choice. You may also remain an absent class member and do nothing at this point. An investor’s ability to share in any potential future recovery is not dependent upon serving as lead plaintiff. Follow us for updates on LinkedIn: , on Twitter: or on Facebook: . Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. ------------------------------- Contact Information: Laurence Rosen, Esq. Phillip Kim, Esq. The Rosen Law Firm, P.A. 275 Madison Avenue, 40th Floor New York, NY 10016 Tel: (212) 686-1060 Toll Free: (866) 767-3653 Fax: (212) 202-3827

    Utah Hockey Club walks to arena after bus gets stuck in Toronto traffic


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nuebe gaming online login Rohit Sharma's struggles with the bat continued in the ongoing Border-Gavaskar Trophy, as the Indian captain failed to make an impact in the fourth Test at Melbourne. After a brief stint in the middle order during the second and third Tests, he moved back to his customary opening position but was dismissed cheaply for 3 and 9 in the two innings. With just 31 runs from five innings on this tour, Rohit's average stands at a dismal 6.20, the lowest for any visiting captain in a Test series in Australia. Currently, Rohit holds the unenviable record for the worst batting average for a visiting captain, surpassing the previous low of West Indies' Courtney Walsh (7.75). Despite missing the first Test due to paternity leave, Rohit returned to captaincy for the second Test at Adelaide, which India lost by 10 wickets. He had batted at No. 6 in the third Test but opted to open in Melbourne, where his bat failed again. In the battle of captains, Australia skipper Pat Cummins established his dominance over his counterpart Rohit Sharma on the final day of the fourth Test of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy in Melbourne. Rohit came out to open alongside young Yashasvi Jaiswal to make a case for India to chase down a herculean 340-run total set by the hosts. Instead of going berserk in front of MCG stands filled with hopeful Indian fans, the opening duo decided to deal with caution and negate the threat of the new red ball. Rohit looked comfortable till the drinks break, and even after the resumption of the game, he grew more in confidence. After facing 39 deliveries and understanding the nature of the surface, Rohit felt it was time to take a chance against Cummins. The Indian skipper tried to flick Captain Fantastic but gave away a leading edge in the process to Mitchell Marsh, stationed at gully. The Indian skipper had to return to the dressing room with 9(40). This was the sixth instance of Rohit losing his wicket to Cummins in Test cricket, the most a captain has been dismissed by an opposition captain in the format. Former England captain Ted Dexter lost his wicket to former Australia captain Richie Benaud five times. Former India skipper Sunil Gavaskar is tied for the feat after losing his wicket five times to former Pakistan captain Imran Khan. After Rohit's dismissal, everything fell apart for the Indian team. KL Rahul joined the Indian skipper in the same over for a five-ball duck. Virat Kohli lost his discipline and got lured into playing a drive by left-armer Mitchell Starc on the final ball before lunch. Jaiswal and Rishabh Pant offered stability and assurance by leading the charge against the Australian bowling attack. Boundaries became more frequent, with Australian bowlers feeling tiredness creep up to them with each passing over. (With inputs from Agencies)Digital Learning Key To Shaping Niger Delta Future, Says Ogbuku

    FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — Trenton McLaughlin scored 23 points as Northern Arizona beat South Dakota 95-82 on Saturday. McLaughlin shot 6 of 14 from the field, including 2 for 7 from 3-point range, and went 9 for 12 from the line for the Lumberjacks (7-3). Jayden Jackson scored 20 points while going 6 of 9 and 7 of 9 from the free-throw line and added seven assists. Monty Bowser had 14 points and shot 6 for 7, including 2 for 3 from beyond the arc. Isaac Bruns led the way for the Coyotes (7-4) with 22 points and seven rebounds. Chase Forte added 15 points, five assists and four steals for South Dakota. Paul Bruns also had nine points. ___ The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by and data from . The Associated Press

    Marian Rivera, Dingdong Dantes renew vows on 10th wedding anniversary*Asserts an elder statesman shouldn’t always be a trader, sycophant *Says he didn’t invite Obasanjo to commission projects in Rivers in order not to embarrass Odili Olawale Ajimotokan in Abuja Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Nyesom Wike, yesterday, went head-to-head with a former governor of Rivers State, and his estranged benefactor, Dr. Peter Odili, saying he brought Odili back to life, after his retirement into oblivion. Wike, the immediate past governor of the state, warned that as an elder statesman, Odili should not be a trader and sycophant all the time. He said he had shown immense respect to Odili all along, including refusing to invite former President Olusegun Obasanjo to commission projects in the state when he was governor, just to avoid embarrassing Odili. A statement by his Senior Special Assistant on Public Communications and New Media, Lere Olayinka, said Wike dropped the firestorm yesterday at a Special Thanksgiving Service organised by Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly, Hon. Martin Amaewhule, at the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion), Oro-Igwe/Eliogbolo Archdeaconry Church of the Holy Spirit, Eliozu Parish, Port Harcourt. The no-holds-barred riposte on Odili was in response to the latter’s praises for Governor Siminalayi Fubara for stopping Wike from converting Rivers State to his private fiefdom. The FCT minister said it was unfortunate for Odili, who was supposed to be seen as an elder statesman and called a father, to reduce himself to a sycophant and trader. He stated, “Must you be a trader all the time? As governor for eight years, what else are you looking for? You know, I didn’t want to say anything. But somebody called me last night, and told me what someone said in the social media. “I said until I read it myself. This morning, I read in the newspapers what our former governor, Sir Dr Peter Odili, said. What did he say? He said the present governor has been able to stop one man who wanted to convert Rivers State to his personal estate. “Between him and myself, who has turned Rivers State to his personal estate? His wife is a Chairman of Governing Council, his daughter is a commissioner, his other daughter is a judge and he is the general overseer. “Who has now turned Rivers State to his private estate? I am sure if care is not taken, if there is a chance, he can even arrange a marriage for the governor. “It was his nephew, his late senior brother’s son, that was recommended for commissioner. He took the slot and gave it to his own daughter. Someone who didn’t remember to stand for the son of his late elder brother, is that an elder statesman?” The FCT minister said it was painful that Odili, out of political sycophancy, forgot all that he had said in the past. He stated that when he was governor, the same Odili had praised him to high heaven, and said all past governors in Rivers State combined did not do better than him (Wike). According to Wike, “In 2007 after he left office, he couldn’t come near power in the state because Amaechi was the governor then. He was gone! “Like somebody said that God will use someone to lift up someone. When I came in as governor in 2015, I won’t use the word resurrected, but I brought him back to life. “All of us know about PAMO University. But for us, there wouldn’t have been anything called PAMO University. Rivers State was sponsoring 100 students per session and for every semester, each of the students was paying nothing less than N5 million. Then, Rivers people were attacking me up and down. “I personally called Julius Berger to build a mansion for him to live. He was calling everyone to the house then, telling them, ‘come and see what Wike has done for me. Wike has shown me love.’ He was taking them round the house. “Now, because you have organised a Christmas Carol for the governor, I didn’t say you should not do your Christmas Carol. But why reduce yourself to such a laughing stock? People will still see it on television how he was telling the whole world then how God used me to bring him back to life politically. “Why not do your Christmas Carol, collect what you can collect and leave me alone? The governor that all of us made has not spent one year in office and the same Odili was already saying that the governor has beaten the records of all the past governors of Rivers State. “When I was there, he said I had surpassed the records of all the past governors, including himself. What can he even show that he did in his eight years as governor? But a governor has not spent one year, you are saying he has done more than all the past governors. “You spent eight years as governor and someone who hasn’t spent one year has surpassed your records, what manner of elder talks like that? Is that what an elder statesman should be known for? “When I was governor, my pictures were everywhere in his house. Sitting room, bedroom, kitchen, even in the toilet, my picture was everywhere. But today, all the pictures have been removed.” Wike asked what could be learned from such a sycophantic elder statesman. “What can I learn from this kind of elder? What kind of advice can one get from him? This moment you are saying something; the next moment you are saying something else,” he stated. “You see, if your children begin to ask you, is this not the same man you were praising before? What would you tell them?” The minister also weighed in on the River State governorship issue, saying, “When I was plotting who will be governor after me, was he (Odili) there? “Then, he was complaining about this governor, saying that he couldn’t stand before the public to talk. But today, he is organising Christmas Carol for the same governor he was against then. “He has forgotten all that he said in the past. I named this after you, I named that after your wife. What have I not done? You said we should not be part of the government, we have left. “We are managing, you have taken assembly money, they are not dying of hunger and they will not die of hunger. We are okay. I’m focusing on my job in Abuja and all these sycophancy won’t take him to the level I have attained. “This is a man who wanted to run for president then, he didn’t have the balls, he chickened out. Simply because Obasanjo said no, he will not contest, he ran away. Because of him, I never invited Obasanjo to Rivers State to commission projects. I felt it will humiliate him.”

    NoneThe Timberwolves have managed to tame a difficult portion of the schedule with three straight victories that have come in varying forms. But one thing has been consistent throughout: Drama. Minnesota rallied in the fourth, then held on for dear life in the closing seconds of Sunday’s 112-110 victory over the San Antonio Spurs at Target Center. ADVERTISEMENT The Wolves’ last three wins have come by a combined nine points. San Antonio had the ball, down two with 13 seconds to play, but Jeremy Sochan’s 3-point attempt at the horn fell woefully short. After another stiflingly slow start — the Wolves trailed 21-10 at one point in the opening frame — the bench unit again breathed life into the operation with pace and intensity. Minnesota blitzed the Spurs 32-12 in the second quarter to take a 12-point advantage into halftime. San Antonio responded, though, taking an eight-point advantage early in the fourth quarter. But, for the third straight game, Minnesota was able to generate decent offense down the stretch to close a game out. It was largely done with defense down the stretch Sunday, as Minnesota induced a number of 3-point misses from Victor Wembanyama down the stretch. Wembanyama finished with 34 points and eight rebounds but also missed a critical free throw that would’ve tied the game with 18 seconds to play. Donte DiVincenzo continued his recent stretch of success. He followed up Friday’s 22-point showing in Houston by scoring 25 points Sunday. As he stood on the floor for a postgame, television interview, Target Center erupted into a “Donte!” chat. He smiled. A rough start now seems to be firmly played in his rearview mirror. ADVERTISEMENT “It’s special,” the wing noted. ______________________________________________________ This story was written by one of our partner news agencies. Forum Communications Company uses content from agencies such as Reuters, Kaiser Health News, Tribune News Service and others to provide a wider range of news to our readers. Learn more about the news services FCC uses here .Share this Story : Mr. Big Shot: Carson Rehkopf cracks Canada lineup a decade after busting a family appliance Copy Link Email X Reddit Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Breadcrumb Trail Links Sports Hockey Junior Hockey World Juniors Mr. Big Shot: Carson Rehkopf cracks Canada lineup a decade after busting a family appliance Author of the article: Don Brennan Published Dec 29, 2024 • Last updated 7 minutes ago • 4 minute read Join the conversation You can save this article by registering for free here . Or sign-in if you have an account. Canada's Carson Rehkopf (16) fights Czechia's Tomas Galvas (23) for the puck during second period 2025 IIHF World Junior Championship pre-tournament hockey action in Ottawa on Monday, Dec. 23, 2024. Photo by Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS Article content Sidney Crosby famously covered his mom’s clothes dryer with hundreds of puck marks. Carson Rehkopf destroyed his family’s washing machine. Article content We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, or tap here to see other videos from our team . Mr. Big Shot: Carson Rehkopf cracks Canada lineup a decade after busting a family appliance Back to video Article content Funny the things kids will do to develop their shots. Unless you’re Mrs. Crosby and Mrs. Rehkopf, of course. “Mom kind of kicked me out of the basement when I was maybe eight or nine ... I broke her washing machine,” Rehkopf, a Team Canada forward from Barrie, Ont. recalled after the morning skate leading into Sunday’s 3-0 victory over Germany and another Carter George shutout. “(Shooting) is always something I loved to do. I was lucky enough to kind of grow up with outdoor rings, so I spent a lot of time on them as well.” Advertisement 2 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. THIS CONTENT IS RESERVED FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY Subscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada. Exclusive articles from Elizabeth Payne, David Pugliese, Andrew Duffy, Bruce Deachman and others. Plus, food reviews and event listings in the weekly newsletter, Ottawa, Out of Office. Unlimited online access to Ottawa Citizen and 15 news sites with one account. Ottawa Citizen ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on. Daily puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword. Support local journalism. SUBSCRIBE TO UNLOCK MORE ARTICLES Subscribe now to read the latest news in your city and across Canada. Exclusive articles from Elizabeth Payne, David Pugliese, Andrew Duffy, Bruce Deachman and others. Plus, food reviews and event listings in the weekly newsletter, Ottawa, Out of Office. Unlimited online access to Ottawa Citizen and 15 news sites with one account. Ottawa Citizen ePaper, an electronic replica of the print edition to view on any device, share and comment on. Daily puzzles, including the New York Times Crossword. Support local journalism. REGISTER / SIGN IN TO UNLOCK MORE ARTICLES Create an account or sign in to continue with your reading experience. Access articles from across Canada with one account. Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments. Enjoy additional articles per month. Get email updates from your favourite authors. THIS ARTICLE IS FREE TO READ REGISTER TO UNLOCK. Create an account or sign in to continue with your reading experience. Access articles from across Canada with one account Share your thoughts and join the conversation in the comments Enjoy additional articles per month Get email updates from your favourite authors Sign In or Create an Account Email Address Continue or View more offers If you are a Home delivery print subscriber, online access is included in your subscription. Activate your Online Access Now Article content Rehkopf clarified he wasn’t intentionally firing at the washing machine. “It was just behind my net,” he said. “I broke the glass once or twice, and she was not too happy.” All the practice has paid off though. Rehkopf has scored 72 goals in 87 games over the last season and a half, playing with the OHL’s Kitchener Rangers and Brampton Steelheads. He was selected in the second round, 50th overall by the Seattle Kraken in the 2023 NHL entry draft, and likely has a promising career ahead of him. Marksmen like Rehkopf are hard to find. “He’s probably got the best shot in the OHL,” said Canada defenceman Sam Dickinson, a London Knights blue liner in his full-time gig. “He’s one of the best just pure goal scorers I’ve ever seen.” And yet it wasn’t until Canada fell to Latvia on Friday, after scoring just twice on 57 shots, that Rehkopf moved from the pressbox to the lineup. Asked why he was a healthy scratch for the first two games, coach Dave Cameron said the feeling was other combinations gave the team its best chance to win. Rehkopf, who had four points in five games for Canada at last year’s WJC and scored a hattrick in an exhibition against the U Sports all-stars during selection camp last week, didn’t take the snub personally. Sports Get the latest sport headlines and breaking news. There was an error, please provide a valid email address. Sign Up By signing up you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc. Thanks for signing up! A welcome email is on its way. If you don't see it, please check your junk folder. The next issue of Sports will soon be in your inbox. We encountered an issue signing you up. Please try again Article content Advertisement 3 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Article content “You respect their decision,” said the 6-foot-2, 200-pounder. “It’s a very good tournament. The best players in Canada. So you just try to stay humble and wait for an opportunity.” And he didn’t let it damage the confidence that has helped make him a sniper. “I think it can, but I try not to let it,” said Rehkopf. “I kind of focus on myself. I know what I can do. I know I can help the team win. So I’ll just try to show that when I get the chance.” Dickinson said “a hard play style” comes in the package that is Rehkopf. “I think you saw it in the first couple of pre-tournament games,” said Dickinson. “He’s been hard on the forecheck and was a hard guy to play against. I think that’s a big thing he’ll bring for us tonight.” Rehkopf’s obvious impact wasn’t immediate – until he crushed German captain Edwin Tropmann into the offensive end boards late in the second period. It was a hit heard loud and clear way up in the press box. At that point, Canada had the game’s lone goal on a blast from Oliver Bonk set up by London Knights teammate Easton Cowan and Berkly Catton that temporarily took scrutiny off the team’s struggling power play. Advertisement 4 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Article content Another defenceman, Caden Price, helped the capacity crowd of 18,526 breathe easier with an unassisted effort that saw the puck just trickle over the line with 4:58 left in the third. Mathieu Cataford cemented the victory with an empty net goal 2.4 seconds from the final buzzer that was assisted by George, who made 25 saves for the shutout. Winning the game in regulation time was important as the three points back in a Group A first-place tie with the U.S and perfectly set the stage for a New Year’s Eve showdown with the Americans. If that one comes down to special teams play, the Bonk blast did served as a response to Cameron’s directive his players shoot more with a man-advantage. “Sometimes we overpass and we’re looking for something better,” Cameron said before the game. “You’re not going to break PK until you shoot the puck. It’s off shots and rebounds that stuff happens, and so you have to stay with the shot. That’s first and foremost.” Around the same time, Cameron also raved about Rehkopf’s shot. “And he’s not scared to shoot,” said Cameron, who hates nothing more than cutting a player or scratching him from the lineup. “He doesn’t need many chances to score. He’s a primary shooter, that’s the first trait of a good goal scorer.” Advertisement 5 Story continues below This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Article content Don’t be surprised if he gets a big one before this tournament is done. Cowan says Rehkopf “finds a way to score almost every game he plays.” Maybe it will come on against the team Toronto Maple Leafs captain Auston Matthews — a guy with a shot Rehkopf has studied and tried to copy – was the co-leader of in scoring with Matthew Tkachuk by racking up 11 points when the U.S. won bronze at the 2016 world juniors. “I’ve been watching Matthews shoot since he came into (the NHL),” said Rehkopf. “Obviously you try to mess around, do stuff yourself, and kind of figure out different ways to shoot and whatnot, (but) “(Matthews’) pull and drag is something and I’ve really taken to ... it’s something that he brought in the league and scores a lot with a lot. I think it just messes with the goalie, so it’s something I’ve worked on a lot.” His days of firing pucks in his mother’s basement are over, however. “I’m not allowed to shoot at my house anymore,” said Rehkopf. “I’ve gotta go to the shop, so she has kind of kicked me out of that area of the house.” Article content Share this article in your social network Share this Story : Mr. Big Shot: Carson Rehkopf cracks Canada lineup a decade after busting a family appliance Copy Link Email X Reddit Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Comments You must be logged in to join the discussion or read more comments. Create an Account Sign in Join the Conversation Postmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion. Please keep comments relevant and respectful. Comments may take up to an hour to appear on the site. You will receive an email if there is a reply to your comment, an update to a thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information. Trending World juniors: Reinforcements on way as Canada moves forward from devastating loss to Latvia World Juniors 4.1 magnitude earthquake in northwest Quebec felt in Ottawa News Confederation Line service resumes after broken pipe halted trains Local News OPP stop on Hwy 417 yields $28,000 in cash and suspected drugs Local News Canadian military fears maintenance issues will plague equipment sent to Latvia Defence Watch Read Next Latest National Stories Featured Local Savings

    Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc ( NASDAQ:AY – Get Free Report ) has received an average rating of “Hold” from the seven ratings firms that are presently covering the company, MarketBeat reports. Five investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold recommendation and two have assigned a buy recommendation to the company. The average 1-year price target among brokerages that have covered the stock in the last year is $22.20. Separately, assumed coverage on shares of Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure in a research report on Tuesday, December 24th. They set a “sell” rating for the company. View Our Latest Analysis on Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure Stock Performance Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure Cuts Dividend The firm also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which was paid on Thursday, December 12th. Shareholders of record on Friday, November 29th were given a $0.2225 dividend. The ex-dividend date was Friday, November 29th. This represents a $0.89 annualized dividend and a yield of 4.05%. Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure’s dividend payout ratio is presently 306.91%. Institutional Inflows and Outflows Several institutional investors and hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of AY. Point72 Asia Singapore Pte. Ltd. acquired a new position in shares of Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure during the second quarter worth about $30,000. Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio acquired a new position in Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure during the 3rd quarter worth approximately $44,000. Private Trust Co. NA increased its position in shares of Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure by 362.1% in the 3rd quarter. Private Trust Co. NA now owns 2,546 shares of the utilities provider’s stock valued at $56,000 after purchasing an additional 1,995 shares during the last quarter. Headlands Technologies LLC raised its holdings in shares of Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure by 499.4% in the 2nd quarter. Headlands Technologies LLC now owns 4,094 shares of the utilities provider’s stock valued at $90,000 after purchasing an additional 3,411 shares in the last quarter. Finally, BNP Paribas Financial Markets lifted its position in shares of Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure by 433.5% during the 3rd quarter. BNP Paribas Financial Markets now owns 7,463 shares of the utilities provider’s stock worth $164,000 after purchasing an additional 6,064 shares during the last quarter. 40.53% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds. Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure Company Profile ( Get Free Report Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc owns, manages, and invests in renewable energy, storage, natural gas and heat, electric transmission lines, and water assets in North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The company was formerly known as Atlantica Yield plc and changed its name to Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc in May 2020. Further Reading Receive News & Ratings for Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure Daily - Enter your email address below to receive a concise daily summary of the latest news and analysts' ratings for Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure and related companies with's FREE daily email newsletter .Caitlin Whyte netted 14 points with six rebounds,four assists and three steals to lead Middletown South to a 51-34 win over rival Middletown North during the WOBM Classic at RWJ Barnabas Arena in Toms River. The Eagles (5-2) jumped out to a quick 19-6 lead. 12/29 - 2:00 PM Girls Basketball Final Middletown North 34 Middletown South 51 Amanda MacGregor added 11 points, four assists and three steals to the win. Ava Loucopoulos chipped in with eight points, five of which came during Midd. South’s first-quarter run. Kaelyn Gibson scored a game-high 22 points for Midd North (2-5). Gibson scored 12 of her points in the fourth. The N.J. High School Sports newsletter is now appearing in mailboxes 5 days a week. Sign up now! Follow us on social: Facebook | Instagram | X (formerly Twitter)

    Jimmy Carter Dies: Longest-Living U.S. President Was 100FARGO, N.D. (AP) — Cam Miller threw three touchdown passes, ran for another and second-seeded North Dakota State blew past a 14-point deficit to beat 15th-seeded Abilene Christian 51-31 on Saturday in the second round of the FCS playoffs. The Bison (11-2), in the FCS playoffs for a 15th straight season and winner of nine FCS titles, will host seventh-seeded Mercer in the quarterfinals. Abilene Christian (9-5) took a 17-3 lead on a 13-yard TD pass from Maverick McIvor to J.J. Henry, a 90-yard run by Sam Hicks and a Ritse Vaes 29-yard field goal early in the second quarter. The Bison then took over, starting with Jackson Williams' 100-yard kickoff return to start a run of 31 consecutive points, 17 coming in the second quarter for a 20-17 halftime lead. The scoring streak ended when Nehemiah Martinez’s 53-yard return helped set up Hicks’ 3-yard score to get the Wildcats within 34-24. But the Bison matched that TD on their ensuing drive on Miller’s 36-yard connection with Bryce Lance to cap their 21-point third quarter. Again, the Wildcats got within 10 early in the fourth quarter on Rovaughn Banks Jr.’s 2-yard TD run. But NDSU’s Marcus Gulley returned an interception 37 yards to the ACU 9 and the Crosa kicked a field goal and Logan Kopp followed with a 31-yard pick-6. Miller was 20 of 29 for 274 yards passing. McIvor threw for 153 yards, a touchdown and two interceptions. Hicks ran for 153 yards on 16 carries. ACU, champion of the United Athletic Conference, was in its first FCS playoffs since joining the classification in 2013, and beat Northern Arizona in its first-round game. Crosa has made his 262nd career PAT to pass NDSU's Cam Pederson (2015-18) and set an FCS record. AP college football: and . Sign up for the AP’s college football newsletter:

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    BOISE, Idaho (AP) — LeJuan Watts had 20 points in Washington State's 74-69 victory against Boise State on Saturday night. Watts had 11 rebounds and six assists for the Cougars (8-2). Dane Erikstrup scored 14 points while shooting 6 for 10 (2 for 5 from 3-point range) and 0 of 3 from the free-throw line. Isaiah Watts had 12 points and shot 5 for 9, including 2 for 5 from beyond the arc. Andrew Meadow led the Broncos (6-3) in scoring, finishing with 21 points and seven rebounds. Tyson Degenhart added 18 points for Boise State. Alvaro Cardenas Torre also had 10 points, six rebounds, five assists and two steals. Isaiah Watts scored nine points in the first half for Washington State, who led 44-24 at the break. LeJuan Watts led Washington State with 12 points in the second half as their team was outscored by 15 points over the final half but hung on for the victory. The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive and data from Sportradar .

    Sanctuary Advisors LLC Has $267,000 Stake in Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (NYSE:WH)TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — An Israeli hospital says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has undergone successful prostate surgery. Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center said his prostate was removed late Sunday. Netanyahu was placed under full anesthesia for the procedure. Doctors said he was awake and recovering Sunday night. Netanyahu’s office had said Justice Minister Yariv Levin, a close ally, would serve as acting prime minister during the procedure. Doctors ordered the operation after detecting an infection last week. Netanyahu is expected to remain hospitalized for several days. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is having his prostate removed on Sunday, his office said, a procedure that comes as he manages multiple crises including the war in Gaza and his trial for alleged corruption . Netanyahu, who has had a series of health issues in recent years, has gone to great lengths to bolster a public image of himself as a healthy, energetic leader. During his trial this month, he boasted about working 18-hour days, accompanied by a cigar. But as Israel's longest-serving leader, such a grueling workload over a total of 17 years in power could take a toll on his well-being. Netanyahu, 75, is among older world leaders including U.S. President Joe Biden, 82 , President-elect Donald Trump, 78 , Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva , 79, and Pope Francis , 88, who have come under scrutiny for their age and health issues. Netanyahu's latest condition is common in older men, but the procedure has had some fallout. The judges overseeing his trial accepted a request from his lawyer on Sunday to call off three days of testimony scheduled this week. The lawyer, Amit Hadad, had argued that Netanyahu would be fully sedated for the procedure and hospitalized for “a number of days.” Netanyahu's office said Justice Minister Yariv Levin, a close ally, would serve as acting prime minister during the procedure. With so much at stake, Netanyahu’s health in wartime is a concern for both Israelis and the wider world. A turbulent time in the region As Israel’s leader, Netanyahu is at the center of major global events that are shifting the Middle East . With the dizzying pace of the past 14 months, being incapacitated for even a few hours can be risky. Netanyahu will be in the hospital at a time when international mediators are pushing Israel and Hamas to reach a ceasefire in Gaza and as fighting between Israel and Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels intensifies . Prostate issues are common and in many cases easily treatable. Still, the procedure puts a dent in Netanyahu’s image of vigor at a time when he would want to project strength more than ever, both to an Israeli audience navigating constant threats as well as to Israel’s enemies looking to expose its weaknesses. Previous health issues, including a heart condition Netanyahu insists he is in excellent health. His office releases footage of him touring war zones in full protective gear flanked by military officers, or meeting with defense officials on windswept hilltops in youthful dark shades and puffer jackets. But that image was shattered last year when Netanyahu’s doctors revealed that he had a heart condition , a problem that he had apparently long known about but concealed from the public. A week after a fainting spell, Netanyahu was fitted with a pacemaker to control his heartbeat. Only then did staff at the Sheba Medical Center reveal that Netanyahu has for years experienced a condition that can cause irregular heartbeats. The revelation came as Netanyahu was dealing with massive anti-government protests. The news about a chronic heart problem stoked further anger and distrust during extreme political polarization in Israel. Last year, Netanyahu was rushed to the hospital for what doctors said likely was dehydration . He stayed overnight, prompting his weekly Cabinet meeting to be delayed. Earlier this year, Netanyahu underwent hernia surgery , during which he was under full anesthesia and unconscious. Levin served as acting prime minister during the operation. Recovery can be quick According to Netanyahu’s office, the Israeli leader was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection on Wednesday stemming from a benign enlargement of his prostate. The infection was treated successfully with antibiotics, but Sunday's procedure will remove his prostate. Complications from prostate enlargement are common in men in their 70s and 80s, Dr. Shay Golan, head of the oncology urology service at Israel’s Rabin Medical Center, told Israeli Army Radio. Golan spoke in general terms and was not involved in Netanyahu’s care or treatment. He said an enlarged prostate can block proper emptying of the bladder, leading to a build-up of urine that can lead to an infection or other complications. After medicinal treatment, doctors can recommend a procedure to remove the prostate to prevent future blockages, Golan said. In Netanyahu’s case, because the prostate is not cancerous, Golan said doctors will likely perform an endoscopic surgery, carried out by inserting small instruments into a body cavity, rather than making surgical cuts in the abdomen to reach the prostate. The procedure lasts about an hour, Golan said, and recovery is quick. He said that aside from catheter use for one to three days after the procedure, patients can return to normal activity without significant limitations.

    MGX Deadline: MGX Investors Have Opportunity to Lead Metagenomi, Inc. Securities LawsuitAfrica’s venture capital sector is being urged to shift its focus towards climate-tech startups in a bid to tackle the continent’s growing environmental challenges. Ventures Platform, a prominent early-stage venture capital fund in Africa, has unveiled a landmark white paper calling for increased investment in climate-resilient businesses. Titled “Innovating for a Sustainable Future: Leveraging Venture Capital and Startup Innovation to Combat Climate Change in Africa” , the document argues that venture capital (VC) can play a pivotal role in driving sustainable development and mitigating the effects of climate change on the continent. Launched at the Africa Prosperity Summit in Lagos, the paper underscores the paradox that Africa, despite contributing less than 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions, is disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change. It proposes a new framework for African VCs and startups, urging them to prioritize climate-smart solutions in sectors such as infrastructure, agriculture, and renewable energy. This strategy, according to the white paper, could help mitigate climate risks while creating business opportunities across the continent. Dotun Olowoporoku, Managing Partner at Ventures Platform, stressed the urgency of integrating climate resilience into business models, noting that startups in Africa are well-positioned to provide innovative solutions to local environmental challenges. “While Africa faces immense challenges from climate change, it also presents vast opportunities for startups to innovate and scale solutions,” Olowoporoku said at the paper’s launch. He pointed to companies like MAX, Rana Energy, and ThriveAgric, which have used technology to address environmental issues and enhance climate resilience, showing that tech-driven solutions can play a key role in Africa’s climate response. However, the white paper also points out that many African VCs have yet to prioritize climate tech in their investment portfolios, focusing instead on traditional sectors like fintech, healthtech, and insurtech. Ventures Platform argues that the time has come for venture capital firms to broaden their focus and embrace climate tech as an essential area for investment. This shift, the paper suggests, will not only help build a more sustainable and resilient Africa but will also unlock significant business potential. The document highlights that for startups to secure VC backing, they must demonstrate both the potential for large-scale climate impact and the ability to deliver rapid growth. It also calls for non-climate-focused VCs to recognize the long-term value of supporting climate-smart startups, which can drive both environmental sustainability and economic growth. As Dolapo Morgan, Senior Investment Associate at Ventures Platform, emphasized, the urgency of addressing climate change must be matched by a corresponding shift in the way investors think about the future of Africa’s tech ecosystem. In addition to the calls for increased VC investment in climate tech, the white paper proposes several practical recommendations for fostering growth in the sector. These include establishing a dedicated climate innovation fund to support underrepresented groups in climate entrepreneurship, developing region-specific metrics to assess the success of climate-focused startups, and facilitating cross-border collaborations to enhance the impact of climate tech innovations across the continent. The paper also calls for a sector-wide climate opportunity assessment to identify key areas for investment and innovation, ensuring that resources are directed toward the most promising solutions for Africa’s environmental challenges. Ventures Platform’s white paper is a timely and crucial call to action for African investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers to unite in building a more sustainable future. With Africa at the frontline of the climate crisis, the need for climate-resilient business models has never been greater. By directing funding towards startups that can drive innovation in climate solutions, Africa has the potential to not only mitigate the effects of climate change but also emerge as a global leader in climate technology.

    What Happened To Saucemoto Car Sauce Holder From Shark Tank Season 10?(All times Eastern) Schedule subject to change and/or blackouts Monday, Dec. 30 COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MEN’S) 3 p.m. BTN — W. Michigan at Michigan St. 5 p.m. BTN — Columbia at Rutgers 7 p.m. BTN — New Hampshire at Iowa CBSSN — Cincinnati at Kansas St. SECN — Presbyterian at South Carolina 8 p.m. ESPN2 — Oakland at Arkansas 9 p.m. BTN — Southern U. at Nebraska CBSSN — Iowa St. at Colorado SECN — Bethune-Cookman at Mississippi St. COLLEGE FOOTBALL 2:30 p.m. ESPN — The TransPerfect Music City Bowl: Iowa vs. Missouri, Nashville, Tenn. IIHF HOCKEY (MEN’S) 1 p.m. NHLN — World Junior Championship Group Stage: Slovakia vs. Kazakhstan, Group B, Toronto 2:30 p.m. NHLN — World Junior Championship Group Stage: Germany vs. Latvia, Group A, Ottawa, Ontario NBA BASKETBALL 7 p.m. NBATV — New York at Washington 10 p.m. NBATV — Dallas at Sacramento NFL FOOTBALL 8:15 p.m. ABC — Detroit at San Francisco ESPN — Detroit at San Francisco NHL HOCKEY 7 p.m. NHLN — N.Y. Rangers at Florida SOCCER (MEN’S) 3 p.m. USA — Premier League: Newcastle United at Manchester United TENNIS 6 a.m. TENNIS — United Cup: Group Stage TBD; Brisbane-ATP/WTA, Hong Kong-ATP, Auckland-WTA Early Rounds 6:30 p.m. TENNIS — United Cup: Group Stage TBD; Brisbane-ATP/WTA, Hong Kong-ATP, Auckland-WTA Early Rounds The Associated Press created this story using technology provided by Data Skrive TV listings provided by LiveSportsOnTV .

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